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Tagula black-fronted white-eye [Zosterops meeki]Tagulabrillenvogel {m} [auch: Tagula-Brillenvogel]
Tagula butcherbird [Cracticus louisiadensis] Louisiadenwürgatzel {f}
Tagula butcherbird [Cracticus louisiadensis] Louisiadenmetzgervogel {m}
Tagula butcherbird [Cracticus louisiadensis]Louisiadenkrähenwürger {m}
Tagula honeyeater [Meliphaga vicina] Tagulahonigfresser {m}
Tagula white-eye [Zosterops meeki] Tagula-Brillenvogel {m}
Tagus [river] Tejo {m} [Fluss]
Tagus [river] Tajo {m} [Fluss]
tahdigTahdig {m} {n}
tahini [sesame paste]Tahin {n} [Sesampaste]
tahini [sesame paste] Tahina {n} [Sesampaste]
Tahiti Tahiti {n}
Tahiti butterflyfish [Chaetodon trichrous] Tahiti-Falterfisch {m}
Tahiti kingfisher [Todiramphus veneratus, syn.: Todirhamphus venerata, Todirh. veneratus, Halcyon venerata, H. veneratus]Tahitiliest {m}
Tahiti lime [Citrus latifolia] Gewöhnliche Limette {f}
Tahiti lime [Citrus latifolia]Persische Limette {f}
Tahiti lime [Citrus latifolia] Tahiti-Limette {f}
Tahiti monarch [Pomarea nigra]Tahitimonarch {m}
Tahiti petrel [Pseudobulweria rostrata] Tahitisturmvogel {m}
Tahiti rail [Gallirallus pacificus] [extinct] Rotschnabelralle {f} [ausgestorben]
Tahiti reed warbler [Acrocephalus caffer]Langschnabel-Rohrsänger {m}
Tahitian tahitisch
TahitianTahitisch {n}
TahitianTahitianer {m}
Tahitian Tahitier {m}
Tahitian tahitianisch
Tahitian [female] Tahitianerin {f}
Tahitian [female] Tahitierin {f}
Tahitian fruit dove [Ptilinopus purpuratus]Tahitifruchttaube {f}
Tahitian fruit dove [Ptilinopus purpuratus] Purpurkappen-Fruchttaube {f}
Tahitian kingfisher [Todiramphus veneratus] Tahitiliest {m}
Tahitian lory [Vini peruviana] Saphirlori {m}
Tahitian melon squash [Cucurbita moschata, syn.: Pepo moschata] Moschus-Kürbis / Moschuskürbis {m}
Tahitian nerite [Neripteron tahitensis]Neripteron tahitensis {f} [Meeresschneckenart]
Tahitian red-billed rail [Gallirallus pacificus] [extinct]Rotschnabelralle {f} [ausgestorben]
Tahitian swiftlet [Aerodramus leucophaeus] Tahitisalangane {f}
Tahitian vanilla [Vanilla planifolia] Gewürzvanille {f}
Tahitian vanilla [Vanilla planifolia] Echte Vanille {f}
tahli [Dalbergia sissoo]Ostindischer Palisander {m}
tahli [Dalbergia sissoo]Indisches Rosenholz {n}
Tahltan {pl} [also: Nahanni] Tahltan {pl} [auch: Nahanni]
Tahoe chipmunk [Tamias speciosus, syn.: Neotamias speciosus] Lodgepole-Streifenhörnchen {n}
tahr [genus Hemitragus] Tahr {m}
Tahrir Square [Cairo] Tahrir-Platz {m} [Kairo]
tai chiTai-Chi {n}
t'ai chi [short for: t'ai chi ch'uan] Tai-Chi {n} [kurz für: Taijiquan]
t'ai chi ch'uan Taijiquan {n}
t'ai chi ch'uan Tai-Chi-Chuan {n}
tai chi instructorTai-Chi-Lehrer {m}
tai chi instructor [female] Tai-Chi-Lehrerin {f}
Tai forest treefrog [Leptopelis occidentalis]Tai-Waldsteigerfrosch {m}
Tai malimbe [Malimbus ballmanni] Ballmanweber {m}
Taia Teje {f} [Gemahlin von Pharao Amenophis III.]
taig [Br.] [pej. term used in reference to a catholic in Northern Ireland] [abwertende Bezeichnung für Katholiken in Nordirland]
taigaTaiga {f}
taiga bluet [Coenagrion resolutum] Taiga-Azurjungfer {f} [Libellenart]
taiga dwellers {pl} [people]Taigavolk {n}
taiga flycatcher [Ficedula albicilla]Taigazwergschnäpper {m}
taiga forest Taigawald {m}
taiga ragged moss [Brachythecium erythrorrhizon]Rotwurzeliges Kurzbüchsenmoos {n}
taiga region Taigaregion {f}
taiga shrew [Sorex isodon] Taigaspitzmaus {f}
taiga soilsTaigaböden {pl}
taiga tick [Ixodes persulcatus] Taigazecke {f}
taiga tit [Poecile cinctus, syn.: Poecile cincta, Parus cinctus]Lapplandmeise {f}
taiga vole [Microtus xanthognathus] Gelbwangenwühlmaus {f}
taiga-like taigaähnlich
Taihō CodeTaihō-Kodex {m}
taijiTaiji {n}
taijiTai-Chi {n}
taijiquan Tai-Chi-Chuan {n}
Tai-Kadai languages [also: Daic, Kadai, Kradai or Kra–Dai] Tai-Kadai-Sprachen {pl} [auch: Dai-Sprachen]
taikanite [(Ba,Sr)2Mn2Si4O12]Taikanit {m}
taiko [Pterodroma magentae]Magentasturmvogel {m}
taikonautTaikonaut {m}
taikonaut [female]Taikonautin {f}
taikonauts Taikonauten {pl}
tail Ende {n}
tailHeck {n}
tail Rest {m}
tail Schwanz {m}
tail Sterz {m} [Schwanzende]
tail Stellen {pl} hinter dem Komma
tailAusläufer {m}
tail Rute {f} [bei Hunden]
tailNotenhals {m}
tail [also of a comet]Schweif {m}
tail [coll.]Verfolger {m}
tail [coll.] [detective or spy] Beschatter {m}
tail [distillation] Nachlauf {m} [Destillation]
tail [of a fox or marten] Lunte {f}
tail [of a hare]Blume {f}
tail [of a shirt, jacket etc.]Zipfel {m} [von Hemd, Jacke etc.]
tail [of an animal] Zagel {m} [regional] [auch: Tagel]
tail [of blackcock, cock of the wood, pheasant] Spiel {n}
tail [usually used in plural] Zahl {f} [Rückseite einer Münze]
tail amputation Schwanzamputation {f}
tail assemblyLeitwerk {n} [Flugzeug]
tail assembly [of an aircraft] Heckleitwerk {n}
tail band [book] Lesezeichen {n} [dünnes Band im Buch]
« TacataciTacotacttag TagutailtailtailtaimTaiw »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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