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English-German Dictionary

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(spotted ) fat-tailed gecko [Eublepharis macularius, syn.: E. fasciolatus, E. gracilis, Cyrtodactylus macularius, C. madarensis] Panthergecko / Panther-Gecko {m}
spotted accentor [Prunella ocularis] Felsenbraunelle {f}
spotted accentor [Prunella ocularis]Steinbraunelle {f}
spotted accentor [Prunella ocularis]Buntbraunelle {f}
spotted African lungfish [Protopterus dolloi] Kongo-Lungenfisch {m}
spotted algae-eater [Gyrinocheilus pennocki]Gepunktete Saugschmerle {f}
spotted amber lady beetle [Adonia variegata, syn.: Hippodamia variegata] Variabler Flach-Marienkäfer {m}
spotted amber lady beetle [Adonia variegata, syn.: Hippodamia variegata] Veränderlicher Marienkäfer {m}
spotted antbird [Hylophylax naevioides]Fleckenbrust-Waldwächter {m}
spotted antbird [Hylophylax naevioides] Rotmantel-Ameisenwächter {m}
spotted antpitta [Hylopezus macularius] Rostflanken-Ameisenpitta {f}
spotted arum lily [Zantedeschia albomaculata]Gefleckte Calla {f}
spotted arum lily [Zantedeschia albomaculata]Gefleckte Kalla {f} [Rsv.]
spotted arum lily [Zantedeschia albomaculata]Weißfleckige Zimmercalla {f} [Rsv.: Weißfleckige Zimmerkalla]
spotted asparagus beetle [Crioceris duodecimpunctata] Zwölfpunkt-Spargelkäfer {m}
spotted asparagus beetle [Crioceris duodecimpunctata] Schwarzpunktierter Spargelkäfer {m}
spotted asparagus beetle [Crioceris duodecimpunctata]Zwölfgepunkteter Spargelkäfer {m}
spotted asparagus beetle [Crioceris duodecimpunctata]Zwölfpunktiertes Spargelhähnchen {n} [Käferart]
spotted aspidoras (catfish) [Aspidoras spilotus]Gefleckter Aspidoras {m}
spotted babbler [Pellorneum ruficeps]Streifenbrusttimalie {f}
spotted bamboowren [Psilorhamphus guttatus]Trugzaunkönig {m}
spotted barb [Puntius binotatus, syn.: Barbus binotatus] Fleckenbarbe {f}
spotted barbtail [Premnoplex brunnescens] Fleckbrust-Stachelschwanz {m}
spotted barracudina [Arctozenus risso]Rissos Lachsspierling {m}
spotted bass [Micropterus punctulatus] Gepunkteter Barsch {m}
spotted bat [Euderma maculatum]Gefleckte Fledermaus {f}
spotted bean weevil [Sitona crinitus]Behaarter Blattrandkäfer {m}
spotted beauty [Arichanna melanaria] [moth] Rauschbeerenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
spotted beauty [Arichanna melanaria] [moth] Rauschbeeren-Fleckenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
spotted beauty [Arichanna melanaria] [moth]Rauschbeerspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
spotted beauty [Arichanna melanaria] [moth]Sumpfheidelbeerspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
spotted beauty [Arichanna melanaria] [moth] Gefleckter Rauschbeerenspanner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
spotted beauty (moth) [Arichanna melanaria]Großer Moorspanner {m}
spotted beebalm [Monarda punctata]Punktierte Bergamotte {f}
spotted beebalm [Monarda punctata] Punktierte Indianernessel {f}
spotted beebalm [Monarda punctata] Pferdeminze {f}
spotted bellflower [Campanula punctata]Punktierte Glockenblume {f}
spotted berrypecker [Melanocharis crassirostris]Schlankschnabel-Beerenpicker {m}
spotted black groper [NZ] [Epinephelus daemelii] Schwarzer Zackenbarsch {m}
spotted black pigmy [Ectoedemia subbimaculella, syn.: Nepticula cursoriella] Eichen-Zwergminiermotte {f}
spotted black snake [Pseudechis guttatus] Gefleckte Schwarzotter {f}
spotted blue-eye [Pseudomugil gertrudae]Gepunktetes Blauauge {n}
spotted blue-eye [Pseudomugil gertrudae]Geflecktes Blauauge {n}
spotted blue-eye [Pseudomugil gertrudae] Gertruds Blauauge {n}
spotted bone disease [Osteopathia condensans disseminata] Osteopoikilose {f}
spotted bonytongue [Scleropages leichardti] Leichhardts Knochenzüngler {m}
spotted bonytongue [Scleropages leichardti]Gepunkteter Barramundi {m}
spotted bowerbird [Chlamydera maculata] Fleckenlaubenvogel {m}
spotted box turtle [Terrapene nelsoni]Tropfen-Dosenschildkröte {f}
spotted brachiaria [Urochloa nigropedata syn.: Brachiaria nigropedata]Schwarzfüßchen {n}
spotted bristlenose pleco [Ancistrus hoplogenys] Tüpfelantennenwels {m}
spotted bristlenose pleco [Ancistrus hoplogenys] Rotflossen-Weißtüpfel-Antennenwels {m}
spotted burclover [Medicago arabica]Arabischer Schneckenklee {m}
spotted burclover [Medicago arabica] Gefleckter Schneckenklee {m}
