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English-German Dictionary

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tetanusStarrkrampf {m}
tetanus Tetanus {m}
tetanus Wundstarrkrampf {m}
tetanus antitoxinTetanusserum {n}
tetanus booster (shot)Tetanusauffrischung {f} [Auffrischungsimpfung]
tetanus injection Tetanusspritze {f}
tetanus prophylaxis Tetanusprophylaxe {f}
tetanus shot [coll.] Tetanusimpfung {f} [auch: Tetanus-Impfung]
tetanus shot [coll.]Tetanus {f} [ugs.] [Tetanusimpfung]
tetanus vaccination Tetanusschutzimpfung {f}
tetanus vaccination Tetanusimpfung {f}
tetanus vaccine Tetanusvakzine {f}
tetanus vaccineTetanusimpfstoff {m}
tetany Krampfkrankheit {f}
tetchiness Launenhaftigkeit {f}
tetchiness [as a general characteristic] Reizbarkeit {f}
tetchiness [on particular occasion]Gereiztheit {f}
tetchy reizbar
tetchy gereizt
tetchy empfindlich
tete sea catfish [Sciades seemanni, formerly: Arius seemani]Westamerikanischer Kreuzwels {m}
tête-à-tête unter vier Augen
tête-à-têteTête-à-tête {n}
tête-à-têteTete-a-tete {n}
tête-à-têtezu zweien
tête-à-tête Zwiegespräch {n}
tête-à-tête tête-à-tête
tête-bêcheKehrdruck {m}
tete-beche Kehrdruck {m}
tether Haltegurt {m}
tether Haltestrick {m}
tether Leine {f}
tether Spannseil {n}
tetherAbfangeisen {n} [selten] [Abfangschiene]
tether [coll.] elektronische Fußfessel {f}
tether [fig.] [utmost extent of sth.] Spielraum {m} [fig.] [begrenzte Bewegungs- oder Handlungsfreiheit]
tether monitoring system elektronische Aufenthaltsüberwachung {f} <EAÜ>
tetherball Tetherball {m}
tethered angebunden
tethered [non-wireless]kabelgebunden
tethered [non-wireless] Kabel-
tethered balloon Fesselballon {m}
tethered cap (fest) verbundener Flaschendeckel {m}
tethered flight [e.g. balloon]Fesselflug {m}
tethered housing Anbindehaltung {f} [z. B. von Nutztieren]
tethered scanner kabelgebundener Scanner {m}
tethered scanner Kabelscanner {m}
tetherin [CD317] Tetherin {n}
tethering anbindend
tethering Tethering {n}
TethysTethys {f}
Tethys fimbria [syn.: T. fimbriata] [marine nudibranch in the family Tethydidae]Schleierschnecke {f} [Meeresnacktschneckenart]
Tethys Ocean Tethysmeer {n}
Tethys Ocean Tethys {f} [Meer im Mesozoikum]
tetra Salmler {m}
tetra [Markiana nigripinnis]Orangeflossensalmler {m}
tetra [Markiana nigripinnis]Orangeflecksalmler {m}
tetra of Rio [Hyphessobrycon flammeus] Roter von Rio {m}
tetraauricupride [AuCu] [also: tetra-auricupride]Tetraauricuprid {m}
tetraazaphenalene Tetraazaphenalen {n}
tetrabasicvierbasig <4-basig>
tetraborane [B4H10] Tetraboran {n}
tetraborateTetraborat {n}
tetrabranchiate [Tetrabranchiata] Tetrabranchiat {m}
tetrabromobisphenol A <TBBPA>Tetrabrombisphenol A {n} <TBBPA>
tetrabromofluoresceinTetrabromfluorescein {n}
tetrabromomethane [CBr4] Tetrabrommethan {n}
tetrabromostannate [SnBr4]Zinn(IV)-bromid {n}
tetrabromostannate [SnBr4] Zinntetrabromid {n}
tetracaine Tetracain {n}
tetracarpellate vierkarpellig
tetracene [C18H12]Tetracen {n}
tetrachloroauric acid [AuCl4.H] Tetrachlorogoldsäure {f}
tetrachloroethene [C2Cl4]Tetrachlorethen {n}
tetrachloroethene [C2Cl4] Per {n} [ugs.] [Tetrachlorethen]
tetrachloroethylene [C2Cl4] Tetrachlorethen {n}
tetrachloroethylene [C2Cl4]Perchlor {n} [ugs.] [Tetrachlorethen]
tetrachloroethylene [C2Cl4] Per {n} [ugs.] [Tetrachlorethen]
tetrachloromethane [CCl4] Tetrachlormethan {n}
tetrachord Tetrachord {m} {n}
tetraconch Tetrakonchos {m}
tetraconch [building]Vierkonchenanlage {f} [auch: Vier-Konchen-Anlage]
tetraconch [church, building]Vierapsidenkirche {f} [Vierkonchenanlage]
tetraconch (choir) [building]Vierkonchenchor {m} [Vierkonchenanlage, Tetrakonchos]
tetraconch churchVierapsidenkirche {f} [Tetrakonchos]
tetracontagon Vierzigeck {n}
tetracosane [C24H50]Tetracosan {n}
tetracosane [C24H50] Tetrakosan {n}
tetracosanoic acid [C24H48O2, C23H47COOH]Tetracosansäure {f}
tetracrotic mit vier Zacken [EKG-Kurve]
tetracrotic tetrakrot
tetracyanoethene Tetracyanethen {n}
tetracyanoethylene <TCNE> [C6N4] Tetracyanoethylen {n}
tetracyclic antidepressant <TCA> tetrazyklisches Antidepressivum {n} <TetraZA / TCA / TZA>
tetracyclic antidepressants <TCAs> tetrazyklische Antidepressiva {pl} <TetraZA / TCA / TZA>
tetracycline Tetracyclin {n}
tetracyclines Tetracycline {pl}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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