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to read for the barJura studieren
to read from a bookaus einem Buch vorlesen
to read from start von Anfang an lesen
to read further weiterlesen
to read in eingeben
to read ineinspeichern
to read ineinlesen
to read in a loud voice mit lauter Stimme lesen
to read in allotted characters mit verteilten Rollen lesen
to read in peace and quietin Stille lesen
to read into the future in die Zukunft sehen
to read law Rechtswissenschaft studieren
to read law [esp. Br.] Jura studieren
to read like a novelsich wie ein Roman lesen
to read lips [idiom]absehen
to read lips [idiom]abschauen
to read little into sth.wenig Rückschlüsse über etw. ziehen
to read Mass die Messe lesen
to read moreweiterlesen
to read MR scansMR-Scans / MR-Aufnahmen lesen [befunden]
to read music Noten lesen
to read mysteries into sth. etw. [Akk.] in etw. [Akk.] hineingeheimnissen
to read of sth. von / über etw. lesen
to read offablesen
to read offabtasten
to read off herunterlesen
to read on weiterlesen
to read on sth.eine Vorlesung über etw. [Akk.] halten
to read (one's fortunes in the patterns of) coffee dregs aus dem Kaffeesatz lesen [aus dem Kaffeesatz wahrsagen]
to read outausspeichern
to read out herauslesen
to read outausgeben
to read out vorlesen
to read out [instrument readings] ablesen
to read out aloudlaut vorlesen
to read out of a bookaus einem Buch lesen
to read out sth. [statement, announcement] etw. verlesen [vorlesen]
to read overüberlesen
to read over a page eine Seite durchlesen
to read phonetically lautieren
to read physics [at university] [Br.] Physik studieren
to read psychology [Br.] Psychologie als Hauptfach studieren
to read sb. his / her Miranda rights [Am.] jdm. seine Rechte vorlesen [einen Verdächtigen über sein Recht auf Aussageverweigerung und einen Anwalt belehren, vgl. § 136 StPO]
to read sb. sth.jdm. etw. [Akk.] vorlesen
to read sb. the riot act [coll.] [idiom] jdm. die Epistel lesen [Redewendung] [selten] [veraltet]
to read sb. the riot act [coll.] [idiom] jdm. die Leviten lesen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to read sb. to sleep jdn. in den Schlaf lesen
to read sb.'s character jdn. durchschauen
to read sb.'s face jdn. durchschauen
to read sb.'s face like a book [idiom] in jds. Gesicht wie in einem Buch lesen [Redewendung]
to read sb.'s fortune jdm. die Zukunft voraussagen
to read sb.'s fortune from the cards jdm. die Karten legen [Redewendung]
to read sb.'s mind jds. Gedanken lesen
to read sb.'s palmjdm. aus der Hand lesen
to read sb.'s thoughtsjds. Gedanken lesen
to read (sb.'s) lips [idiom](jdm.) von den Lippen lesen [Redewendung]
to read sth. [a will]etw. [Akk.] eröffnen [ein Testament]
to read sth. [Br.]etw. [Akk.] als Hauptfach studieren
to read sth. [esp. Br.] [history, physics, etc.]etw. [Akk.] hören [Geschichte, Physik, usw.]
to read sth. [esp. Br.] [study at university]etw. [Akk.] studieren
to read sth. aloud [an official statement]etw. verlesen [(eine Bekanntmachung) vorlesen]
to read sth. as sth. [= interpret]etw. als etw. interpretieren
to read sth. carefully etw. [Akk.] aufmerksam durchlesen
to read sth. from cover to cover etw. ganz lesen
to read sth. in sb.'s eyes jdm. etw. an den Augen ablesen
to read sth. in secretetw. heimlich lesen
to read sth. in several ways etw. unterschiedlich auslegen
to read sth. into sth.etw. in etw. [Akk.] hineinlesen
to read sth. into sth.etw. in etw. [Akk.] hineindeuten
to read sth. into sth. etw. in etw. [Akk.] hineininterpretieren
to read sth. over etw. [Akk.] durchlesen
to read sth. through sich [Dat.] etw. durchlesen
to read sth. to sb. jdm. etw. vorlesen
to read (sth.)(etw.) lesen
to read tea leaves aus dem Kaffeesatz lesen
to read tea leavesaus Teeblättern lesen
to read the charges die Anklage verlesen
to read the error out (den) Fehler auslesen
to read the lessondie Lesung lesen
to read the meter den Zähler ablesen
to read the minutes [aloud] das Protokoll verlesen
to read the paper / newspaper(die) Zeitung lesen
to read the roomdie Stimmung im Raum erfassen
to read the tea leaves aus dem Kaffeesatz lesen
to read the thermometer das Thermometer ablesen
to read (the) power consumptionden Stromverbrauch ablesen
to read through durchlesen
to read through the lot ganz durchlesen
to read to oneselffür sich lesen
to read to sb.jdm. vorlesen
to read to the endzu Ende lesen
to read up about sb./sth. sich über jdn./etw. informieren [durch Nachlesen]
to read up on a subjectsich in ein Thema einlesen
to read up on sth. sich [Dat.] Kenntnisse über etw. anlesen
to read up on sth.sich [Akk.] in etw. [Akk.] einarbeiten [durch Lesen]
to read up on sth. etw. gründlich studieren [durch Lesen]
to read wrongsich verlesen
to read wrongly sich verlesen
to readaptneu anpassen
to readd sb./sth. to sth. [re-add] jdn./etw. wieder zu etw. [Akk.] hinzufügen
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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