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English-German Dictionary

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spontaneous deaminationspontane Desaminierung {f}
spontaneous decision Spontanentscheidung {f} [spontane Entscheidung]
spontaneous delivery Spontangeburt {f}
spontaneous development freie Entwicklung {f}
spontaneous developmentnatürliche Entwicklung {f}
spontaneous emission spontane Emission {f}
spontaneous emulsificationspontane Emulgierung {f}
spontaneous excretion Spontanausscheidung {f} [z. B. Steine]
spontaneous fermentation Spontangärung {f}
spontaneous fractureSpontanfraktur {f}
spontaneous fracture Spontanbruch {m}
spontaneous generation Spontanzeugung {f}
spontaneous generation [esp. in historical texts]Urzeugung {f}
spontaneous gift unerwartetes Geschenk {n}
spontaneous growthnatürliches Wachstum {n}
spontaneous haemorrhage [Br.] Spontanblutung {f}
spontaneous healing Spontanheilung {f}
spontaneous healing [healing by second intention] sekundäre Wundheilung {f}
spontaneous helpfreiwillige Hilfe {f}
spontaneous hemorrhage [Am.]Spontanblutung {f}
spontaneous ideaspontaner Einfall {m}
spontaneous ignitability Selbstentzündlichkeit {f}
spontaneous ignition Selbstentzündung {f}
spontaneous ignition temperature Selbstentzündungstemperatur {f}
spontaneous labor [Am.]Spontanpartus {m}
spontaneous labour [Br.] Spontanpartus {m}
spontaneous magnetisation [Br.]spontane Magnetisierung {f}
spontaneous magnetization spontane Magnetisierung {f}
spontaneous magnetization Spontanmagnetisierung {f}
spontaneous miscarriageSpontanabort {m}
spontaneous movement ungezwungene Bewegung {f}
spontaneous movement Spontanbewegung {f}
spontaneous mutation Spontanmutation {f}
spontaneous mutation spontane Mutation {f}
spontaneous offerspontanes Angebot {n}
spontaneous osteonecrosis of the knee [Ahlback disease]Morbus Ahlbäck {m}
spontaneous painSpontanschmerz {m}
spontaneous partition Spontanpartus {m}
spontaneous plantwild wachsende Pflanze {f}
spontaneous pneumothorax Spontanpneumothorax {m}
spontaneous protests spontane Proteste {pl}
spontaneous reactioninstinktive Reaktion {f}
spontaneous recovery Spontanheilung {f}
spontaneous recoveryspontane Erholung {f}
spontaneous regression Spontanregression {f}
spontaneous regressionSpontanremission {f}
spontaneous remission Spontanremission {f}
spontaneous replyungezwungene Antwort {f}
spontaneous resolutionSpontanremission {f}
spontaneous respiration Spontanatmung {f}
spontaneous rupture Spontanruptur {f}
spontaneous speech Spontansprache {f}
spontaneous style natürlicher Stil {m}
spontaneous suggestion Eingebung {f}
spontaneous symmetry breaking spontane Symmetriebrechung {f}
spontaneous urineSpontanurin {m}
spontaneous urine sampleSpontanurinprobe {f}
spontaneous uterine activity {sg} Spontanwehen {pl}
spontaneous visit Spontanbesuch {m}
spontaneous writing Spontanschreiben {n}
spontaneously spontan
spontaneously von sich aus
spontaneouslyvon selbst
spontaneously kurzentschlossen [Rsv.]
spontaneously combustibleselbstentzündlich
Spontaneously flammable in air. [risk phrase R17] Selbstentzündlich an der Luft. [Risikosatz R17]
spontaneously ignitableselbstentzündlich
spontaneousness Freiwilligkeit {f}
spontaneousnessSpontaneität {f}
spontaneousness Spontanität {f} [Spontaneität]
Sponti [member of a political activist movement in the 1970s and 80s propagating "being spontaneous"] Sponti {m} [hum.]
Sponti slogans Spontisprüche {pl}
spontoon Sponton {n} {m}
spoof [Br.] [coll.] Veräppelung {f} [ugs.]
spoof [Br.] [coll.]Parodie {f}
spoof [Br.] [coll.] Burleske {f}
spoof [coll.] Schwindel {m}
spoof [coll.] (nett gemeinte) Verarschung {f} [ugs.]
spoofingManipulation {f}
spoofingVerschleierung {f} [fig.]
spoofing [coll.]reinlegend [ugs.]
spooge [vulg.] [semen] Wichse {f} [vulg.] [Sperma]
spook Nachtgestalt {f}
spook [Am.] [hate word] [amerikan. Hasswort für einen dunkelhäutigen Menschen]
spook [Am.] [sl.] [offensive] Neger {m} [hier pej. und rassistisch]
spook [Am.] [sl.] [offensive] Nigger {m} [pej.] [rassistisch]
spook [coll.] Gespenst {n}
spook [coll.] [spectre] Spuk {m} [veraltet] [Spukgestalt]
spook [esp. Am.] [coll.] [spy] Spion {m}
spook [esp. Am.] [sl.] [dated] [a black person] [offensive] [hate word]Schwarzer {m}
spook [female] [esp. Am.] [coll.] Spionin {f}
spook [sl.] Geheimagent {m}
Spook City [The Neverending Story]Spukstadt [Die unendliche Geschichte]
Spook Country [William Gibson]Quellcode
spook trade [esp. Am.]Spionagehandwerk {n}
spooked herumgegeistert
spooked [coll.] kopfscheu [fig.]
spookiness Gespensterhaftigkeit {f}
spooking [coll.] herumgeisternd
« splispoispoksponsponsponSpoosporsporsporspor »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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