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to put sb. in a bad mood jdn. in schlechte Laune versetzen
to put sb. in a coffin jdn. einsargen
to put sb. in a flurry jdn. in Aufregung versetzen
to put sb. in a happy mood jdn. glücklich stimmen
to put sb. in a hell of a mess [coll.] [idiom]jdn. in Teufels Küche bringen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. in a position to do sth. jdn. in die Lage versetzen, etw. zu tun
to put sb. in a secure institution jdn. in einer geschlossenen Anstalt unterbringen
to put sb. in a trance jdn. in Trance versetzen
to put sb. in a worse position jdn. schlechter stellen
to put sb. in chains jdm. Fesseln anlegen [jdm. Ketten anlegen]
to put sb. in chains jdn. in Ketten legen
to put sb. in chargejdn. zum Chef ernennen
to put sb. in charge of sth.jdm. die Verantwortung für etw. übertragen
to put sb. in check jdm. Schach bieten
to put sb. in contact with sb.jdm. jdn. vermitteln
to put sb. in default jdn. in Verzug setzen
to put sb. in his / her place jdn. in den Senkel stellen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. in his place [fig.] [idiom] jdn. auf seinen Platz verweisen [fig.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. in irons jdn. in Fesseln schlagen [bes. fig.]
to put sb. in irons jdn. in Eisen legen [fesseln]
to put sb. in mind of sb./sth. [idiom]jdn. an jdn./etw. gemahnen [geh.] [an jdn./etw. erinnern, denken lassen]
to put sb. in mind of sb./sth. [idiom] jdn. an jdn./etw. erinnern
to put sb. in mind of sb./sth. [idiom]jdm. jdn./etw. (eindringlich) ins Gedächtnis rufen
to put sb. in the club [Br.] [coll.] [idiom] jdm. ein Kind andrehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. in the dock jdn. auf die Anklagebank bringen
to put sb. in the driver's seat jdn. ans Steuer setzen
to put sb. in the ground [sl.] jdn. umlegen [umbringen]
to put sb. in the mood for sth. jdn. in die Stimmung für etw. versetzen
to put sb. in the picture [idiom] jdn. ins Bild setzen [Redewendung]
to put sb. in the pilloryjdn. an den Pranger stellen
to put sb. in the right way [Br.] [obs.] [literary]jdm. auf die Sprünge helfen [Redewendung]
to put sb. in the (right) mood for sth.jdn. auf etw. [Akk.] einstimmen
to put sb. in the shade [idiom]jdn. in den Sack stecken [Idiom]
to put sb. in the stocksjdn. an den Pranger stellen
to put sb. in their place [idiom] jdn. in seine Schranken weisen [Redewendung]
to put sb. in their place [idiom] jdm. einen Dämpfer aufsetzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. in their place [idiom] jdn. in die Schranken weisen [Redewendung]
to put sb. in their place [idiom]jdn. zurechtweisen
to put sb. in touch with sb. jdn. mit jdm. in Kontakt bringen
to put sb. inside [Br.] [sl.]jdn. zu Gefängnis verknacken [ugs.]
to put sb. into a good mood jdn. in gute Stimmung versetzen
to put sb. into a rage jdn. in Zorn versetzen
to put sb. into a trancejdn. in Trance versetzen
to put sb. into good humor [Am.] jdn. in gute Stimmung versetzen
to put sb. into good humour [Br.] jdn. in gute Stimmung versetzen
to put sb. into the hospital jdn. krankenhausreif schlagen
to put sb. off jdn. hinhalten
to put sb. offjdn. vertreiben
to put sb. off jdn. aus der Fassung bringen [Redner]
to put sb. off jdm. abwinken
to put sb. offjdn. vergraulen [ugs.]
to put sb. off jdn. entmutigen
to put sb. off [cause sb. to lose interest or enthusiasm] jdm. die Lust nehmen
to put sb. off [discourage]jdn. abschrecken
to put sb. off [get rid of sb.]jdn. abwimmeln [ugs.]
to put sb. off doing sth.jdn. davon abbringen, etw. zu tun
to put sb. off doing sth. jdm. ausreden, etw. zu tun
to put sb. off from day to day jdn. von Tag zu Tag vertrösten
to put sb. off from month to monthjdn. von Monat zu Monat vertrösten
to put sb. off from week to week jdn. von Woche zu Woche vertrösten
to put sb. off his / her stride [idiom]jdn. aus dem Konzept bringen [Redewendung]
to put sb. off his / her stride [idiom]jdn. aus dem Tritt bringen [Redewendung]
to put sb. off sth.jdm. etw. verleiden
to put sb. off sth. jdm. den Spaß an etw. [Dat.] nehmen
to put sb. off sth.jdm. etw. madig machen [ugs.]
to put sb. off sth. [aversion]jdm. etw. [Akk.] verekeln
to put sb. off till / untiljdn. auf etw. [Akk.] vertrösten
to put sb. on [Am.] [coll.] jdn. verscheißern [ugs.] [salopp]
to put sb. on [Am.] [coll.] jdn. verkohlen [ugs.]
to put sb. on [Am.] [coll.] jdn. veräppeln [ugs.] [veralbern]
to put sb. on [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]jdn. auf den Arm nehmen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. on [football etc.]jdn. hereinnehmen [einwechseln]
to put sb. on [football] [to exchange sb. for another player] jdn. einwechseln
to put sb. on a dietjdm. eine Diät verschreiben
to put sb. on a diet jdn. auf Diät setzen
to put sb. on a tight / short leash [idiom]jdn. an die Kette legen [Redewendung]
to put sb. on an equal footing with sb. jdn. mit jdm. gleichstellen
to put sb. on enquiry [Br.] jdn. auf etw. aufmerksam machen
to put sb. on furloughjdn. zwangsbeurlauben
to put sb. on furlough jdn. in Zwangsurlaub schicken
to put sb. on his best behaviour [Br.] jdm. einschärfen, sich gut zu benehmen
to put sb. on his guardjdn. vorwarnen
to put sb. on his mettlejdn. zur Aufbietung all seiner Kräfte zwingen
to put sb. on leave [suspend, lay off] jdn. freistellen [beurlauben, entlassen]
to put sb. on leave of absencejdn. beurlauben
to put sb. on oath jdn. vereidigen
to put sb. on probationjdn. auf Bewährung setzen
to put sb. on speakerphone [while phoning]jdn. auf Lautsprecher stellen [beim Telefonieren]
to put sb. on standby [ police, fire brigade ] jdn. in Alarmbereitschaft versetzen
to put sb. on the alertjdn. in Alarmbereitschaft versetzen
to put sb. on the back burner [idiom] jdn. aufs Abstellgleis schieben [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to put sb. on the bench [football] jdn. auf die Bank setzen
to put sb. on the rackjdn. auf die Folter spannen
to put sb. on the right track againjdn. wieder ins Lot bringen
to put sb. on the spot [idiom] jdn. in Verlegenheit bringen
to put sb. on the waiting list jdn. auf die Warteliste setzen
to put sb. on the wanted list jdn. zur Fahndung ausschreiben
to put sb. on trialjdm. den Prozess machen
to put sb. on trial jdn. vor Gericht stellen
to put sb. on trial for sth. jdn. wegen etw. [meist Gen., auch Dat.] anklagen
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