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English-German Dictionary

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square sailRahsegel {n}
square scraperFlachschaber {m}
square script [Hebrew, Aramaic] Quadratschrift {f}
square section Vierkantstahl {m}
square section Vierkantstück {n}
square section steel [construct.] Vierkantstahl {m}
square shaftVierkantwelle {f}
square shaggy moss [Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus] Sparriges Kranzmoos {n}
square shaggy moss [Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus] Sparriger Runzelpeter {m} [Sparriges Kranzmoos]
square shaggy moss [Rhytidiadelphus squarrosus] Sparriger Runzelbruder {m} [Sparriges Kranzmoos]
square shoulders breite Schultern {pl}
square sleeveVierkanthülse {f}
square spanner [Br.] Vierkantschlüssel {m}
square stalked St. John's wort [Hypericum tetrapterum, syn.: H. quadrangulum]Geflügeltes Johanniskraut {n}
square stalked St. John's wort [Hypericum tetrapterum, syn.: H. quadrangulum] Flügel-Hartheu {n}
square stalked St. John's wort [Hypericum tetrapterum, syn.: H. quadrangulum] Flügel-Johanneskraut {n}
square steelVierkantstahl {m}
square stem vierkantiger Stängel {m}
square stemmed St. John's wort [Hypericum tetrapterum, syn.: H. quadrangulum]Flügel-Johanneskraut {n}
square stemmed St. John's wort [Hypericum tetrapterum, syn.: H. quadrangulum] Flügel-Hartheu {n}
square stemmed St. John's wort [Hypericum tetrapterum, syn.: H. quadrangulum] Geflügeltes Johanniskraut {n}
square stoneQuader {m} [seltener {f}] [Stein]
square stone blockQuaderstein {m}
square table quadratischer Tisch {m}
square thread [of a screw, nut, etc.] Flachgewinde {n}
square timber Vierkantholz {n}
square tube Vierkantrohr {n}
square tubingVierkantrohr {n}
square tubing Viereckrohr {n}
square washer Rechteckscheibe {f} [Unterlegscheibe]
square waveRechteckwelle {f} [Bitimpulsfolge]
square waveRechteck {n} [Spannungsform]
square wave inverterRechteck-Spannungswandler {m}
square wave signal test Rechtecksignaltest {m}
square withabgeglichen mit
square with ausgeglichen mit
square withgleich mit
square wrench [Am.]Vierkantschlüssel {m}
square yard <yd², sq yd> Quadratyard {n}
[square fishing net fixed to flexible poles, used esp. along the Danube] Daubel {f} [österr.] [Hebenetz]
[square of direction / directional factor] Richtungsgrad {m}
(square) length of wood Kantholz {n}
(square) stone block Steinquader {m}
square-barred bell moth [Epinotia tetraquetrana, syn.: Tortrix angulana, T. frutetana]Birkengallenwickler {m}
square-bashing [Br.] [coll.] [military drill performed repeatedly on a barrack square]Schleiferei {f} [ugs.]
square-box wrenchVierkantsteckschlüssel {m}
square-built breit gebaut
square-cut [e.g. film]rechtwinkelig geschnitten [z. B. Film]
square-cut [face] klobig [Gesicht]
square-cut hair Brikettfrisur {f} [ugs.]
squared zum Quadrat
squared [number](im) Quadrat
squared [paper]kariert
squared [number] hoch zwei [nachgestellt]
squared bracket eckige Klammer {f}
squared bracket closeeckige Klammer zu
squared bracket open [coll. for: square bracket open] eckige Klammer auf
squared paper kariertes Papier {n}
squared stone Quader {m} [seltener {f}] [Stein]
squared timberKantholz {n}
squared timberVierkantholz {n}
squared timber 4 kt. Holz {n} [selten] [Vierkantholz] [diese Abkürzung nicht bei Übersetzung E -> D verwenden!]
squarefree quadratfrei
square-head bolt Vierkantschraube {f}
square-head bolt Vierkantbolzen {m}
squarehead catfishes [family Chacidae] Großmaulwelse {pl}
square-headed [Am.] [coll.] [stupid, inept]dämlich [ugs.]
square-integrable quadratintegrierbar
square-jawed mit kantigem Kinn [nachgestellt]
square-lipped rhinoceros [Ceratotherium simum] Breitmaulnashorn {n}
square-lipped rhinoceros [Ceratotherium simum] Weißes Nashorn {n}
square-lipped rhinoceros [Ceratotherium simum]Breitlippennashorn {n}
square-lipped rhinoceros bull Breitmaulnashornbulle {m} [auch: Breitmaulnashorn-Bulle]
squarely unmittelbar
square-mouthed shovel Randschaufel {f} [z. B. Hallenser Randschaufel]
squarenessRechteckigkeit {f}
squareness Ehrlichkeit {f}
square-nosed snake [Rhinoplocephalus bicolor] Kantnasen-Giftnatter {f}
square-pod water-primrose / waterprimrose [Ludwigia alternifolia]Klapper-Heusenkraut {n}
square-pod water-primrose / waterprimrose [Ludwigia alternifolia]Nordamerikanische Ludwigie {f}
square-rigged rahgetakelt
square-rigged ship Rahsegler {m}
square-rigger Rahsegler {m}
squaresQuadrate {pl}
squares Vierecke {pl}
square-section keyVierkantschlüssel {m}
square-set methodAbbau {m} mit Rahmenzimmerung
square-set stoping Abbau {m} mit Rahmenzimmerung
square-settingAbbau {m} mit Rahmenzimmerung
square-shouldered breitschultrig
square-spot rustic [Xestia xanthographa] Rötlichbraune Erdeule {f}
« spursputsquasquasquasquasquasquasquesquesqui »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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