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terrorist [female] Terroristin {f}
terrorist act Terrorakt {m}
terrorist activitiesterroristische Aktivitäten {pl}
terrorist armyTerrorarmee {f}
terrorist army [terrorist militia] Terrormiliz {f}
terrorist attack Terroranschlag {m}
terrorist attackTerrorangriff {m}
terrorist attack terroristischer Anschlag {m}
terrorist attack Terrorüberfall {m}
terrorist attacks Terroranschläge {pl}
terrorist bombTerroristenbombe {f}
terrorist cellTerroristenzelle {f}
terrorist commandoTerrorkommando {n}
terrorist group Terroristengruppe {f}
terrorist groupTerrorgruppe {f}
terrorist groups terroristische Gruppen {pl}
terrorist hideout konspirative Wohnung {f} [von Terroristen]
terrorist lair Terroristen-Versteck {n}
terrorist leader Terroristenführer {m}
terrorist leader Terrorchef {m} [ugs.]
terrorist movement Terrorbewegung {f}
terrorist networkTerrornetzwerk {n}
terrorist organisation [Br.]Terrororganisation {f}
terrorist organisation [Br.]terroristische Vereinigung {f}
terrorist organisations [Br.] Terrororganisationen {pl}
terrorist organisations [Br.] terroristische Vereinigungen {pl}
terrorist organizationterroristische Vereinigung {f}
terrorist organization Terrororganisation {f}
terrorist organization Terrorvereinigung {f}
terrorist organization terroristische Organisation {f}
terrorist organizationsTerrororganisationen {pl}
terrorist organizations terroristische Vereinigungen {pl}
terrorist outrage Terroranschlag {m}
terrorist plans Terrorpläne {pl} [auch: Terror-Pläne]
terrorist scene Terroristenszene {f}
terrorist state Terrorstaat {m}
terrorist suspects Terrorverdächtige {pl}
terrorist threat Terrorbedrohung {f}
terrorist threat Terrorgefahr {f}
terrorist threat levelTerrorwarnstufe {f}
terrorist training campTerrorcamp {n}
terrorist training campTerrorlager {n}
terroristic terroristisch
terrorists Terroristen {pl}
[terrorists in Trentino-South Tyrol in 1961] Bumser {pl} [österr.]
terrorization Terrorisierung {f}
terrorized terrorisiert
terrorizer Terrorist {m}
terrorizing terrorisierend
terror-related terrorbezogen
terrors Schrecken {pl}
terror-strickenzu Tode erschrocken
Terry and the Pirates [Milton Caniff]Terry und die Piraten
terry cloth Frottee {m} {n}
terry cloth Frotté {m} {n} [alt]
terry (cloth) Schlingenstoff {m} [Frottee, Frottiergewebe]
Terry stop [Am.] [stop-and-frisk search][polizeiliche Kontrollmaßnahme, bei der ein Verdächtiger angehalten und durchsucht wird]
terry towel Frottierhandtuch {n}
terry towelFrotteehandtuch {n}
terry toweling [Am.] Frottierstoff {m}
terry towelling [Br.]Frottierstoff {m}
terry washcloth [Am.] Frotteewaschlappen {m}
terrycloth Frottee {n} {m}
terrycloth bathrobe [Am.] Frottee-Bademantel {m}
terrycloth hand towel Frottierhandtuch {n}
terrycloth hand towelhoppsaFrottierhandtuch {n}
terrycloth towel Frottiertuch {n}
Terry's nailsMilchglasnägel {pl}
Terry's nails Terry-Nägel {pl} [Milchglasnägel]
Terry's syndrome [Retinopathia praematurorum]Terry-Syndrom {n} [Frühgeborenenretinopathie]
Terry-Thomas sign [also known as David Letterman sign or Lauren Hutton sign] [radiological sign]Terry-Thomas-Zeichen {n} [vergrößerte Lücke zwischen dem Kahnbein und dem Mondbein; radiologisches Zeichen]
terrywallaceite [AgPb(Sb,Bi)3S6] Terrywallaceit {m}
Tersanctus Tersanctus {n}
terse knapp
terse kurz gefasst
terse prägnant
tersekurz angebunden [ugs.] [abweisend]
terse [brief and pithy] lapidar [geh.]
tersely kurz (angebunden [ugs.])
tersely prägnant
terselykurz und bündig
tersely lapidar [geh.]
terseness Knappheit {f}
terseness Kürze {f}
tersenessGedrängtheit {f} [fig.] [z. B. stilistisch]
tersenessBündigkeit {f}
terser knapper
terser gedrängter
tersest am kürzesten
terskite [Na4Zr(H4Si6O18)] Terskit {m}
Terson / Terson's syndromeTerson-Syndrom {n}
tertatololTertatolol {n}
tert-butanol tert-Butanol {n}
tertial [four months] Tertial {n} [ein drittel Jahr]
tertian alle drei Tage
tertian feverTertianafieber {n}
tertian fever Wechselfieber {n}
« terpterrterrterrterrterrterttesstesttesttest »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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