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to mesmerize sb. jdn. fesseln [fig.] [faszinieren]
to mes​mer​ize sb. jdn. in seinen Bann ziehen [Redewendung]
to messessen [gemeinsam, insbes. mil.]
to mess schmutzig machen
to mess beschmutzen
to mess about [coll.] Fisimatenten machen [ugs.]
to mess about [coll.] herumbummeln [ugs.]
to mess about [coll.]herumfummeln [ugs.]
to mess about [coll.] rumwursteln [ugs.] [herumwursteln]
to mess about [coll.] dameln [nordd.] [ugs.] [selten] [herumalbern]
to mess about [coll.] dämeln [ugs.] [niederdt., sonst veraltet / selten: sich kindisch, töricht benehmen, verwirrt sein] [Variante von: dameln]
to mess about [coll.] herumalbern [ugs.]
to mess about [coll.]herumdameln [nordd.] [ugs.] [herumalbern]
to mess about [coll.]rumdameln [nordd.] [ugs.] [herumalbern]
to mess about [coll.] [behave in a silly way]kälbern [ugs.]
to mess about [coll.] [make trouble, be difficult] Zicken machen [ugs.] [fig.] [Ärger, Schwierigkeiten machen]
to mess about / around with sb. [engage in an affair]sich mit jdm. einlassen [eine Affäre beginnen]
to mess about / around (with sb.) [coll.](mit jdm.) rummachen [ugs.]
to mess about with sb. mit jdm. herummachen [ugs.]
to mess about with sth.sich mit etw. beschäftigen
to mess about with sth.an etw. [Dat.] herummachen [ugs.]
to mess about with sth. an etw. [Dat.] herumpfuschen [ugs.]
to mess about with sth. [Br.] [coll.] mit etw. herumstümpern / rumstümpern [ugs.]
to mess about (with sth.) [coll.](an etw. [Dat.]) herumbasteln [ugs.]
to mess around pfuschen [ugs.]
to mess around [Am.] [coll.] herumalbern [ugs.]
to mess around [coll.] herummurksen [ugs.]
to mess around [coll.] [behave in a silly way] kälbern [ugs.]
to mess around with sth. an etw. herumwurschteln [ugs.]
to mess around with sth.an etw. [Dat.] herumwursteln [ugs.]
to mess (around) with sth.an etw. [Dat.] herumbasteln [ugs.]
to mess sb. around / about [coll.] [harass / provoke]jdn. schikanieren
to mess sb. up [sl.]jdn. fertigmachen
to mess sb./sth. up [coll.]jdn./etw. durcheinander bringen
to mess sth. up [bungle] etw. [Akk.] vermasseln [ugs.]
to mess sth. up [bungle] etw. [Akk.] verpatzen [ugs.]
to mess sth. up [coll.] etw. vergeigen [ugs.]
to mess sth. up [coll.]etw. [Akk.] versauen [ugs.]
to mess sth. up [coll.] etw. [Akk.] in den Sand setzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to mess sth. up [coll.]etw. [Akk.] versemmeln [ugs.]
to mess sth. up [coll.] etw. [Akk.] vermurksen [ugs.]
to mess sth. up [coll.]etw. [Akk.] verpeilen [ugs.] [nicht hinbekommen]
to mess sth. up [coll.]etw. verschiffen [ugs.] [regional] [versieben, verbocken, vergeigen]
to mess sth. up [coll.] [arrangements, plans, etc.] etw. [Akk.] über den Haufen werfen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Vereinbarungen, Pläne etc.]
to mess sth. up [coll.] [arrangements, plans] etw. [Akk.] durcheinanderbringen
to mess sth. up [coll.] [bungle]etw. [Akk.] verpfuschen [ugs.]
to mess sth. up [coll.] [make a bad job]etw. versieben [ugs.] [vergeigen]
to mess sth. up [e. g. thread, hair] etw. [Akk.] verwursteln [ugs.]
to mess sth. up [esp. small things like ribbons, wool etc.]etw. [Akk.] verwurschteln [ugs.]
to mess sth. up (for sb.) [coll.] (jdm.) dazwischenfunken [ugs.]
to mess sth. up with panache [coll.]etw. [Akk.] grandios vermasseln [ugs.]
to mess things upDinge durcheinanderbringen
to mess things up [coll.] alles vermasseln [ugs.]
to mess things up [coll.] Mist bauen [ugs.]
to mess up in Unordnung bringen
to mess upvoll schmieren [ugs.] [alt]
to mess up verderben
to mess upvollschmieren [ugs.]
to mess up schmutzig machen
to mess up es verpatzen
to mess up [coll.] verschusseln [ugs.]
to mess up completely [coll.]total abkacken [vulg.]
to mess up sth. etw. [Akk.] beschmutzen
to mess up the works [coll.] dazwischenfunken [ugs.]
to mess with sb. jdm. blöd kommen [ugs.]
to mess with sb. [coll.]sich [Akk.] mit jdm. anlegen
to mess with sth. sich einmischen in etw.
to messageeine Nachricht senden
to message melden
to messenger sth. [messages, greetings, etc.] etw. per / durch Boten übermitteln (lassen)
to messenger sth. [objects] etw. per / durch Boten überbringen (lassen)
to Messrs ... [Br.]an die Herren ...
to metabolise [Br.] metabolisieren
to metabolise [Br.] verstoffwechseln
to metabolize umwandeln
to metabolize metabolisieren
to metabolizeverstoffwechseln
to metagrobolize [hum.] verwirren
to metal sth. [Br.] [road]etw. schottern [Straße]
to metalize [Am.] metallbeschichten
to metalize sth. [Am.] etw. [Akk.] metallisieren
to metallise [Br.]metallisieren
to metallise [Br.] metallbeschichten
to metallize metallbeschichten
to metallizemetallisieren
to metamorphizemetamorphosieren
to metamorphose umgestalten
to metamorphoseumwandeln
to metamorphosewandeln
to metamorphoseverwandeln
to metamorphose sich verwandeln
to metamorphosemetamorphosieren
to metaphorize sth. etw. [Akk.] metaphorisieren
to metastasise [Br.] metastasieren
to metastasize metastasieren
to metastasizeAbsiedlungen / eine Absiedlung bilden [metastasieren]
to metastasize absiedeln [metastasieren]
to metastasize Tochtergeschwülste bilden [metastasieren]
to mete [archaic]messen
to mete out punishment Strafe zumessen
« tometometometometometometometomitomitomitomi »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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