spotted burclover / bur clover [Medicago arabica] Arabische Luzerne {f}
spotted burrfish [Chilomycterus atringa] Braunrücken-Igelfisch {m}
spotted bush snake [Philothamnus semivariegatus]Gefleckte Buschschlange {f}
spotted bush warbler [Bradypterus thoracicus] Fleckenbuschsänger {m}
spotted bushfish [Ctenopoma acutirostre]Leopard-Buschfisch {m}
spotted butterfly / butterflyfish [Chaetodon guttatissimus]Tüpfel-Falterfisch {m} [auch: Tüpfelfalterfisch]
spotted butterfly bat [Glauconycteris humeralis] Gefleckte Schmetterlingsfledermaus {f}
spotted butterfly (fish) [Chaetodon speculum] Malaiischer Einfleckfalterfisch {m}
spotted button-quail [Turnix ocellatus]Riesenlaufhühnchen {n}
spotted buttonquail [Turnix ocellatus]Riesenlaufhühnchen {n}
spotted calla [Zantedeschia albomaculata]Weißfleckige Zimmercalla {f} [Rsv.: Weißfleckige Zimmerkalla]
spotted calla [Zantedeschia albomaculata] Gefleckte Calla {f}
spotted Canadian warbler [Wilsonia canadensis, syn.: Cardellina canadensis, Sylvania canadensis] Kanadawaldsänger {m}
spotted capercaille [Tetrao parvirostris, syn.: T. urogalloides] Steinauerhuhn {n} [auch: Stein-Auerhuhn]
spotted capercaille [Tetrao parvirostris, syn.: T. urogalloides] Felsenauerhuhn {n}
spotted capercaille [Tetrao parvirostris, syn.: T. urogalloides]Felsauerhuhn {n}
spotted capercaillie [Tetrao parvirostris, syn.: T. urogalloides] Steinauerhuhn {n} [auch: Stein-Auerhuhn]
spotted capercaillie [Tetrao parvirostris, syn.: T. urogalloides] Felsenauerhuhn {n}
spotted capercaillie [Tetrao parvirostris, syn.: T. urogalloides] Felsauerhuhn {n}
spotted cardinal [Sphaeramia nematoptera] Pyjama-Kardinalbarsch {m}
spotted carpet shark [Orectolobus maculatus]Gemeiner Teppichhai {m}
spotted cask [Tonna dolium, syn.: T. maculata, Buccinum dolium, Cadium dolium, Cadus cassis, C. dolium, Doilum cassis, D. maculatum]Gepunktete Tonnenschnecke {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
spotted cat [Ictalurus punctatus] [channel catfish]Getüpfelter Gabelwels {m}
spotted catbird [Ailuroedus melanotis] Schwarzohr-Laubenvogel {m}
spotted cat-eyed gecko [Eublepharis macularius, syn.: E. fasciolatus, E. gracilis, Cyrtodactylus macularius, C. madarensis]Leopardgecko / Leopard-Gecko {m}
spotted cat-eyed gecko [Eublepharis macularius, syn.: E. fasciolatus, E. gracilis, Cyrtodactylus macularius, C. madarensis] Panthergecko / Panther-Gecko {m}
spotted cat-eyed gecko [Eublepharis macularius, syn.: E. fasciolatus, E. gracilis, Cyrtodactylus macularius, C. madarensis] Pakistanischer Fettschwanzgecko {m}
spotted catfish [Anarhichas minor]Gefleckter Seewolf {m}
spotted catfish [Ictalurus punctatus] [channel catfish] Getüpfelter Gabelwels {m}
spotted cat's ear [Hypochaeris radicata, also Hypochoeris radicata] Gemeines Ferkelkraut {n}
spotted cat's ear [Hypochaeris radicata, also Hypochoeris radicata] Gewöhnliches Ferkelkraut {n}
spotted cat's ear [Hypochaeris radicata, also Hypochoeris radicata] Wiesenferkelkraut {n}
spotted cat's ear [Hypochaeris radicata, also Hypochoeris radicata] Kurzwurzeliges Ferkelkraut {n}
spotted cichlid [Ctenopoma acutirostre] Leopard-Buschfisch {m}
spotted cinquefoil [Potentilla neumanniana, syn.: Potentilla tabernaemontani] Frühlings-Fingerkraut {n}
spotted climbing perch [Ctenopoma acutirostre] Leopard-Buschfisch {m}
spotted coincap [Rhodocollybia maculata, syn.: R. maculata var. maculata, Collybia maculata] Gefleckter Rübling {m}
spotted coincap [Rhodocollybia maculata, syn.: R. maculata var. maculata, Collybia maculata]Gefleckter Rosasporrübling {m}
spotted collared snake [Phalotris punctatus] Fleckige Diademnatter {f}
spotted collybia [Rhodocollybia maculata, syn.: R. maculata var. maculata, Collybia maculata] Gefleckter Rübling {m}
spotted collybia [Rhodocollybia maculata, syn.: R. maculata var. maculata, Collybia maculata]Gefleckter Rosasporrübling {m}
spotted congo puffer [Tetraodon schoutedeni, syn.: Tetraodon schoutedeni] Leopardkugelfisch {m}
spotted congo puffer [Tetraodon schoutedeni]Kongo-Kugelfisch {m}
spotted coral croucher [Caracanthus maculatus] (Gefleckter) Korallenhocker {m} [Fisch]
spotted coral snake [Calliophis gracilis] Gefleckte Korallenotter {f}
spotted coralgrouper [Plectropomus maculatus] Kinnstreifen-Forellenbarsch {m}
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