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English-German Dictionary

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to pump information out of sb. Information aus jdm. herauspumpen
to pump iron [coll.] Gewichte stemmen
to pump iron [coll.]pumpen [ugs.] [Krafttrainig machen]
to pump iron [coll.] [fig.] [do weight training]Eisen fressen [ugs.] [fig.] [Krafttraining betreiben]
to pump outherauspumpen
to pump outauspumpen
to pump outabpumpen
to pump out [fig.]erschöpfen
to pump out [water] lenzen [mit Pumpe]
to pump overumpumpen
to pump overüberpumpen
to pump sb. [coll.] bei jdm. nachhaken [ugs.]
to pump sb. [coll.] jdn. ausfragen
to pump sb. [coll.]jdn. ausquetschen [ugs.]
to pump sb. for information [coll.]jdn. aushorchen
to pump sb. for moneyjdn. (um Geld) anpumpen [ugs.]
to pump sb. up [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [raise sb.'s interest, enthusiasm] jdn. in Stimmung bringen
to pump sth. upetw. [Akk.] heraufpumpen
to pump sth. upetw. [Akk.] hochpumpen
to pump (sth.) (etw. [Akk.]) pumpen
to pump the stomachden Magen auspumpen
to pump up a tyre [Br.] einen Reifen aufpumpen
to pump up oilÖl fördern
to punkalauern [wortspielerisch]
to punmit Worten spielen
to punch boxen
to punchknuffen
to punchstanzen
to punchpunzen
to punch punzieren [veraltet] [punzen]
to punch [Am.] [cattle, etc.] treiben
to punch [hit repeatedly]einhämmern auf
to punch [holes]lochen
to punch [punch out]ausstanzen
to punch a holeein Loch stanzen
to punch a hole in sth. ein Loch in etw. [Akk.] schlagen
to punch a hole in sth. ein Loch in etw. [Akk.] stanzen
to punch a ticket eine Fahrkarte lochen
to punch above your weight [esp. Br.] [coll.] [idiom] sich [Akk.] übernehmen [sich zu viel vornehmen / zumuten]
to punch away [football]wegfausten
to punch clear [goalkeeper with his fists to clear the ball from his goalmouth]wegboxen [Torwart den Ball mit der Faust]
to punch clear [goalkeeper with his fists to clear the ball from his goalmouth] wegfausten [wegboxen]
to punch downunterstoßen
to punch holes (in / into sth.) (etw. [Akk.]) löchern [ugs.] [mit Löchern versehen]
to punch ineinstempeln [Stechuhr]
to punch in [codes etc.] eintippen [Telefonummern, Codes etc.]
to punch out ausstanzen
to punch outausstempeln [Stechuhr]
to punch out dekupieren
to punch sb. jdn. mit der Faust stoßen
to punch sb. [hit]jdn. schlagen [mit der Faust]
to punch sb. out [beat up, knock out] jdn. zusammenhauen [ugs.] [zusammenschlagen]
to punch sth. [cancel (esp. a ticket)]etw. [Akk.] entwerten [bes. eine Fahrkarte (durch Lochen)]
to punch the air [in celebration] die Faust in die Luft stoßen
to punch (the ball away) [soccer] (den Ball) fausten
to punch the clock die Kontrolluhr stechen
to punch the time clockdie Stechuhr drücken
to punch up eintippen [Geldbetrag]
to punch-mark ankörnen
to punctuateinterpunktieren
to punctuateSatzzeichen setzen [interpunktieren]
to punctuate sth.etw. [Akk.] interpungieren [interpunktieren]
to punctuate sth. [a text]etw. mit Satzzeichen versehen
to punctuate sth. [accentuate] etw. [Akk.] unterstreichen
to punctuate sth. with a slash [/]etw. mit einem Schrägstrich versehen
to punctuate (with) [Am.] [fig.] unterbrechen
to punctuate (with) [Am.] [fig.] durchsetzen (mit)
to puncturedurchstechen
to puncture [e.g. vein] punktieren [z. B. Vene]
to punish [strain] strapazieren
to punish sb.jdn. abstrafen
to punish sb. [for sth.]jdn. strafen [für etw.]
to punish sb. [in a fight] jdn. übel zurichten [ugs.]
to punish sb. for sth. jdn. für etw. [Akk.] bestrafen
to punish sb. with a finejdn. mit einer Geldstrafe belegen
to punish sb./sth.jdn./etw. bestrafen
to punish sb./sth. [fig.]jdn./etw. stark beanspruchen
to punish sb./sth. [fig.] [treat roughly] jdn./etw. arg mitnehmen [fig.]
to punish sb./sth. [treat roughly]jdn./etw. malträtieren
to punish sb./sth. severelyjdn./etw. schwer bestrafen
to punish sth. [e.g. a crime] etw. [Akk.] strafen [selten] [z. B. eine Tat]
to punish sth. [fig.] [treat roughly]etw. ramponieren [ugs.]
to punish sth. [food] etw. wegputzen [ugs.] [fig.] [Essen]
to punish sth. [wrongdoing, crime] etw. ahnden [geh.] [strafen, rächen]
to puntstoßen
to punt wetten
to punt [coll.] [equivocate] ausweichen [ausweichend antworten]
to punt [in a boat]staken
to punt forward [football]nach vorne hauen [ugs.]
to punt on sth. [Br.] [coll.] auf etw. wetten
to pupatesich verpuppen
to puppeteer sb. [fig.] [control, manipulate]jdn./etw. steuern [manipulieren]
to puppeteer sth.etw. führen [Marionette, Handpuppe]
to purchase käuflich erwerben
to purchase a houseein Haus kaufen
to purchase and resell kaufen und wieder verkaufen
to purchase at wholesale im Großhandel kaufen
to purchase bills of exchangeWechsel kaufen
to purchase by auctionersteigern
to purchase for / on one's own account auf eigene Rechnung kaufen
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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