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English-German Dictionary

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tendon failure Spanngliedversagen {n}
tendon hammerReflexhammer {m}
tendon injurySehnenverletzung {f}
tendon laceration Sehnenanriss {m}
tendon profile Spanngliedverlauf {m}
tendon reflexes Sehnenreflexe {pl}
tendon rupture Sehnenriss {m}
tendon ruptureSehnenruptur {f}
tendon sheath [Vagina (synovialis) tendinis]Sehnenscheide {f}
tendon strain Sehnenzerrung {f}
tendon surgery [branch of medicine] Sehnenchirurgie {f}
tendon surgery [operation]Sehnenoperation {f}
tendon surgery [operation]Sehnen-OP {f} [kurz] [Sehnenoperation]
tendon transferSehnentranslokation {f}
tendonitis [spv.] Sehnenscheidenentzündung {f} [ugs.] [Sehnenentzündung]
tendonitis [spv.]Tendinitis {f}
tendonosis Tendonose {f}
tendonsSehnen {pl}
tendons <font color=blue>Kuckucksei</font> Sehnen {pl}
tendons [Tendines] Tendines {pl} [Sehnen, Bänder, Flechsen]
tendosynovectomy Tendosynovektomie {f}
tendosynovitis Sehnenscheidenentzündung {f}
tendosynovitisTendosynovitis {f}
tendovaginitisSehnenscheidenentzündung {f}
tendovaginitisTendovaginitis {f}
tendresseZärtlichkeit {f} [Gefühl der Zuneigung]
tendril Ranke {f}
tendrilRebe {f} [Weinranke]
tendril [of hair] Ringellocke {f}
tendril feather moss [Brachythecium cirrosum, syn.: Cirriphyllum cirrosum] Haar-Kurzbüchsenmoos {n}
tendril of vineWeinranke {f}
tendriled [Am.] [also: tendrilled] mit Ranken versehen
tendrilous rankenartig
tendrilsRanken {pl}
Tenebrae Karmette {f}
Tenebrae Trauermette {f}
tenebrious [spv.] [tenebrous]dunkel
tenebrism Tenebrismus {m}
tenebrosity Dunkelheit {f}
tenebrous dunkel
tenectomy Tenektomie {f}
tenement Mietshaus {n}
tenement Wohnung {f}
tenement Mietwohnung {f}
tenement gepachtete Immobilie {f}
tenement [Am.] [Scot.] Mietskaserne {f}
tenement [archaic] Wohnstatt {f} [veraltet]
tenement [pej.]Zinskaserne {f} [österr.] [pej.]
tenement agencies Zimmervermittlungen {pl}
tenement agency Zimmervermittlung {f}
tenement block Mietshaus {n}
tenement block [in a pej. sense]Mietskaserne {f} [pej.]
tenement building Mietshaus {n}
tenement flat [Br.] Mietwohnung {f}
[tenement building in which Jews had to move from 1939 onwards] Judenhaus {n} [Nazi-Begriff]
[tenement from the late 19th century]Gründerzeithaus {n} [Zinshaus]
tenements Wohnhäuser {pl}
tenements Wohnungen {pl}
tenent [obs.] [tenet]Grundsatz {m}
ten-episode seriesZehnteiler {m}
Tenerife Teneriffa {n}
Tenerife blue chaffinch [Fringilla teydea] Teydefink {m}
Tenerife blue chaffinch [Fringilla teydea]Teidefink {m}
Tenerife bugloss [Echium wildpretii]Wildprets Natternkopf {m}
Tenerife bugloss [Echium wildpretii]Diamant-Natternkopf {m}
Tenerife goldcrest [Regulus (regulus) teneriffae] Kanarengoldhähnchen {n}
Tenerife lizard [Gallotia galloti]Kanareneidechse {f}
Tenerife long-eared bat [Plecotus teneriffae] Kanaren-Langohr {n}
Tenerife robin [Erithacus superbus]Kanarenrotkehlchen {n}
Tenerife skink [Chalcides viridanus] Nördlicher Kanarenskink {m}
Tenerife speckled lizard [Gallotia intermedia]Teneriffa-Rieseneidechse {f}
Tenerife speckled lizard [Gallotia intermedia] Getüpfelte Kanareneidechse {f}
Tenerife (wall) gecko [Tarentola delalandii] Kanarengecko {m}
tenesmusTenesmus {m}
tenesmuses [pl. rare] Tenesmen {pl}
tenet Grundsatz {m}
tenet Lehrsatz {m}
tenet Dogma {n}
tenet Glaubenssatz {m}
tenet [dogma] Lehre {f}
tenetsLehren {pl}
tenets Grundsätze {pl}
ten-euro bill [Am.] Zehneuroschein {m}
ten-figure [attr.]zehnstellig
tenfold zehnfach
tenfoldum das Zehnfache [zehnfach]
tenfold increase Verzehnfachung {f}
Ten-four. [coll.] Roger! [ugs.] [in Ordnung, einverstanden]
ten-gallon hat [Am.] [coll.] breitrandiger Cowboyhut {m}
tengchongite [CaU6Mo2O25·12H2O]Tengchongit {m}
tengerite [Y3(CO3)4·2-3 H2O] Tengerit {m}
tengerite-(Y) [Y3(CO3)4·2-3 H2O]Tengerit-(Y) {m}
Tengmalm's owl [esp. Br.] [Aegolius funereus] Rauhfußkauz {m} [alt]
Tengmalm's owl [esp. Br.] [Aegolius funereus]Raufußkauz {m}
Tengriism [Central Asian religion]Tengrismus {m}
ten-hour-long [attr.] [lasting for ten hours]zehnstündig <10-stündig> [zehn Stunden dauernd]
Ten-hup! [Am.] [military sl.] [attention] Achtung! [Kommando]
Ten-hut! [Am.] Achtung!
teniacide [spv.] Bandwurmmittel {n} [tödlich wirkend]
« tempTenPtenatendtendtendtenitenntenstenstens »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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