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term Amtszeit {f}
term Spielzeit {f} [Saison]
term Legislaturperiode {f}
term Saison {f}
term Term {m}
term Geburtstermin {m}
term Sitzungsperiode {f} [eines Gerichts]
termHerme {f} [ohne Phallus]
term [clause, proviso] Klausel {f}
term [condition]Bedingung {f}
term [designation]Bezeichnung {f}
term [duration] Dauer {f}
term [fixed date]Termin {m}
term [in a contract or treaty]Bestimmung {f} [in Verträgen]
term [in an equation] Glied {n} [in einer Gleichung]
term [length of time]Zeitdauer {f}
term [limited in time]befristet
term [part of a definition, explanation]Begriffselement {n}
term [period of validity, running time etc.] Laufzeit {f}
term [prison term] Freiheitsstrafe {f}
term [technical, specialist]Fachausdruck {m}
term [time limit, period] Frist {f}
term abroad Auslandssemester {n}
term accountFestgeldkonto {n}
term agreed uponvereinbarte Laufzeit {f}
term and terminationLaufzeit und Beendigung
term and termination Laufzeit und Kündigung
term bank line befristete Kreditlinie {f}
term billNachsichtwechsel {m}
term borrowingTermingeldaufnahme {f}
term by termsummandenweise
term catalogueMesskatalog {m}
term claimsbefristete Ansprüche {pl}
term credit Akkreditiv {n} mit Zahlungsziel
term depositFestgeld {n}
term deposit Termingeld {n}
term diagramTermschema {n}
term diagramGrotrian-Diagramm {n}
term diagram Niveauschema {n}
term equivalent Benennungsäquivalent {n}
term for filing applicationBewerbungsfrist {f}
term in office Amtszeit {f} [rückblickend]
term infantReifgeborenes {n} [geboren in der 37.-42. Woche]
term insured versicherte Zeit {f}
term life insurance Risikolebensversicherung {f}
term life insuranceRisikoversicherung {f} [Risikolebensversicherung]
term limitAmtszeitbegrenzung {f}
term loan facility Abstattungskredit {m} [bes. österr.]
term logicTermlogik {f}
term logic klassische Logik {f} [i. S. v. Logik der Antike]
term logic Begriffslogik {f}
term moneyTermingeld {n}
term money holdings {pl}Termingeldbestand {m}
term money rateTermingeldsatz {m}
term notation Termbezeichnung {f} [Notation]
term of 3 yearsLaufzeit {f} von 3 Jahren
term of a billLaufzeit {f} eines Wechsels
term of a bill of exchange Laufzeit {f} eines Wechsels
term of a bill of exchangeostereiLaufzeit {f} eines Wechsels
term of a contract Laufzeit {f} eines Vertrags
term of a contract Vertragsdauer {f} [Laufzeit eines Vertrages]
term of a copyright Schutzfrist {f} eines Urheberrechts
term of a loan Darlehenslaufzeit {f}
term of a loan Laufzeit {f} eines Darlehens
term of a mortgageLaufzeit {f} einer Hypothek
term of a patent Schutzfrist {f} eines Patents
term (of a sum) Summenglied {n}
term of abuse Schimpfwort {n}
term of abuse Schmähwort {n} [geh.]
term of acceptance Annahmefrist {f}
term of acceptance Wechsellaufzeit {f}
term of address (korrekte) Anrede {f}
term of affection Kosewort {n}
term of agreement Geltungsdauer {f} eines Vertrags
term of an insurance policyVersicherungsdauer {f}
term of an investmentFestlegungsdauer {f} einer Anlage
term of annuity Rentendauer {f}
term of application Anmeldefrist {f}
term of applicationAnmeldetermin {m}
term of applicationAntragsfrist {f}
term of artFachbegriff {m} [Terminus]
term of art Fachausdruck {m} [Terminus]
term of art [technical term] Kunstausdruck {m} [Fachausdruck]
term of contention Streitbegriff {m}
term of contractVertragsdauer {f}
term of credit Zahlungsziel {n}
term of delivery Lieferfrist {f}
term of detentionDauer {f} der Haft
term of employment Anstellungszeit {f}
term of endearment Kosewort {n}
term of endearment Kosename {m}
term of endearment liebevolle Bezeichnung {f}
term of execution Ausführungszeitraum {m}
term of expiration [rare] [date of expiration] Ablauffrist {f} [z. B. eines Abkommens]
term of guarantee Garantiefrist {f}
term of guaranteeGarantiezeit {f}
term of guarantee Laufzeit {f} der Garantie
term of imprisonmentFreiheitsstrafe {f}
term of imprisonmentGefängnisstrafe {f}
term of imprisonment Haftzeit {f}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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