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to screen sb. jdn. überprüfen
to screen sb. from sth. [protect]jdn. vor etw. [Dat.] beschützen
to screen sb./sth. for sth. jdn./etw. auf etw. hin untersuchen
to screen sth. [check, examine] etw. genau überprüfen
to screen sth. [sieve] etw. sieben [z. B. Korn, Gold]
to screen the applications [for a job] die Bewerbungen sichten [für eine Stelle]
to screen-mesh sth.etw. seihen [ugs.] [regional] [durchseihen]
to screwschrauben
to screw [coll.] [scrimp, be stingy] knausern [ugs.]
to screw [vulg.] [to have coitus]mausen [vulg.] [regional] [koitieren]
to screw [vulg.] [to have sex]bumsen [vulg.]
to screw [vulg.] [to have sex] ficken [vulg.]
to screw [vulg.] [to have sex] poppen [vulg.]
to screw [vulg.] [to have sex] rammeln [vulg.]
to screw a debtor einen Schuldner unter Druck setzen
to screw a promise out of sb.jdm. ein Versprechen abringen
to screw anything with a heartbeat [sl.] alles vögeln, was nicht bei drei auf dem Baum / den Bäumen ist [ugs.]
to screw around [Am.] [coll.] herumgammeln [etw. sinn- und ziellos betreiben]
to screw around [coll.]herumhuren [ugs.]
to screw around [vulg.] in der Weltgeschichte herumvögeln [vulg.]
to screw around [vulg.] [while being in a relationship]fremdficken [vulg.]
to screw down zuschrauben
to screw down festschrauben
to screw down a price einen Preis senken
to screw down prices Preise drücken
to screw each other's brains out [vulg.] sich gegenseitig das Hirn rausficken [vulg.]
to screw in einschrauben
to screw money out of sb.jdm. Geld abnötigen
to screw offabschrauben
to screw off losschrauben
to screw off [sl.] [to go away] abzischen [ugs.]
to screw on anschrauben
to screw on sth.etw. aufschrauben
to screw one's face up sein Gesicht verziehen
to screw oneself good and proper [coll.] [idiom] [cheat oneself]sich [Akk.] selbst nach Strich und Faden bescheißen [salopp] [Redewendung]
to screw oneself insich dazwischendrängen
to screw open aufschrauben
to screw outausschrauben
to screw outherauspressen
to screw out a secret ein Geheimnis herauspressen
to screw out sb.'s consent [coll.]jds. Zustimmung erpressen
to screw sb. [coll.] [to take advantage of sb.] jdn. bescheißen [derb]
to screw sb. [coll.] [to take advantage of sb.]jdn. linken [ugs.]
to screw sb. [sl.] [to take advantage of sb.] jdn. reinlegen [ugs.]
to screw sb. [vulg.] [have sex with]jdn. bügeln [ugs.] [derb] [Geschlechtsverkehr haben]
to screw sb. [vulg.] [to have sexual intercourse with sb.]mit jdm. vögeln [vulg.]
to screw sb. [vulg.] [to have sexual intercourse with sb.]jdn. bumsen [vulg.]
to screw sb. for sth. [coll.]jdm. etw. abknöpfen [ugs., durch Betrug]
to screw sb. over [Am.] [sl.] jdn. bescheißen [vulg.]
to screw sb. up [coll.]jdn. fertigmachen [ugs.]
to screw (sb.) [vulg.] [to have sexual intercourse (with sb.)] (jdn.) vögeln [vulg.]
to screw sth. in etw. hineindrehen
to screw sth. in [e.g. a light bulb]etw. [Akk.] eindrehen [hineindrehen] [z. B. eine Glühbirne]
to screw sth. in tightetw. festschrauben
to screw sth. onto sth.etw. an etw. [Dat.] anschrauben
to screw sth. onto sth. etw. auf etw. schrauben / aufschrauben
to screw sth. out of sb. etw. aus jdm. herausholen
to screw sth. out of sb. etw. aus jdm. herauspressen
to screw sth. together etw. miteinander verschrauben
to screw sth. up etw. [Akk.] versemmeln [ugs.]
to screw sth. up [Br.] [piece of paper etc.] etw. zerknüllen [Blatt Papier usw.]
to screw sth. up [coll.] etw. versauen [ugs.]
to screw sth. up [coll.] bei etw. ablosen [ugs.]
to screw sth. up [coll.]etw. verkorksen [ugs.]
to screw sth. up [coll.]etw. [Akk.] vergeigen [ugs.]
to screw sth. up [coll.] [idiom] etw. [Akk.] in den Sand setzen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to screw sth. up [coll.] [ruin, spoil]etw. [Akk.] vergurken [salopp] [verderben, zu einem Misserfolg machen]
to screw sth. up [sl.] etw. vermasseln [ugs.]
to screw the lid / top on sth. [jar, flask]etw. zuschrauben [Glas, Flasche]
to screw the pooch [sl.] etw. versauen [ugs.]
to screw the truth out of sb. aus jdm. die Wahrheit herausholen
to screw things up [coll.] Mist bauen [ugs.]
to screw things up [sl.] Scheiße bauen [vulg.]
to screw things up for sb. [coll.] jdm. etw. versauen [ugs.]
to screw to the flooram / mit dem Boden verschrauben
to screw togetherzusammenschrauben
to screw (together)verschrauben
to screw upzuschrauben
to screw up [coll.] es verbocken [ugs.]
to screw up [coll.] verpfuschen [ugs.]
to screw up [coll.] vermurksen [ugs.]
to screw up [coll.]versauen [ugs.]
to screw up [coll.]verhunzen [ugs.]
to screw up [coll.] [blunder] es vermasseln [ugs.]
to screw up [coll.] [foul up]Mist bauen [ugs.]
to screw up [one's eyes] zusammenkneifen [Augen]
to screw up a fiddle-string eine Geigensaite spannen
to screw up a plan [sl.] einen Plan vermasseln [ugs.]
to screw up a price einen Preis erhöhen
to screw up a sheet of paper [Br.] ein Blatt Papier zusammenknüllen
to screw up (on sth.)(bei etw. [Dat.]) Mist bauen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to screw up (on sth.) (bei etw. [Dat.]) Scheiße bauen [vulg.] [Redewendung]
to screw up one's courage Mut fassen
to screw up one's courage [idiom]sich [Dat.] ein Herz fassen [Redewendung]
to screw up one's courage [idiom] all seinen Mut zusammennehmen [Redewendung]
to screw up one's eyes plinkern [nordd.] [blinzeln]
to screw up one's face sein Gesicht verziehen
to screw up one's face das Gesicht verziehen
to screw up one's nose die Nase rümpfen
to screw up prices Preise in die Höhe treiben
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