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English-German Dictionary

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temperature control range Temperaturregelbereich {m}
temperature controller Temperaturregler {m}
temperature controls Temperaturregler {pl}
temperature conversionTemperaturumrechnung {f}
temperature correction Temperaturkorrektur {f}
temperature curve Fieberkurve {f}
temperature curve Temperaturkurve {f}
temperature cycleTemperaturzyklus {m}
temperature dependence Temperaturabhängigkeit {f}
temperature dependencyTemperaturabhängigkeit {f}
temperature development Temperaturentwicklung {f}
temperature deviationTemperaturabweichung {f}
temperature diagramTemperaturdiagramm {n} [auch: Temperatur-Diagramm]
temperature difference Temperaturunterschied {m}
temperature difference Temperaturdifferenz {f}
temperature differences Temperaturunterschiede {pl}
temperature differential Temperaturdifferenz {f}
temperature distribution Temperaturverteilung {f}
temperature drift Temperaturdrift {f}
temperature drop Temperaturabfall {m}
temperature effect Temperatureffekt {m}
temperature effectTemperaturwirkung {f}
temperature effectTemperatureinfluss {m}
temperature equalisation [Br.]Temperaturangleichung {f}
temperature equalisation [Br.]Temperaturausgleich {m}
temperature equalizationTemperaturausgleich {m}
temperature equalizationTemperaturangleichung {f}
temperature equalizingTemperaturausgleich {m}
temperature equilibriumTemperaturgleichgewicht {n}
temperature exchangeTemperaturaustausch {m}
temperature factor Temperaturfaktor {m}
temperature fallTemperatursturz {m}
temperature field Temperaturfeld {n}
temperature fluctuation Temperaturschwankungen {pl}
temperature fluctuation Temperaturschwankung {f}
temperature fluctuations Temperaturschwankungen {pl}
temperature forecast Temperaturvorhersage {f}
temperature forecasts Temperaturvorhersagen {pl}
temperature gaugeTemperaturanzeiger {m}
temperature gradientTemperaturgefälle {n}
temperature gradient Temperaturgradient {m}
temperature history Temperaturverlauf {m}
temperature increaseTemperaturanstieg {m}
temperature increase Temperaturerhöhung {f}
temperature indicator Temperaturanzeige {f}
temperature indicatorTemperaturindikator {m}
temperature influence Temperatureinfluss {m}
temperature inversion Temperaturinversion {f}
temperature jump Temperatursprung {m}
temperature level Temperaturniveau {n}
temperature limitation Temperaturbegrenzung {f}
temperature limiter Temperaturbegrenzer {m}
temperature load Temperaturbelastung {f}
temperature map Temperaturkarte {f}
temperature maxima {pl}Temperaturmaxima {pl}
temperature maximum Temperaturmaximum {n}
temperature measurement Temperaturmessung {f}
temperature measurementTemperaturerfassung {f}
temperature measurement [of a person / animal] Fiebermessen {n}
temperature measurement method Temperaturmessmethode {f}
temperature measuring bossMessstutzen {m} [für Thermoelemente]
temperature measuring range Temperaturmessbereich {m}
temperature measuring stripTemperaturmessstreifen {m}
temperature model Temperaturmodell {n}
temperature monitoring Temperaturüberwachung {f}
temperature of ambient air Umgebungslufttemperatur {f}
temperature of ambient water Umgebungswassertemperatur {f}
temperature of storage [awkward for: storage temperature] Lagertemperatur {f}
temperature of the wine Weintemperatur {f}
temperature organ Temperaturorgel {f}
temperature perceptionThermorezeption {f}
temperature perception Temperaturwahrnehmung {f}
temperature perception Temperaturempfinden {n}
temperature preferendum Temperaturpräferendum {n}
temperature probe Temperaturfühler {m}
temperature profile Temperaturverlauf {m}
temperature profile Temperaturprofil {n}
temperature program Temperaturprogramm {n}
temperature protective gloves Temperaturschutzhandschuhe {pl}
temperature rangeTemperaturbereich {m}
temperature range Temperaturspanne {f}
temperature ratio Temperaturverhältnis {n}
temperature readingTemperaturanzeige {f}
temperature record {sg} [set of data] Temperaturaufzeichnungen {pl}
temperature record [highest temperature ever recorded] Temperaturrekord {m}
temperature recorder Temperaturschreiber {m}
temperature recordingsTemperaturaufzeichnungen {pl}
temperature reduction factor Temperaturabminderungsfaktor {m}
temperature regulationWärmehaushalt {m}
temperature regulationTemperaturregelung {f}
temperature regulation Temperaturregulation {f}
temperature regulator Temperaturregler {m}
temperature requirementTemperaturanforderung {f}
temperature resistanceTemperaturbeständigkeit {f}
temperature resistance Temperaturresistenz {f}
temperature resolution Temperaturauflösung {f}
temperature rise Temperaturanstieg {m}
temperature rise Erwärmung {f}
temperature rise Temperaturerhöhung {f}
temperature scaleTemperaturskala {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers