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to point to hindeuten auf
to point to sth.auf etw. [Akk.] deuten
to point to sth. auf etw. [Akk.] zeigen
to point to sth. auf etw. [Akk.] hindeuten
to point to sth. auf etw. [Akk.] hinweisen
to point to sth. auf etw. [Akk.] verweisen
to point to sth.auf etw. [Akk.] weisen [geh.] [mit der Hand, einem Zeigestock etc.]
to point to the fact that ... darauf hinweisen, dass ...
to point towards sth. auf etw. [Akk.] hinweisen
to point towards sth. auf etw. [Akk.] hindeuten
to point up sth.etw. aufzeigen
to point upward / upwards nach oben zeigen
to poise balancieren
to poiseunbeweglich bleiben
to poise [bird, helicopter] schweben
to poise [maintain a position] verharren [geh.] [in einer Pose]
to poison [atmosphere, rivers]verpesten
to poison [corrupt]verderben
to poison oneselfsich vergiften
to poison oneself to death sich (tödlich) vergiften
to poison sb./sth. [also fig.] jdn./etw. vergiften [auch fig.]
to poison sb.'s mind jdn. verhetzen
to poison sb.'s mind against sb. [idiom] jdn. gegen jdn. aufstacheln
to poison the well [also fig.]den Brunnen vergiften [auch fig.]
to poke stoßen
to poke stochern
to poke [jab] stupsen
to poke [sl.] [of a man] ficken [vulg.]
to poke [sl.] [of a man]bumsen [vulg.]
to poke [sl.] [of a man] poppen [vulg.]
to poke [sl.] [vulg.] [to have sexual intercourse] [of a man] feilen [vulg.] [beischlafen] [Mann]
to poke / stick one's nose into sth. [fig.] [coll.] seine Nase in etw. [Akk.] reinstecken / hineinstecken [fig.] [ugs.]
to poke aboutherumschnüffeln
to poke about herumstöbern [ugs.]
to poke about in a fog [fig.] im Nebel herumstochern [fig.]
to poke alongschleichen [langsam vorankommen]
to poke aroundherumbohren [ugs.]
to poke around herumstochern [ugs.]
to poke around [coll.] sich umsehen
to poke fun at sb./sth.sich [Akk.] über jdn./etw. lustig machen
to poke holes in sb.'s story [fig.]jds. Geschichte zerpflücken [fig.]
to poke in / intohineinstecken
to poke into every corner in jeder Ecke schnüffeln
to poke one's head into a hornets' nest [idiom] in ein Hornissennest stechen [fig.]
to poke one's nose in everything überall seine Nase hinein stecken
to poke one's nose in everything seine Nase in jeden Quark stecken
to poke one's nose into everythingseine Nase in alle Töpfe stecken [ugs.]
to poke one's nose into sth. [coll.] [idiom]seine Nase in etw. [Akk.] hineinstecken [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to poke one's tongue out (at sb.) (jdm.) die Zunge herausstrecken
to poke outherausragen
to poke sb. [esp. in the arm / ribs]jdn. knuffen [ugs.] [bes. in den Arm / in die Rippen knuffen]
to poke sb. [punch] [Am.] [coll.] jdn. hauen [verhauen]
to poke sb. [sl.] [vulg.] [to have sexual intercourse] [of a man]jdn. vögeln [vulg.] [Geschlechtsverkehr haben] [Mann]
to poke sb. in the eyes [typically with the fingers forked to jab both eyes or held together] jdm. mit den Fingern in die Augen stechen [auch: mit dem Finger ins Auge stechen]
to poke sb. in the ribsjdm. in die Rippen stoßen
to poke sb. in the ribsjdn. in die Rippen stoßen
to poke sth. [fire, embers]etw. schüren [Feuer, Glut]
to poke sth. into sth. etw. in etw. [Akk.] stecken
to poke sth. into sth.etw. in etw. [Akk.] hineinstecken
to poke sth. into sth.etw. in etw. [Akk.] piken [ugs.]
to poke sth. into sth.etw. in etw. [Akk.] pieken [ugs.]
to poke the ball home den Ball ins Tor stochern
to polarise [Br.] polarisieren
to polarise [Br.]sich polarisieren
to polarizepolarisieren
to polarize sich polarisieren
to polarize [also fig.] polen [auch fig.]
to pole [propel a water craft with a pole] staken
to poleaxe sb. [Br.] [coll.] [fig.] [severely shock psychologically] jdm. einen schönen Schock einjagen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to polemicise [Br.]polemisieren
to polemicizepolemisieren
to polemize polemisieren
to pole-vault stabhochspringen [meist nur im Infinitiv und Partizip]
to policekontrollieren
to police sb. jdn. im Zaum halten [Redewendung]
to police sb./sth. [monitor / watch closely] jdn./etw. überwachen
to police the brass Patronenhülsen entfernen [vom Schießstand, Tatort]
to police the worlddie Weltpolizei spielen
to police up sth. [Am.] [to clean up a messy place] [coll.] etw. aufräumen
to polish abschleifen
to polishglätten
to polish polieren
to polishputzen [Schuhe]
to polishwichsen [Schuhe]
to polish [fig.] [speech, plan etc.]ausfeilen [fig.] [Rede, Plan usw.]
to polish [floor]blochen [schweiz.]
to polish [the floor]bohnern
to polish bootsStiefel wichsen
to polish furniture Möbel polieren
to polish manners Manieren verfeinern
to polish off restlos verputzen [ugs.]
to polish sb./sth. off [coll.] [destroy sth., e.g. an enemy aircraft]jdn./etw. zerstören [vernichten]
to polish shoes Schuhe putzen
to polish shoes Schuhe wichsen
to polish sth. etw. [Akk.] wienern [ugs.]
to polish sth.etw. auf Hochglanz bringen [Oberfläche]
to polish sth. etw. [Akk.] feinschleifen
to polish sth.etw. [Akk.] politieren [österr.] [polieren]
to polish sth. [fig.] [style etc.]an etw. [Dat.] feilen [fig.]
to polish sth. off [coll.] [complete sth.]etw. [Akk.] abschließen [beenden]
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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