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tenectomy Tenektomie {f}
tenement Mietshaus {n}
tenement Wohnung {f}
tenement Mietwohnung {f}
tenement gepachtete Immobilie {f}
tenement [Am.] [Scot.] Mietskaserne {f}
tenement [archaic] Wohnstatt {f} [veraltet]
tenement [pej.] Zinskaserne {f} [österr.] [pej.]
tenement agenciesZimmervermittlungen {pl}
tenement agency Zimmervermittlung {f}
tenement block Mietshaus {n}
tenement block [in a pej. sense] Mietskaserne {f} [pej.]
tenement buildingMietshaus {n}
tenement flat [Br.] Mietwohnung {f}
[tenement building in which Jews had to move from 1939 onwards] Judenhaus {n} [Nazi-Begriff]
[tenement from the late 19th century] Gründerzeithaus {n} [Zinshaus]
tenemental Miet-
tenements Wohnhäuser {pl}
tenements Wohnungen {pl}
tenent [obs.] [tenet]Grundsatz {m}
ten-episode series Zehnteiler {m}
TenerifeTeneriffa {n}
Tenerife blue chaffinch [Fringilla teydea] Teydefink {m}
Tenerife blue chaffinch [Fringilla teydea]Teidefink {m}
Tenerife bugloss [Echium wildpretii] Wildprets Natternkopf {m}
Tenerife bugloss [Echium wildpretii] Diamant-Natternkopf {m}
Tenerife goldcrest [Regulus (regulus) teneriffae]Kanarengoldhähnchen {n}
Tenerife lizard [Gallotia galloti] Kanareneidechse {f}
Tenerife long-eared bat [Plecotus teneriffae]Kanaren-Langohr {n}
Tenerife robin [Erithacus superbus] Kanarenrotkehlchen {n}
Tenerife skink [Chalcides viridanus] Nördlicher Kanarenskink {m}
Tenerife speckled lizard [Gallotia intermedia] Teneriffa-Rieseneidechse {f}
Tenerife speckled lizard [Gallotia intermedia]Getüpfelte Kanareneidechse {f}
Tenerife (wall) gecko [Tarentola delalandii]Kanarengecko {m}
tenesmus Tenesmus {m}
tenesmuses [pl. rare] Tenesmen {pl}
tenetGrundsatz {m}
tenet Lehrsatz {m}
tenet Dogma {n}
tenet Glaubenssatz {m}
tenet [dogma] Lehre {f}
tenetsLehren {pl}
tenetsGrundsätze {pl}
ten-euro bill [Am.]Zehneuroschein {m}
ten-figure [attr.]zehnstellig
tenfoldum das Zehnfache [zehnfach]
tenfold increaseVerzehnfachung {f}
Ten-four. [coll.] Roger! [ugs.] [in Ordnung, einverstanden]
ten-gallon hat [Am.] [coll.] breitrandiger Cowboyhut {m}
tengchongite [CaU6Mo2O25·12H2O]Tengchongit {m}
tengerite [Y3(CO3)4·2-3 H2O] Tengerit {m}
tengerite-(Y) [Y3(CO3)4·2-3 H2O] Tengerit-(Y) {m}
Tengmalm's owl [esp. Br.] [Aegolius funereus] Rauhfußkauz {m} [alt]
Tengmalm's owl [esp. Br.] [Aegolius funereus]Raufußkauz {m}
Tengriism [Central Asian religion] Tengrismus {m}
ten-hour-long [attr.] [lasting for ten hours] zehnstündig <10-stündig> [zehn Stunden dauernd]
Ten-hup! [Am.] [military sl.] [attention] Achtung! [Kommando]
Ten-hut! [Am.] Achtung!
teniacide [spv.]Bandwurmmittel {n} [tödlich wirkend]
teniasis [Am.] Taeniasis {f}
teniidosisTeniidose {f}
teniophobia [Am.]Teniophobie {f}
teniposide Teniposid {n}
tenish [coll.](so) um zehn herum [ugs.]
ten-keyZehnertastatur {f}
ten-key pad <10-key pad>Zehnertastatur {f}
ten-key pad <10-key pad> [numeric cluster]Zehnertastaturfeld {n}
tenkeyless <TKL>ohne Nummernblock [nachgestellt]
tenkeyless <TKL> ohne Ziffernblock [nachgestellt]
tenkeyless keyboard <TKL, TKL keyboard> Tastatur {f} ohne Ziffernblock
tenkeyless keyboard <TKL, TKL keyboard> Tastatur {f} ohne Nummernblock
tenkeyless keyboard <TKL, TKL keyboard> Tastatur {f} ohne Numpad
tenkile [Dendrolagus scottae]Schwarzes Baumkänguru {n}
ten-lined potato beetle [Leptinotarsa decemlineata]Kartoffelkäfer {m}
ten-mark pieceZehnmarkstück {n}
ten-member [attr.] [board, committee, family, team, etc.]zehnköpfig [Vorstand, Ausschuss, Familie, Team etc.]
ten-member delegationzehnköpfige Delegation {f}
ten-member family zehnköpfige Familie {f}
ten-member team zehnköpfiges Team {n}
ten-membered zehngliedrig
ten-meter dive [Am.] Zehnmetersprung {m} [auch: Zehn-Meter-Sprung] [Wasserspringen]
ten-meter diving platform [Am.] Zehnmeterturm {m}
ten-metre dive [Br.] Zehnmetersprung {m} [auch: Zehn-Meter-Sprung] [Wasserspringen]
ten-metre diving platform [Br.]Zehnmeterturm {m}
ten-minute [attr.] zehnminütig
ten-minute period Zehn-Minuten-Zeitraum {m}
tenmoku glaze Temmoku-Glasur {f}
ten-month [attr.] zehnmonatig <10-monatig> [z. B. Gefangenschaft, Reise etc.]
tennantite Arsenfahlerz {n}
tennantite [Cu10(Fe,Zn)2As4S13] Tennantit {m}
tennantite [Cu10(Fe,Zn)2As4S13] Binnit {m} [Tennanit]
tennantite [Cu10(Fe,Zn)2As4S13] Julianit {m} [selten bzw. veraltet] [Tennantit]
Tennenbaum's theorem [also: Tennenbaum theorem, theorem of Tennenbaum] Satz {m} von Tennenbaum
tenner [Br.] [coll.] [ten-pound note]Zehner {m} [ugs.] [Zehneuroschein bzw. (in GB) Zehnpfundschein]
Tennessean [Mensch aus Tennessee (USA)]
Tennessee <TN> [Volunteer State] Tennessee {n} [US-Bundesstaat]
Tennessee Avenue [Am.] [Monopoly]Wiener Straße {f} [Monopoly]
Tennessee (River)Tennessee {m} [Fluss]
Tennessee warbler [Vermivora peregrina]Brauenwaldsänger {m}
« temptenatendtendtendteneTenntenotenstenstens »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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