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to morph sth.etw. verformen [bes. Bild]
to Morse sth. [signal using Morse code]etw. [Akk.] morsen
to morsel sth.etw. [Akk.] häppchenweise aufteilen
to mortar sth.etw. mörteln
to mortgage verpfänden
to mortgage hypothekarisch belasten
to mortgageHypothek aufnehmen
to mortgage [a house] belehnen [schweiz.]
to mortgage a houseein Haus mit einer Hypothek belasten
to mortgage a propertyein Objekt mit einer Hypothek belasten
to mortice (into) [spv.] einstemmen
to mortifykränken
to mortifyabtöten
to mortifymartern [geh.]
to mortify [tissue] brandig werden [Gewebe]
to mortify [tissues]absterben
to mortify (oneself) to earthly desiresden irdischen Begierden absterben
to mortify sb.jdn. demütigen
to mortify sb.jdn. beschämen
to mortify sb.jdn. erniedrigen [demütigen]
to mortify (the flesh)sich kasteien
to mortise (into)einstemmen
to mortise (into) einzapfen (in)
to mortise (into) verzapfen
to mortise sth.etw. [Akk.] ausstemmen
to mosaic sth.etw. [Akk.] mosaikieren
to mosey schlendern
to mosey [coll.]dahinschlendern
to mosey [coll.] [of car etc.] schleichen
to mosey [coll.] [saunter]bummeln [ugs.] [schlendern]
to mosey [to move slowly while observing or inspecting]einen Streifzug machen
to mosey on over to sb./sth. [coll.] zu jdm./etw. weiterschlendern
to mosey over [Am.]hinüberschlendern
to mosh [coll.] moshen [ugs.] [im Moshpit pogomäßig tanzen]
to moss sth. etw. [Akk.] bemoosen
to most closely approximate weitestgehend entsprechen
to most closely correspond toweitestgehend entsprechen
to mothball sth. [also fig.]etw. [Akk.] einmotten [auch fig.]
to mothball sth. [fig.] etw. [Akk.] stilllegen
to mother sb. jdn. bemuttern
to moth-proofmottenfest machen
to motionein Zeichen geben
to motion sb. jdm. winken
to motion sb. jdm. zuwinken
to motion sb. to a seat jdn. zu einem Sitzplatz weisen
to motion to sb. jdm. ein Zeichen geben
to motivate sb.jdn. motivieren
to motivate sb.jdn. veranlassen
to motivate sb.jdn. bewegen [zu etw.]
to motivate sb.jdn. anspornen
to motivate sb. to do sth. jdn. veranlassen, etw. zu tun
to motivate sb./sth. jdn./etw. anregen [anspornen, motivieren]
to motivate sth. [S.Afr.] [formal] [give reasons] etw. [Akk.] begründen [Gründe angeben]
to motive motivieren
to motiveantreiben
to motive sb. [motivate] [rare]jdn. veranlassen [motivieren]
to motive sb. [rare] jdn. bewegen
to motor(mit dem Auto) fahren
to motor [coll.] [boat] motoren [ugs.]
to motor along sth.etw. [Akk.] entlangfahren [Person]
to motor (along) [coll.] [move fast, make good progress] marschieren [ugs.] [sich schnell auf ein Ziel zubewegen]
to motorbikeMotorrad fahren
to motorcycle Motorrad fahren
to motorise [Br.]motorisieren
to motorizemotorisieren
to mottlemarmorieren
to mottlesprenkeln
to mouch about [esp. Br.] [sl.] [mooch]herumlungern
to mouch about / around [chiefly Br.] [coll.] [loiter, hang around] herumhängen [ugs.] [herumlungern]
to mould [Br.] eingießen
to mould [Br.]modellieren [mit Ton etc.]
to mould [Br.]vergießen
to mould [Br.]schimmeln
to mould [Br.]molden [thermisch vorformen]
to mould [Br.] vermodern
to mould [Br.] modeln [modellieren, formen]
to mould [esp. Br.] [shape, form]gestalten [formen]
to mould away [Br.]zerfallen
to mould in epoxy resin [Br.]in Epoxydharz vergießen
to mould sb./sth. (into sth.) [Br.] [also fig.] jdn./etw. (zu etw. [Dat.]) formen [auch fig.]
to mould sb.'s character [Br.] jdn. prägen [jds. Charakter]
to mould sth. [Br.]etw. [Akk.] bilden [formen]
to mould sth. [Br.] [also fig.] [to influence] etw. [Akk.] formen [auch fig.] [beeinflussen]
to mould sth. [Br.] [cast] etw. gießen [formen]
to mould sth. out of sth. [Br.]etw. [Akk.] aus etw. [Dat.] bilden [formen]
to mould sth. out of sth. [Br.] etw. [Akk.] aus etw. [Dat.] formen
to mould sth. (out of sth.) [Br.] etw. [Akk.] (aus etw. [Dat.]) gestalten
to moulder [Br.]zerfallen
to moulder [Br.] vermodern
to moulder [Br.] verrotten
to moulder [Br.]verschimmeln
to moulder [Br.] verkümmern
to moulder [Br.] modern
to moulder away [Br.] [fig.] [person e.g. in prison]verrotten [fig.] [Person z. B. im Gefängnis]
to moult [Br.] sich federn
to moult [Br.] sich mausern
to moult [Br.] [reptile]sich häuten [Reptil]
to moult [esp. Br.] haaren
to mount rüsten
to mount einhängen
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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