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terms relating to process and product prozess- und produktbezogene Begriffe {pl}
terms relating to qualityqualitätsbezogene Begriffe {pl}
terms relating to quality management for measurement processesauf Qualitätsmanagement bei Messprozessen bezogene Begriffe {pl}
terms used in a translationin einer Übersetzung verwendete Begriffe {pl}
term-timeSemester {n}
term-timeLaufzeit {f}
termtimeLaufzeit {f}
termtime Semesterzeit {f}
tern Meerschwalbe {f}
ternSeeschwalbe {f}
tern [rare] [set of three]Gruppe {f} von drei
tern [rare] [set of three]Dreiergruppe {f}
tern [short for: tern schooner]Dreimastschoner {m}
tern schooner [three-masted schooner]Dreimastschoner {m} [auch: Dreimast-Schoner]
tern species Seeschwalbenart {f}
tern species {pl} Seeschwalbenarten {pl}
ternary ternär
ternary trinär
ternary alloyternäre Legierung {f}
ternary alloyDreifachlegierung {f}
ternary complex Ternärkomplex {m}
ternary form ternäre Form {f} [bes. ABA]
ternary form dreiteilige Form {f}
ternary logic dreiwertige Logik {f}
ternary number Ternärzahl {f}
ternary operationternäre Operation {f}
ternary operatorTernäroperator {m}
ternary operator Trinitätsoperator {m}
ternary operator ternärer Operator {m}
ternary plot Dreiecksdiagramm {n}
ternary relationdreistellige Relation {f}
ternary signalTernärsignal {n}
ternary signal ternäres Signal {n}
ternary star system trinäres Sternensystem {n}
ternate [leaves] dreizählig [Blätter]
Ternate EssayTernate-Manuskript {n}
Ternate short-tailed snake [Brachyorrhos raffrayi] Ternate-Kurzschwanznatter {f}
terne Terne {f}
ternesite [Ca5 [SO4|(SiO4)2]] Ternesit {m}
Ternetz's Blind Snake [Liotyphlops ternetzii]Paraguayische Blindschlange {f}
TernopilTarnopol {n} [Ukraine]
ternsGruppen {pl}
terns [family Sternidae] Seeschwalben {pl}
terpWarft {f}
terp Warf {f}
terp Wurt {f}
terpWurte {f}
terp [artificial dwelling hill] Terpe {f} [Warft; auch: Warf, Werfte, Worth, Wurt, Wierde]
terpen {pl}Warften {pl}
terpeneTerpen {n}
terpene alcohol Terpenalkohol {m}
terpene biosynthesis Terpenbiosynthese {f} [auch: Terpen-Biosynthese]
terpene cyclaseTerpencyclase {f}
terpene cyclase Terpenzyklase {f}
terpene synthase Terpensynthase {f}
terpene synthesisTerpensynthese {f}
terpenes Terpene {pl}
terpenoidTerpenoid {n}
terpenoids Terpenoide {pl}
terpentine oil Terpentinöl {n}
terpolymerTerpolymer {n}
TerpsichoreTerpsichore {f}
terpsichorean [formal or hum.] tänzerisch
terpsichorean [formal or hum.] Tanz-
Terpsichorean art [dance]Tanzkunst {f}
terra Land {n}
terra Erde {f}
terra albaKaolin {n} [fachspr. {m}]
terra brown [RAL 8028]Terrabraun {n} [RAL 8028]
terra cotta (gebrannter) Ton {m}
terra firma fester Boden {m}
terra incognitaTerra incognita {f} [geh.]
Terra Nova BayTerra-Nova-Bucht {f}
terra sigillata [Roman earthenware pottery]Terra Sigillata {f} <TS>
terrace Absatz {m} [Gelände]
terrace Altan {m}
terrace Terrasse {f}
terrace [Br.] [stadium]Tribüne {f} [Stadion]
terrace [patio or (paved) area alongside a building] Freisitz {m} [Terrasse]
terrace [row of houses] Häuserreihe {f} [auf einem bestimmten Geländeniveau, zuweilen samt zugehöriger Straße]
terrace chant [Br.] [football etc.]Tribünengesang {m} [Fußball usw.]
terrace chants [sung in the stadium during a football match]Fußballlieder {pl} [Stadiongesänge, Fan-Gesänge]
terrace cultivation Terrassenfeldbau {m}
terrace door Terrassentür {f}
terrace formationTerrassenbildung {f}
terrace heater Terrassenheizer {m}
terrace heaterTerrassenstrahler {m}
terrace houseReihenhaus {n}
terrace house [Br.] Wohnhaus {n} in Reihe
terrace houses Reihenhäuser {pl}
terrace slabTerrassenplatte {f}
terrace songs [Br.]Sprechchöre {pl} [bes. beim Fußball]
terrace window Terrassenfenster {n}
terraced terrassenförmig
terracedstufig [Land]
terraced [garden, land]terrassiert [Garten, Landschaft etc.]
terraced dynamics Terrassendynamik {f} [bes. Cembalo]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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