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English-German Dictionary

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textbook exampleLehrbuchbeispiel {n} [fig.]
textbook example (for) Schulbeispiel {n} (für)
textbook knowledge Lehrbuchwissen {n} [pej.]
textbook landing Bilderbuchlandung {f}
textbook lines Lehrbuchmeinungen {pl}
textbook marketLehrbuchmarkt {m}
textbook pregnancy Bilderbuchschwangerschaft {f}
textbook solution Lehrbuchlösung {f}
textbookish lehrbuchhaft
textbooksLehrbücher {pl}
textbooks Leitfäden {pl}
textcolor [Am.] Textfarbe {f}
textcolour [Br.]Textfarbe {f}
text-dependent textabhängig
text-editing system Textbearbeitungssystem {n}
texterSimser {m} [ugs.] [SMS-Schreiber]
textile Gewebe {n}
textile Textil-
textile Textil {n}
textile [attr.] textil
textile adhesiveTextilkleber {m}
textile and clothing industry <T&C industry> Textil- und Bekleidungsindustrie {f} <TB-Industrie, T/B-Industrie>
textile and clothing management Textil- und Bekleidungsmanagement {n} <TBM>
textile and leather engineering Textil- und Ledertechnik {f} <TL, TLT>
textile and surface designTextil- und Flächengestaltung {f}
textile and surface design Textil- und Flächendesign {n}
textile and surface pattern design Textil- und Flächen-Design {n}
textile archaeology Textilarchäologie {f}
textile artTextilkunst {f}
textile auxiliary substancesTextilhilfsstoffe {pl}
textile bamboo [Bambusa textilis] Blauer Bambus {m}
textile bleaching Textilbleiche {f}
textile braid Textilgeflecht {n}
textile care sector Textilpflegebranche {f}
textile center [Am.] Textilzentrum {n}
textile cityTextilstadt {f}
textile cleaning Textilreinigung {f}
textile collection Textilsammlung {f}
textile color [Am.] Textilfarbe {f}
textile colour [Br.] Textilfarbe {f}
textile concreteTextilbeton {m}
textile cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. (Cylinder) textile, C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis] Weberkegel {m} [Meeresschneckenart]
textile cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. (Cylinder) textile, C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]Textil-Kegelschnecke {f}
textile cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. (Cylinder) textile, C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]Gewebte Kegelschnecke {f}
textile cone [Conus textile, syn.: C. (Cylinder) textile, C. concatenatus, C. gloriamaris, C. tigrinus, Cucullus auratus, C. aurelius, C. auriger, Cylinder textile, Darioconus textilis]Netz-Kegelschnecke {f}
textile cord Textilkord {m}
textile cord tyre [Br.]Textilreifen {m}
textile cover Textilbezug {m}
textile cover Stoffabdeckung {f}
textile crafts {pl} Textilhandwerk {n}
textile designTextildesign {n}
textile designTextil-Design {n}
textile design school Musterzeichnerschule {f}
textile designerTextildesigner {m}
textile designer [female] Textildesignerin {f}
textile districtTextilviertel {n}
textile engineerTextilingenieur {m}
textile engineer [female] Textilingenieurin {f}
textile engineeringTextiltechnik {f}
textile entrepreneur Textilunternehmer {m}
textile entrepreneur [female] Textilunternehmerin {f}
textile fabricTextilgewebe {n}
textile fabrics Textilien {pl}
textile fabricsTextilwaren {pl}
textile fabrics Webwaren {pl}
textile factoryTextilfabrik {f}
textile factoryTextilmanufaktur {f}
textile fiber [Am.] Textilfaser {f}
textile fibers [Am.] Textilfasern {pl}
textile fibre [Br.] Textilfaser {f}
textile filterTextilfilter {m} [fachspr. meist {n}]
textile findsTextilfunde {pl}
textile finisherTextilveredler {m}
textile finisher [female]Textilveredlerin {f}
textile finishingTextilveredlung {f}
textile flower Textilblume {f}
textile goods Textilwaren {pl}
textile history Textilgeschichte {f}
textile hose Gewebeschlauch {m}
textile industry Textilindustrie {f}
textile industryTextilbranche {f}
textile industry Textilgewerbe {n}
textile industryTuchgewerbe {n}
textile management <TM>Textilmanagement {n} <TM>
textile manufacturer Textilhersteller {m}
textile manufacturingTextilverarbeitung {f}
textile mill Textilfabrik {f}
textile museumTextilmuseum {n}
textile oilTextilöl {n}
textile printing Stoffdruck {m}
textile printing Textildruck {m}
textile processing Textilverarbeitung {f}
textile processing Textilbearbeitung {f}
textile producer Textilproduzent {m}
textile producer [female] Textilproduzentin {f}
textile product Textilprodukt {n}
textile production Textilherstellung {f}
textile production Textilproduktion {f}
« tetrtetrtettTexatexttexttexttextthalthalThan »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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