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terrestrial globe Erdball {m} [geh.] [Erde, Erdkugel]
terrestrial heat Erdwärme {f}
terrestrial insectLandinsekt {n}
terrestrial laser scanning terrestrisches Laserscanning {n}
terrestrial lifeLandleben {n}
terrestrial magneticerdmagnetisch
terrestrial magnetic field Erdmagnetfeld {n}
terrestrial magnetic field erdmagnetisches Feld {n}
terrestrial magnetism Erdmagnetismus {m}
terrestrial mammalLandsäugetier {n}
terrestrial mammal Landsäuger {m}
terrestrial mammals Landsäugetiere {pl}
terrestrial microbiologyterrestrische Mikrobiologie {f}
terrestrial network Festnetz {n}
terrestrial noise terrestrisches Rauschen {n}
terrestrial orchid Erdorchidee {f}
terrestrial planet terrestrischer Planet {m}
terrestrial plant Landpflanze {f}
terrestrial plants Landpflanzen {pl}
terrestrial pole Erdpol {m}
terrestrial predator Landraubtier {n}
terrestrial predators Landraubtiere {pl}
terrestrial radiationterrestrische Strahlung {f}
terrestrial radiation Erdstrahlen {pl}
terrestrial radiation Erdstahlung {f}
terrestrial reconnaissance Erdaufklärung {f}
terrestrial reference guidanceerdbezogene Lenkung {f}
terrestrial sedimentLandsediment {n}
terrestrial sedimentterrestrisches Sediment {n}
terrestrial snail sucker [Geophis sartorii , syn.: Tropidodipsas sartori] Neotropische Schneckennatter {f}
terrestrial sphere Erdkugel {f}
terrestrial surface Erdoberfläche {f} [bes. aus Weltraumsicht]
terrestrial television terrestrisches Fernsehen {n}
terrestrial transmissionterrestrische Übertragung {f}
terrestrial vertebrateLandwirbeltier {n}
terrestrial vertebratesLandwirbeltiere {pl}
terrestrial waterstarwort / water-starwort / water starwort [Callitriche terrestris]Land-Wasserstern / Landwasserstern {m}
terrestrialisation [Br.] Terrestrialisierung {f}
terrestrializationTerrestrialisierung {f}
terrestrially irdisch
terrestrialsErdbewohner {pl}
terrestrials [female]Erdbewohnerinnen {pl}
terret [rein guide]Leinenauge {n} [Zügelring]
terribad [sl.] fürchterbar [ugs.] [hum.]
terrible arg
terrible entsetzlich
terrible heillos
terrible schauderhaft
terriblegrausam [schrecklich]
terrible fürchterlich
terrible terribel [veraltet]
terrible [severe]mordsmäßig [ugs.] [heftig]
terrible agoniesHöllenqualen {pl} [fig.]
terrible blunder Wahnsinnsfehler {m}
terrible cold schlimme Erkältung {f}
terrible coldschreckliche Kälte {f}
terrible crushMassenandrang {m}
terrible disease schlimme Krankheit {f}
terrible fear Höllenangst {f} [ugs.]
terrible fright [coll.]Mordsschrecken {m} [ugs.]
terrible fright [coll.]Mordsschreck {m} [ugs.]
Terrible Joe Moran [Joseph Sargent] Nick sitzt in der Klemme
terrible liarschrecklicher Lügner {m}
terrible mess schreckliches Durcheinander {n}
terrible news Schreckensbotschaft {f}
terrible news Schreckensnachricht {f}
terrible pain mordsmäßiger Schmerz {m} [ugs.]
terrible priceschrecklich hoher Preis {m}
terrible sightschrecklicher Anblick {m}
terrible situationschreckliche Lage {f}
terrible stuff Teufelszeug {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
Terrible Times [Philip Ardagh] Schlechte Nachrichten
terrible triad [unhappy triad] Unhappy Triad {f} [Unhappy-Triad-Verletzung]
terrible twos [coll.]Trotzalter {n}
terrible visionSchreckbild {n} [schreckliche Vorstellung, Schreckensbild]
terrible weatherfurchtbares Wetter {n}
terribleness Schrecklichkeit {f}
terriblenessFürchterlichkeit {f}
terribly schrecklich
terribly auf schreckliche Art und Weise
terribly furchtbar
terribly entsetzlich
terribly höllisch [ugs.] [sehr]
terribly mordsmäßig [ugs.] [entsetzlich]
terribly [coll.]tierisch [ugs.]
terribly [i.e. surprised, pleased, fond]unmäßig [ugs.]
terribly [very, extremely]heidenmäßig [ugs.]
terribly angrysehr verärgert
terribly good [behaviour]kreuzbrav
terribly hotsehr heiß
terribly long [coll.] [letter, sermon etc.] ellenlang [ugs.]
terribly nice außerordentlich nett
terribly sick [nauseous] kotzübel [ugs., derb]
terribly sick [nauseous] kotzübel [ugs., derb]zeugs
terribly sick [nauseous]speiübel
terribly tiredfurchtbar müde [ugs.]
terribly well-behavedkreuzbrav
terricolous bodenbewohnend
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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