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to look after oneself [one's health etc.] auf sich schauen [österr.] [südd.] [achten]
to look after sb.sich [Akk.] um jdn. kümmern [jdn. betreuen]
to look after sb. jdn. umsorgen
to look after sb. [care for] jdn. betüddeln [nordd.]
to look after sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. aufpassen
to look after sb./sth. jdn./etw. betreuen
to look after sb./sth. jdm./etw. nachsehen [mit Blicken folgen]
to look after sb./sth. sich [Akk.] um jdn./etw. bemühen
to look after sb./sth.für jdn./etw. sorgen
to look after sb./sth. jdn./etw. behüten
to look after sb./sth. sich [Akk.] um jdn./etw. annehmen [österr.] [kümmern]
to look after sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. passen [veraltet] [auf jdn./etw. aufpassen, nach jdm./etw. sehen]
to look after sb./sth. [e.g. infants, pets] jdn./etw. versorgen [z. B. Kinder, Haustiere]
to look after sb./sth. [take care of] nach jdm./etw. sehen [sich um jdn./etw. kümmern]
to look after sb./sth. [to follow sb. with one's eyes]jdm./etw. nachschauen [hinterherschauen, nachblicken]
to look after sb./sth. [to follow sb. with one's eyes] jdm./etw. nachblicken [hinterherblicken]
to look after sb.'s interests jds. Interessen wahrnehmen
to look after sb.'s interests sich um jdn. kümmern
to look after sb.'s interests sich um jds. Interessen kümmern
to look after sb.'s rights jds. Rechte vertreten
to look after sth. etw. [Akk.] pfleglich behandeln
to look after sth. sich [Akk.] etw. [Gen.] annehmen [geh.]
to look after sth.sich um etw. kümmern
to look after sth. [manage, monitor] etw. [Akk.] wahrnehmen [Interessen, Angelegenheiten]
to look after sth. [objects, health]etw. [Akk.] schonen [Gegenstände, Gesundheit]
to look after the childrensich um die Kinder kümmern
to look ahead vorausschauen
to look ahead voraussehen
to look ahead in die Zukunft blicken
to look aheadvorausblicken
to look ahead nach vorne schauen
to look ahead [fig.] an die Zukunft denken
to look alikesich [Dat.] ähnlich sehen
to look alikesich [Dat.] gleichschauen [bes. österr.]
to look alikesich [Dat.] ähneln [einander ähneln]
to look ambiguous doppeldeutig aussehen
to look aroundsich [Akk.] umschauen
to look around sich [Akk.] umsehen
to look around reihum schauen
to look around sich [Akk.] umblicken
to look around [e.g. museum] besichtigen
to look around for Umschau halten nach
to look around for sth.sich [Akk.] nach etw. [Dat.] umtun [ugs.]
to look around one in die Runde schauen [auch: in die Runde sehen / blicken]
to look around (one)um sich [Akk.] schauen
to look (around) elsewhere sich [Akk.] woanders umschauen
to look as good as new(wie) neu aussehen
to look as if one has not had enough sleepunausgeschlafen aussehen
to look as miserable as sin [coll.] [idiom] ein Gesicht machen wie drei / sieben Tage Regenwetter [Redewendung]
to look askance at sb. [with disapproval] jdn. missbilligend ansehen
to look askance at sb. [with suspicion or mistrust]jdn. misstrauisch ansehen
to look askant at sb. jdn. schief ansehen
to look askew nicht gerade ins Gesicht schauen
to look askew at sb./sth. [fig.]jdn./etw. scheel ansehen [ugs.]
to look asquintschielen
to look asquint at sb. jdn. aus den Augenwinkeln anschauen
to look atankucken [nordd.]
to look (at / on)sehen (auf / nach)
to look at / through sth. [documents, notes, etc.] etw. einsehen [Akten, Notizen usw.]
to look at each other [of two or more people] sich anblicken [gegenseitig] [auch: einander anblicken]
to look at oneself in the mirrorsich im Spiegel betrachten
to look at sb. in amazementjdn. fassungslos ansehen
to look at sb. in disbeliefjdn. fassungslos ansehen
to look at sb. in the hope of getting approvaljdn. Beifall heischend ansehen
to look at sb. in the hope of getting approval jdn. beifallheischend ansehen
to look at sb. reproachfully jdn. vorwurfsvoll ansehen
to look at sb./sth.jdn./etw. betrachten
to look at sb./sth.jdn./etw. ansehen
to look at sb./sth.jdn./etw. angucken [ugs.]
to look at sb./sth. jdn./etw. anblicken
to look at sb./sth.auf jdn./etw. schauen
to look at sb./sth. [patients, methods, etc.]jdn./etw. untersuchen [Patienten, Methoden usw.]
to look at sb./sth. [towards]jdm./etw. entgegenblicken [auf jdn./etw. blicken]
to look at sb./sth. in stupefaction jdn./etw. verblüfft ansehen
to look at sb./sth. in stupefactionjdn./etw. voller Verblüffung ansehen
to look at sb.'s cardsjdm. in die Karten schauen
to look at sth. auf etw. [Akk.] blicken
to look at sth. etw. anschauen
to look at sth. etw. ankieken [nordd.]
to look at sth. etw. [Akk.] besehen [veraltet] [geh.]
to look at sth.etw. prüfen
to look at sth.etw. [Akk.] begucken [ugs.]
to look at sth. etw. [Akk.] bekucken [nordd.]
to look at sth. at a remove [chronological or psychological]etw. aus der Distanz betrachten [zeitlich oder psychologisch]
to look at sth. from a certain perspective [fig.] etw. [Akk.] aus einem bestimmten Blickwinkel betrachten [Redewendung]
to look at sth. from close up etw. [Akk.] von Nahem betrachten
to look at sth. from various angles etw. aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln beleuchten
to look at sth. in a different light etw. in einem anderen Licht betrachten
to look at sth. in its entirety etw. ganzheitlich betrachten
to look at sth. in the cold light of day etw. bei Licht betrachten
to look at sth. through rose-coloured glasses [Br.]etw. durch die rosarote Brille betrachten / sehen
to look at sth. through rose-coloured spectacles [Br.] etw. durch die rosarote Brille betrachten / sehen
to look at sth. through rose-tinted glasses etw. durch die rosarote Brille betrachten / sehen
to look at sth. through rose-tinted spectacles etw. durch die rosarote Brille betrachten / sehen
to look at sth. with regretetw. mit Bedauern betrachten
to look at the black sideschwarz sehen
to look at the black sideschwarzsehen [ugs.] [die Zukunftsaussichten pessimistisch einschätzen]
to look away wegblicken
to look away wegschauen
to look away zur Seite schauen
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