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[territory governed by a Vogt] Vogtei {f}
[territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights]Herrschaft {f} [Territorium]
[territory of the fiefdom of a lord, in which he exercised his full feudal rights]Herrlichkeit {f} [Territorium]
[territory of the former GDR as part of reunited Germany]Beitrittsgebiet {n} [Gebiet der ehemaligen DDR seit der Wiedervereinigung]
terroirTerroir {n}
terroir wine Terroirwein {m} [auch: Terroir-Wein]
terror Erschrecken {n}
terror [extreme fear]Schrecken {m}
terror [great fear] schreckliche Angst {f} [Todesangst usw.]
terror [the use of extreme fear] Terror {m} [Verbreitung von Angst und Schrecken mittels Gewalt]
terror aircraft [term used by NS propaganda for Allied bombers]Terrorflugzeuge {pl}
terror alarm Terroralarm {m}
terror alertTerroralarm {m}
terror alertTerrorwarnung {f}
terror alert level Terrorwarnstufe {f}
terror attack Terrorattacke {f}
terror attack Terrorangriff {m}
terror attackTerroranschlag {m}
terror attemptAnschlagsversuch {m}
terror bird [family: Phorusrhacidae] [extinct] Terrorvogel {m} [ausgestorben]
terror bombingBombenterror {m}
Terror by Night / The Stolen Jewels [Roy William Neill] Juwelenraub
terror campaignTerrorkampagne {f}
terror cell Terrorzelle {f}
terror dragnet Terrorfahndung {f}
terror groupTerrorgruppe {f}
terror in the slopesPistenrowdy {m}
terror movement Terrorbewegung {f}
terror networkTerrornetzwerk {n}
terror of the slopes Pistenrowdy {m} [ugs.] [rücksichtsloser Skifahrer]
terror of the slopes Skirowdy {m}
terror on the slopes [coll.] [reckless skier, snowboarder, etc.] Pistensau {f} [ugs.] [rücksichtsloser Skifahrer, Snowboarder usw.] [vgl. Pistenschreck]
terror plot geplanter Terroranschlag {m}
terror raidTerrorangriff {m}
terror regimeTerrorregime {n}
terror regimeSchreckensherrschaft {f}
terror state Terrorstaat {m}
terror suspect Terrorverdächtiger {m}
terror suspect [female] Terrorverdächtige {f}
Terror Train [Roger Spottiswoode]Monster im Nachtexpress
Terror Train [Roger Spottiswoode]Todesparty 3
terror warning Terrorwarnung {f}
terror wave Terrorwelle {f}
terror-fraught [horrible] grauenvoll
terrorisation [Br.]Terrorisierung {f}
terrorised [Br.] terrorisiert
terroriser [Br.] Terrorist {m}
terrorising [Br.] terrorisierend
terrorism Terrorismus {m}
terrorism charge Terrorismusvorwurf {m}
terrorism expert Terrorismusexperte {m}
terrorism expert [female] Terrorismusexpertin {f}
terrorism propagandaTerrorismuspropaganda {f}
terrorism researchTerrorismusforschung {f}
terrorism suspectTerrorverdächtiger {m}
terrorism suspectTerrorismusverdächtiger {m}
terrorism threat levelTerrorwarnstufe {f}
terroristTerrorist {m}
terrorist [female] Terroristin {f}
terrorist act Terrorakt {m}
terrorist activitiesterroristische Aktivitäten {pl}
terrorist armyTerrorarmee {f}
terrorist army [terrorist militia]Terrormiliz {f}
terrorist attack Terroranschlag {m}
terrorist attackTerrorangriff {m}
terrorist attackterroristischer Anschlag {m}
terrorist attack Terrorüberfall {m}
terrorist attacks Terroranschläge {pl}
terrorist bomb Terroristenbombe {f}
terrorist cell Terroristenzelle {f}
terrorist commando Terrorkommando {n}
terrorist groupTerroristengruppe {f}
terrorist group Terrorgruppe {f}
terrorist groups terroristische Gruppen {pl}
terrorist hideout konspirative Wohnung {f} [von Terroristen]
terrorist lairTerroristen-Versteck {n}
terrorist leaderTerroristenführer {m}
terrorist leaderTerrorchef {m} [ugs.]
terrorist movement Terrorbewegung {f}
terrorist network Terrornetzwerk {n}
terrorist organisation [Br.] Terrororganisation {f}
terrorist organisation [Br.] terroristische Vereinigung {f}
terrorist organisations [Br.] Terrororganisationen {pl}
terrorist organisations [Br.] terroristische Vereinigungen {pl}
terrorist organization terroristische Vereinigung {f}
terrorist organization Terrororganisation {f}
terrorist organization Terrorvereinigung {f}
terrorist organization terroristische Organisation {f}
terrorist organizations Terrororganisationen {pl}
terrorist organizations terroristische Vereinigungen {pl}
terrorist outrageTerroranschlag {m}
terrorist plans Terrorpläne {pl} [auch: Terror-Pläne]
terrorist sceneTerroristenszene {f}
terrorist state Terrorstaat {m}
terrorist suspects Terrorverdächtige {pl}
terrorist threatTerrorbedrohung {f}
terrorist threatTerrorgefahr {f}
terrorist threat levelTerrorwarnstufe {f}
terrorist training campTerrorcamp {n}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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