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to have the optiondie Wahl haben
to have the order completed by ... den Auftrag bis ... ausgeführt zu haben
to have the patience of a saint [idiom]eine Engelsgeduld haben [Redewendung]
to have the patience of Job [idiom] einen langen Geduldsfaden haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have the patience of Job [idiom]eine Hiobsgeduld haben [Redewendung]
to have the place all to oneself [i.e. to remain at home while spouse, kids, etc. are away]sturmfrei haben [hum.] [sturmfreie Bude haben]
to have the pleasure of doing sth. das Vergnügen haben, etw. zu tun
to have the pleasure of sb.'s acquaintancedas Vergnügen haben, jdn. kennenzulernen
to have the power of disposition verfügungsbefugt sein
to have the power to bilocate die Gabe der Bilokation besitzen
to have the precedenceden Vorrang haben
to have the presence of mind to do sth. so geistesgegenwärtig sein, etw. zu tun
to have the presumption to do sth. sich zu etw. versteigen [geh.]
to have the privilege of doing sth. die Ehre haben, etw. tun zu dürfen
to have the reputation of being a rebelim Ruf eines Rebellen stehen
to have the rewards for sth. etw. davon haben [ugs.]
to have the right idea about how things ought to bedie richtigen Vorstellungen haben, wo es langgehen sollte [ugs.]
to have the right of wayVorrang haben [bes. österr.] [Vorfahrt]
to have the right pedigree [fig.]den richtigen Stallgeruch haben [fig.]
to have the right tires [Am.]richtig bereift sein
to have the right to das Recht haben zu
to have the right to brewbrauberechtigt sein
to have the right to brewdas Braurecht haben
to have the right tyres [Br.] richtig bereift sein
to have the run of sth. [freedom of use] über etw. nach Belieben verfügen können
to have the run of the house [idiom]freien Zutritt zu allen Räumen haben
to have the run of the house [idiom]sturmfreie Bude haben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to have the runs [coll.]Durchfall haben
to have the runs [coll.]den flotten Otto haben [salopp] [Redewendung] [Durchfall haben]
to have the same effectwirkungsgleich sein
to have the same opinion as ... [Am.]derselben Meinung sein wie ...
to have the same status ebensoviel gelten [alt]
to have the same status ebenso viel gelten
to have the say-so [coll.] das Sagen haben [ugs.]
to have the screaming meemies [sl.] einen hysterischen Anfall haben
to have the (screaming) abdabs / habdabs [coll.] hysterische Angstzustände haben
to have the sense that ...das Gefühl haben, dass ...
to have the sense to do sth.genug Verstand haben, etw. zu tun
to have the sense to do sth. so vernünftig sein, etw. zu tun
to have the shits [vulg.]Durchfall haben
to have the situation under control Herr der Lage sein
to have the situation under control die Situation unter Kontrolle haben
to have the squits [Br.] [coll.] [to have diarrhoea]Durchfall haben
to have the squits [coll.] [have diarrhoea] den Dünnen haben [ugs. salopp] [Durchfall haben]
to have the squitters [Br.] [vulg.] [diarrhoea] Dünnschiss haben [vulg.] [Durchfall]
to have the stitches taken outdie Fäden gezogen bekommen
to have the stones to do sth. [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] den Mumm haben, etw. zu tun [ugs.]
to have the strong impression that ... sich [Akk.] des Eindrucks nicht erwehren können, dass ... [geh.]
to have the support of sb./sth.jdn./etw. im Rücken haben [die Unterstützung jds./etw. haben] [Redewendung]
to have the temerity to do sth.die Unverschämtheit besitzen, etw. zu tun
to have the time of one's life [idiom] sich herrlich amüsieren
to have the upper hand [idiom] am längeren Hebel sitzen [Redewendung]
to have the upper hand [idiom]Oberwasser haben [Redewendung]
to have the value-added tax refundedsich [Dat.] die Mehrwertsteuer zurückerstatten lassen
to have the vomiting bug [Br.] [coll.] die Kotzerei haben [südd.] [österr.] [ugs.]
to have the watch auf Wache sein
to have the watch Wache haben
to have the whip hand [idiom] am längeren Hebel sitzen [Redewendung]
to have the whip hand (over sb.)(über jdn.) die Oberhand haben
to have the whip removed [Br.] aus der Fraktion ausgeschlossen werden
to have the whip withdrawn [Br.] aus der Fraktion ausgeschlossen werden
to have the wind up [idiom] Angst haben
to have the yips [coll.] [focal dystonia of golfers]den Yips haben
to have (the) bottle [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] [have courage]Mumm haben [ugs.]
to have (the) stammersstottern
to have things firmly under controldie Zügel fest in der Hand halten [Redewendung]
to have three stones in a row [(nine men's) morris game] eine Mühle haben [Mühlespiel]
to have time to oneself Zeit für sich haben
to have tingly fingerskribbelige Finger haben
to have tired of sb./sth.jds./etw. überdrüssig sein
to have to müssen
to have tozu ... haben [müssen]
to have to answer for sth. etw. zu verantworten haben
to have to answer to sb. sich vor jdm. verantworten müssen
to have to ask sb.'s permissionjdn. um Erlaubnis fragen müssen
to have to be fulfilled erfüllt werden müssen
to have to be in on everything [coll.] seine Pfoten überall drin haben [ugs., derb]
to have to bear unnecessary costs unnötige Kosten tragen müssen
to have to bite the bullet in den sauren Apfel beißen müssen
to have to blow into the bag [during a traffic control] pusten müssen [ugs.] [bei einer Verkehrskontrolle]
to have to buy sth. as well etw. mitkaufen müssen
to have to clear one's desk [fig.] [to get fired]seinen Tisch räumen müssen [fig.] [entlassen werden]
to have to come here hermüssen [ugs.]
to have to come with sb.mitmüssen [mitkommen müssen]
to have to come with sb. mitkommen müssen
to have to come with sb. mit jdm. mitgehen müssen
to have to cope with sth.mit etw. [Dat.] zu kämpfen haben
to have to dip [Am.] gehen müssen
to have to dispense with sb./sth. auf jdn./etw. verzichten müssen
to have to do sth.etw. tun müssen
to have to do sth.gezwungen sein, etw. zu tun
to have to do sth. etw. zu tun haben
to have to do with sb./sth. mit jdm./etw. zu tun haben [betreffen]
to have to do with sth. sich mit etw. abgeben
to have to do with sth. [be connected with] mit etw. [Dat.] zusammenhängen [mit etw. zu tun haben]
to have to follow sb. jdm. nachmüssen [ugs.]
to have to get / go through sth. [pass through] durch etw. [Akk.] durchmüssen [ugs.] [durchgehen müssen]
to have to get off the sidelines von der Reservebank runtermüssen [ugs.]
to have to get out hinausmüssen [ugs.]
to have to get outrausmüssen [ugs.]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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