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spot-throat robin chat [Modulatrix stictigula] Fleckenkehlchen {n}
spot-throat robin chat [Modulatrix stictigula] Fleckenkehltimalie {f}
spot-throat thrush-babbler [Modulatrix stictigula] Fleckenkehlchen {n}
spot-throat thrush-babbler [Modulatrix stictigula]Fleckenkehltimalie {f}
spot-throated accentor [Prunella ocularis]Felsenbraunelle {f}
spot-throated accentor [Prunella ocularis] Steinbraunelle {f}
spot-throated accentor [Prunella ocularis] Buntbraunelle {f}
spot-throated babbler [Pellorneum albiventre]Weißbauch-Erdtimalie {f}
spot-throated hummingbird [Leucippus taczanowskii] Taczanowskikolibri {m}
spot-throated woodcreeper [Deconychura stictolaema] Kehlflecken-Baumsteiger {m}
spottier pickeliger
spotting Auskundschaften {n}
spottingSchmierblutung {f}
spotting Fleckenbildung {f}
spotting Fleckigwerden {n} [von Anstrichen]
spottingPunktzeichnung {f}
spotting [correcting minor flaws] Retouchieren {n}
spotting [die-casting] Tuschierbild {n}
spotting [die-casting]Abtuschieren {n}
spotting pressTuschierpresse {f}
spotting scopeSpektiv {n}
spotty [Am.] [of uneven quality] unregelmäßig [ungleichmäßig, uneinheitlich]
spotty [Br.] [having pimples] pickelig
spotty [Br.] [having pimples] picklig
spotty [marked with spots, spotted]fleckig
spotty [Micropterus punctulatus] Gepunkteter Barsch {m}
spotty cat gefleckte Katze {f}
spotty tigergefleckter Tiger {m}
spotty wear Auswaschungen {pl}
spotty wear stellenweise Abnutzung {f}
spotty-nosed scoter [Melanitta perspicillata, syn.: Oidemia perspicillata] Brillenente {f}
spot-welded punktgeschweißt
spot-weldingPunktschweißen {n}
spot-winged antbird [Schistocichla leucostigma] Sternflügel-Ameisenvogel {m}
spot-winged antbird [Schistocichla leucostigma,syn.: Percnostola leucostigma] Kleiner Grauameisenvogel {m}
spot-winged antshrike [Pygiptila stellaris] Fleckflügel-Wollrücken {m}
spot-winged antshrike [Pygiptila stellaris]Fleckenflügel-Ameisenwürger {m}
spot-winged bulbul [Phyllastrephus leucolepis]Fleckflügelbülbül {m} [auch: Fleckflügel-Bülbül]
spot-winged falconet [Spiziapteryx circumcinctus] Tropfenfalke {m}
spot-winged falconet [Spiziapteryx circumcinctus] Tropfen-Zwergfalke {m}
spot-winged greenbul [Phyllastrephus leucolepis]Fleckflügelbülbül {m} [auch: Fleckflügel-Bülbül]
spot-winged grosbeak [Mycerobas melanozanthos] Fleckenkernbeißer {m}
spot-winged ground-thrush / ground thrush [Zoothera spiloptera, syn.: Geokichla spiloptera]Ceylondrossel {f}
spot-winged monarch [Symposiachrus guttula, syn.: Monarcha guttulus] Perlenflügelmonarch / Perlenflügel-Monarch {m}
spot-winged parrotlet [Touit stictopterus] Tüpfelpapagei {m}
spot-winged parrotlet [Touit strictopterus, syn.: Touit strictoptera]Braunschulterpapagei {m}
spot-winged pigeon [Patagioenas maculosa, syn.: Columba maculosa] Streifentaube {f} [Fleckentaube]
spot-winged pigeon [Patagioenas maculosa] Maskentaube {f}
spot-winged pigeon [Patagioenas maculosa]Fleckentaube {f}
spot-winged rosefinch [Carpodacus rodopeplus]Fleckengimpel {m}
spot-winged starling [Saroglossa spiloptera]Marmorstar {m}
spot-winged thrush [Zoothera spiloptera, syn.: Geokichla spiloptera]Ceylondrossel {f}
spot-winged tit [Periparus ater melanolophus] Schwarzschopfmeise {f}
spot-winged wood quail [Odontophorus capueira]Capueirawachtel {f}
spot-winged wood-quail / woodquail [Odontophorus capueira] Capueirawachtel {f}
spot-winged wood-quail / woodquail / wood quail [Odontophorus capueira] Capueirazahnwachtel {f}
s-pouch [after Parks] S-Pouch {m} [nach Parks]
spousage [rare] Ehestand {m}
spousal [esp. Am.] ehelich
spousal [archaic] [betrothal ceremony] Verlobungszeremonie {f}
spousal [historical] [wedding]Hochzeit {f} [Eheschließung]
spousal abuse Gewalt {f} in der Ehe
spousal abuse [esp. Am.] häusliche Gewalt {f}
spousal abuse [esp. Am.] eheliche Gewalt {f}
spousal privilegeeheliches Zeugnisverweigerungsrecht {n}
spousal support Ehegattenunterhalt {m}
spousal violenceGewalt {f} in der Ehe
spousal violence [esp. Am.] eheliche Gewalt {f}
spouseEhegatte {m} [geh.] [Ehemann; jur. auch: einer der beiden Ehepartner]
spouse Ehegemahl {m}
spouse Ehepartner {m}
spouseGespons {m} {n} [veraltet, noch hum.]
spouse [female]Ehegattin {f}
spouse [female]Ehegemahlin {f}
spouse [female]Ehepartnerin {f}
spouse [female] Ehefrau {f}
spouse [husband] Gatte {m} [geh.]
spouse [husband]Gemahl {m} [geh.]
spouse [husband] Ehemann {m}
spouse [wife]Gattin {f} [geh.]
spouse [wife] Gemahlin {f} [geh.]
spouse support [financial maintenance] Ehegattenunterhalt {m}
spousebreach [obs.] [adultery]Ehebruch {m}
spousebreaker [female] [obs.] [adulteress]Ehebrecherin {f}
spousebreaker [obs.] [adulterer]Ehebrecher {m}
spouse-breaking [rare]Ehebruch {m}
spouseless unverehelicht
spousesEhegatten {pl}
spouses Gatten {pl}
spouses {pl} Ehepartner {pl}
spouses [female]Ehegattinnen {pl}
spouses and life partners Ehe- und Lebenspartner {pl}
spouse's fatherSchwiegervater {m} [Vater der Ehefrau od. des Ehemannes]
spout Abflussrohr {n}
spoutAusgießer {m}
spoutAusguss {m} [einer Kanne etc.]
spout Hülle {f}
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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