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sport suspension Sportfahrwerk {n}
sport talent Sporttalent {n}
sport tilt wheelhöhenverstellbares Sportlenkrad {n}
sport tourismSporttourismus {m}
sport type steering wheel Sportlenkrad {n}
sport ute [Am.] [coll.]geländetaugliche Limousine {f}
sport ute [Am.] [coll.]Sport-Utility-Fahrzeug {n}
sport utility (car) [coll.] Sport-Utility-Fahrzeug {n}
sport utility (car) [coll.] geländetaugliche Limousine {f}
sport utility vehicle <SUV> SUV {n} {m}
sport utility vehicle <SUV> Geländewagen {m}
sport utility vehicle <SUV> Geländelimousine {f}
sport utility vehicle <SUV>Stadtgeländewagen {m} [SUV]
sport with colleagues Kollegensport {m}
(sport) anglerPetrijünger {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Sportangler, Angler aus Leidenschaft]
(sport) hunting Jagdsport {m}
sporter [female]Sportlerin {f}
sporter [rare] [sportsman]Sportler {m}
sportful unterhaltsam
sportiest sportlichste
sportily short hairstyle sportlich kurzer Haarschnitt {m}
sportiness Sportlichkeit {f}
sporting flott
sporting sportbegeistert
sporting unternehmungslustig
sporting [attr.] Sport-
sporting [fair, sportsmanlike]fair
sporting [fair, sportsmanlike] sportlich [fair]
sporting [fair, sportsmanlike] anständig [fair, sportlich]
sporting [sports-related]sportmäßig
sporting [wearing ostentatiously] zur Schau tragend
sporting accident Sportunfall {m}
sporting ace Sportskanone {f} [ugs.]
sporting ace Sportkanone {f} [ugs.]
sporting activities sportliche Aktivitäten {pl}
sporting activitiesSportaktivitäten {pl}
sporting activitysportliche Betätigung {f}
sporting aircraft Sportflugzeug {n}
sporting aircraft Sportmaschine {f} [Flugzeug]
sporting arm Sportwaffe {f}
sporting career Sportlerlaufbahn {f}
sporting chance sportliche Gelegenheit {f}
sporting chance faire Chance {f}
sporting character sportliebender Charakter {m}
sporting director [Br.]Sportdirektor {m}
sporting dog Jagdhund {m}
sporting enjoyment sportliches Vergnügen {n}
sporting eventSportveranstaltung {f}
sporting event Sportereignis {n}
sporting eventSportanlass {m} [schweiz.] [Sportveranstaltung]
sporting event [competition] (sportlicher) Wettkampf {m}
sporting eventsWettkämpfe {pl}
sporting facilitiesSportmöglichkeiten {pl}
sporting field Sportplatz {m}
sporting firearm Sportwaffe {f}
sporting future sportliche Zukunft {f}
sporting gesturesportliche Geste {f}
sporting gods Sportidole {pl}
sporting goodsSportartikel {pl}
sporting goods Sportwaren {pl}
sporting goods {pl} Sportausrüstung {f}
sporting goods department Sportwarenabteilung {f}
sporting goods retailer [business]Sportartikelhändler {m}
sporting goods store Sportwarenladen {m}
sporting goods store [Am.]Sportgeschäft {n}
sporting gun Jagdgewehr {n}
sporting gunSportwaffe {f}
sporting injury Sportverletzung {f}
sporting integritysportliche Integrität {f}
sporting manager sportlicher Leiter {m}
sporting marksmanSportschütze {m}
sporting nationSportnation {f}
sporting news Sportnachrichten {pl}
sporting organization Sportverband {m}
sporting potential [ability for playing sports] sportliches Potenzial {n}
sporting prowesssportliche Leistungsfähigkeit {f}
sporting report Sportbericht {m}
sporting reports Sportberichte {pl}
sporting spiritSportsgeist {m}
sporting trade Sporthandel {m}
sporting weapon Sportwaffe {f}
(sporting) gunBüchse {f}
sporting-goods shop Sportladen {m}
sportingly fair
sportive lustig
sportive zu Scherzen aufgelegt
sportive fröhlich
sportive launig
sportive [having the nature of sport] sportiv
sportive lemur [genus Lepilemur] Wieselmaki {m}
sportive lemurs [family Lepilemuridae] Wieselmakis {pl}
sportively mutwillig
sportively fidel
« sponsponSpoosporsporsporsporsporsporsporspot »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers