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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 131 for words starting with T in the English-German dictionarynext page »
terminator technology Terminator-Technologie {f}
terminatory beendend
termini Endstationen {pl}
termini Endpunkte {pl}
terminism [variant of nominalism] Terminismus {m} [Variante des Nominalismus]
terministic terministisch
Terministic Controversy terministischer Streit {m}
terminographical terminografisch
terminography Terminographie {f}
terminographyTerminografie {f}
Terminologia Anatomica <TA> [supersedes the Nomina Anatomica] Terminologia anatomica {f} <TA>
terminological continuityBegriffskontinuität {f}
terminological dataterminologische Daten {pl}
terminological data bank terminologische Datenbank {f}
terminological dictionaryBegriffswörterbuch {n}
terminological inflation [excessive introduction of new terms] Begriffsinflation {f} [Übermaß neuer Termini]
terminological logic terminologische Logik {f}
terminologically terminologisch
terminologically begrifflich
terminologiesTerminologien {pl}
terminologistTerminologe {m}
terminologist [female] Terminologin {f}
terminologized terminologisiert
terminology Terminologie {f}
terminology Bezeichnungsweise {f}
terminology Fachwortschatz {m}
terminologyFachsprache {f}
terminology Begrifflichkeit {f}
terminology {sg} Fachausdrücke {pl}
terminology {sg} Begriffe {pl} [insgesamt]
terminology {sg} Begrifflichkeiten {pl}
terminology bank Terminologiedatenbank {f}
terminology dictionaryBegriffswörterbuch {n}
terminology management Terminologieverwaltung {f}
terminology researchTerminologierecherche {f} [terminologische Recherche]
terminusEndstation {f}
terminusEndstelle {f}
terminus Kopfbahnhof {m}
terminus Endbahnhof {m}
terminusEndpunkt {m}
terminus Sackbahnhof {m}
terminus Endhaltestelle {f}
Terminus [god] Terminus {m}
terminus ante quemterminus / Terminus {m} ante quem
Terminus MountainTerminus Mountain {m}
terminus post quem terminus {m} post quem
termitarium Termitenbau {m}
termite Termite {f}
termite attackTermitenangriff {m}
termite attackTermitenbefall {m}
termite eaterTermitenfresser {m}
termite genus Termitengattung {f}
termite hillTermitenhügel {m}
termite infestation Termitenbefall {m}
termite moundTermitenhügel {m}
termite mound Termitenbau {m}
termite nestTermitenbau {m}
termite species Termitenart {f}
termite species {pl} Termitenarten {pl}
termitesTermiten {pl}
termitophilous termitophil
termitophilyTermitophilie {f}
termless bedingungslos
termlessness Bedingungslosigkeit {f}
Termonde Dendermünde {n}
term-oriented [as opposed to concept-oriented] [classification of words] benennungsorientiert
terms Bedingungen {pl}
terms Vertragsformeln {pl}
terms Modalitäten {pl}
termsVertragsbedingungen {pl}
termsZahlungsbedingungen {pl}
terms Konditionen {pl}
termsTermini {pl}
terms Begriffe {pl}
terms Terme {pl}
terms Klauseln {pl}
terms Bestimmungen {pl}
terms Semester {pl}
termsTrimester {pl}
terms {pl} Frist {f}
terms {pl}Zeit {f}
terms {pl} of redemptionTilgungsplan {m}
terms {pl} of reference Aufgabenbereich {m}
terms {pl} of reference Schiedsauftrag {m}
terms {pl} of reference Aufgabenstellung {f}
terms {pl} of reference <TOR>Leistungsbeschreibung {f}
terms agreed upon vereinbarte Bedingungen {pl}
terms and conditionsLiefer- und Zahlungsbedingungen {pl}
terms and conditions Geschäftsbedingungen {pl}
Terms and conditions apply.Es gelten die Geschäftsbedingungen.
terms and conditions of sale and deliveryVerkaufs- und Lieferbedingungen {pl}
terms and definitionsBegriffe und Definitionen
terms and definitions Begriffe {pl} [DIN ISO]
Terms are based upon ...Die Laufzeiten richten sich nach ...
terms arranged abgesprochene Bedingungen {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
Links to this dictionary or to single translations are very welcome! Questions and Answers