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to have had it (up to here) with sb./sth. [coll.] [idiom] die Nase voll von jdm./etw. haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have had one too many [beer, wine] [idiom] einen zu viel intus haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have had one too many [to be drunk] einen sitzen haben [ugs.] [betrunken sein]
to have had one's chips [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [to have died]hinüber sein [ugs.] [Redewendung] [tot sein]
to have had one's chips [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [to have had one's last chance] seine letzte Chance gehabt haben
to have had one's chips [Br.] [coll.] [to have been beaten (in a game)]geschlagen worden sein [(im Spiel) besiegt worden sein]
to have had one's day [also fig.] ausgedient haben [ugs.] [auch fig.]
to have had one's daysdie guten Zeiten hinter sich [Dat.] haben
to have had one's fair share of sth. [also iron.] [idiom] etw. [Akk.] reichlich abbekommen haben [auch iron.]
to have had one's fill of doing sth. etw. zur Genüge getan haben
to have had one's fill of sth. [fig.] genug von etw. [Dat.] haben
to have had quite a few [idiom] [to be pretty drunk]ganz schön getankt haben [Redewendung] [ziemlich betrunken sein]
to have had sth. coming [e.g. punishment] etw. [Akk.] verdient haben [Strafe, Unglück etc.]
to have half a mind to do sth. [idiom]nicht übel Lust haben, etw. zu tun [ugs.]
to have half a mind to do sth. [idiom]gute Lust haben, etw. zu tun
to have high blood pressure an Bluthochdruck leiden
to have high coverage [paint, adhesive] ergiebig sein [Farbe, Kleber]
to have high hopes for sb. für jdn. große Pläne haben
to have high hopes of sb. große Hoffnungen in jdn. setzen
to have high self-esteem sehr selbstbewusst sein
to have high tea [Br.] [to eat a light meal in the early evening, often including sandwiches, cakes and a cup of tea] Abendbrot essen
to have hollow legs [fig.] [hum.] wie ein Scheunendrescher essen [hum.] [vulg. auch: ... fressen]
to have homicidal tendencies einen Drang zum Töten haben
to have huge funeinen Riesenspaß haben [ugs.]
to have hystericseinen hysterischen Anfall bekommen
to have hystericshysterisch werden
to have ideal measurements Idealmaße haben [ideale Maße]
to have ideal proportionsideale Maße haben
to have identification sich ausweisen können
to have illusions (about sb./sth.) sich [Dat.] Illusionen machen (über jdn./etw.)
to have in commonmiteinander gemein haben
to have in mind im Sinn haben
to have in mind to do sth. [idiom] vorhaben, etw. zu tun
to have in one's libraryin seinem Buchregal haben
to have in viewbeabsichtigen
to have influenza die Grippe haben
to have instant recall of sth. etw. abrufbereit haben [im Gedächtnis]
to have intercourse with sb. mit jdm. Umgang haben
to have issues with sb./sth. [coll.] [idiom]Schwierigkeiten mit jdm./etw. haben
to have issues with sb./sth. [coll.] [idiom]Probleme mit jdm./etw. haben
to have it [coll.] etw. draufhaben [ugs.] [können]
to have it [coll.] [to be good at sth.] es drauf haben [ugs.] [können]
to have it all at one's fingertips [coll.] eingefuchst sein [ugs.]
to have it away [coll.]einen wegstecken [vulg.] [koitieren]
to have it away / off [Br.] [sl.] [to copulate] bocken [ugs.] [derb] [koitieren]
to have it away (with sb.) [sl.]eine Nummer (mit jdm.) schieben [ugs.]
to have it both ways [idiom]doppelt gewinnen
to have it coming [idiom]es verdient haben
to have it easy es leicht haben
to have it good [coll.] es gut haben
to have it in for sb. [coll.] [idiom]jdn. auf dem Kieker haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have it in for sb. [coll.] [idiom] jdn. auf der Latte haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have it in for sb. [coll.] [idiom] jdn. auf der Abschussliste haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have it in for sb. [coll.] [idiom] es auf jdn. abgesehen haben [Redewendung]
to have it in oneself to do sth. [coll.]das Zeug dazu haben, etw. zu tun
to have it layered einen Stufenschnitt verpasst bekommen
to have it off with sb. [Br.] [vulg.]es jdm. besorgen [ugs.] [salopp] [jdn. sexuell befriedigen]
to have it off with sb. [coll.] [idiom] es mit jdm. treiben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have it off (with sb.) [coll.] eine Nummer (mit jdm.) schieben [ugs.]
to have it off (with sb.) [coll.](mit jdm.) schnackseln [österr.] [ugs.] [koitieren]
to have it off (with sb.) [coll.] es (mit jdm.) machen [ugs.] [koitieren]
to have it off (with sb.) [vulg.](jdn.) bumsen [vulg.]
to have it out with sb. [coll.] einen / den Streit mit jdm. austragen
to have itchy feet [coll.] [fig.] nicht ruhig sitzen können
to have itchy feet [coll.] [idiom]ein Reisekribbeln fühlen [ugs.]
to have itchy feet [idiom] [coll.] [want to travel] Fernweh haben
to have (its / their / one's) origins in sth.aus etw. [Dat.] entstehen
to have its (10th) anniversary [event] sich (zum 10. Mal) jähren
to have its advantagesseine Vorteile haben
to have its effect here and there punktuell Wirkung zeigen
to have its effect in places punktuell Wirkung zeigen
to have its longueurs seine Längen haben [Film, Buch etc.]
to have its origin in sth.seinen Ursprung in etw. [Dat.] haben
to have its pros and cons [coll.]sein Für und Wider haben [ugs.]
to have its roots in sth. seinen Ursprung in etw. [Dat.] haben
to have its source [in the mountains etc.]entspringen [Fluss] [in den Bergen etc.]
to have its source fromentspringen
to have jurisdiction ratione loci and ratione materiae [Br.] örtlich und sachlich zuständig sein
to have just done sth.etw. gerade / eben getan haben
to have keen senses hellhörig sein
to have keys reproducedSchlüssel nachmachen lassen
to have kissed the Blarney Stone redegewandt sein
to have kittens jungen [Kätzin]
to have kittens [coll.] [idiom]Zustände kriegen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have knowledge of sb./sth. wissen um jdn./etw.
to have known sth. all alongetw. [Akk.] schon immer gewusst haben
to have landmark status unter Denkmalschutz stehen
to have leanings towards sth.zu etw. [Dat.] hinneigen [tendieren]
to have left [a building etc.] beim Tempel hinaus sein [österr.]
to have left overübrig behalten
to have legal consequencesRechtsfolgen nach sich ziehen
to have legal effectRechtsfolge bewirken
to have legal repercussionsein gerichtliches Nachspiel haben
to have legs [continue for a long time] [idiom]sich langfristig halten [andauern]
to have legs like tree trunks [coll.]Beine wie Krautstampfer haben [ugs.]
to have light fingers [fig.] [to steal] gerne lange Finger machen [ugs.] [fig.]
to have limited admissionzulassungsbeschränkt sein
to have listened zugehört haben
to have little confidence einen Mangel an Zuversicht haben
to have little free time wenig Freizeit haben
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