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to sin against Godgegen Gott sündigen
to sin against good mannersgegen gute Manieren verstoßen
to sin against sb./sth. sich an jdm./etw. versündigen
to sin against sth. [against principles, standards etc.]gegen etw. [Akk.] verstoßen
to sing singen
to sing [coll.] [act as an informer] verraten [verpfeifen]
to sing [upward] aufsingen
to sing a hymneine Hymne singen
to sing a song ein Lied singen
to sing a tune eine Melodie singen
to sing aboutbesingen
to sing alongmitsingen
to sing aloudlaut singen
to sing another tuneein anderes Lied singen
to sing at sightvom Blatt singen
to sing falsetto fisteln [veraltet] [mit Fistelstimme singen]
to sing falsetto falsettieren
to sing flat einen Halbton zu tief singen
to sing flat [coll.]schief singen [ugs.]
to sing for joy aus Freude singen
to sing for moneyfür Geld singen
to sing from musicnach Noten singen
to sing from the same hymn sheet sich einig sein
to sing from the same hymnal sich einig sein
to sing from the sheetvom Blatt absingen
to sing from the treetops [Am.] [fig.] in den höchsten Tönen jubeln
to sing highhoch singen
to sing in the choir im Chor singen [in einem Chor singen]
to sing low tief singen
to sing low [in a low voice] leise singen
to sing of besingen
to sing off-keyfalsch singen
to sing on to the endaussingen [Lied]
to sing one's own praises sein eigenes Lob singen
to sing one's own praises ein Loblied auf sich singen
to sing out / about [sl.] [of a plan etc.]verpfeifen [ugs.]
to sing out / about [sl.] [betray to the police] singen [ugs.] [verpfeifen]
to sing out of tune falsch singen [schräg / schief singen]
to sing out of tune schräg singen
to sing paeans to sb./sth. [fig.] eine Lobeshymne auf jdn./etw. anstimmen [ugs.] [fig.]
to sing paeans to sb./sth. [literary] [fig.]jdn./etw. hymnisch preisen [fig.]
to sing sb. into good humour [Br.]jdn. aufheitern
to sing sb. to sleep jdn. in den Schlaf singen
to sing sb./sth. praisesein Hohelied auf jdn./etw. singen [geh.]
to sing sb.'s praise [also fig.] jds. Lob singen [auch fig.]
to sing sb.'s praise [also idiom]jdm. ein Loblied singen [auch fig.]
to sing sb.'s/sth.'s praiseseine Lobeshymne auf jdn./etw. singen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to sing sharp einen Halbton zu hoch singen
to sing sharpzu hoch singen
to sing small [archaic] [idiom]kleinlaut beigeben [seltener] [klein beigeben]
to sing small [archaic] [idiom]kleinlaut sein
to sing small [archaic] [idiom]klein beigeben [Redewendung]
to sing small [archaic] [idiom] kleinlaut nachgeben
to sing small [archaic] [modify one's speech, esp. when it had previously been arrogant]kleinlaut werden
to sing sth. [celebrate in poetry] etw. besingen [durch ein Gedicht preisen]
to sing sth. by ear etw. nach dem Gehör singen
to sing the blues [fig.] [idiom] Trübsal blasen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to sing the Internationale die Internationale singen
to sing the Magnificat at matins etwas zur falschen Zeit tun
to sing the praise of sth.etw. besingen
to sing the praises of sb./sth. [also fig.] jdm./etw. lobsingen [poetisch] [auch fig.]
to sing through a piece absingen [von Anfang bis zum Ende singen]
to sing to oneself vor sich [Akk.] hinsingen
to sing to restdurch Singen beruhigen
to sing to sb.jdm. vorsingen
to sing to sb. vor jdm. singen
to sing with a strangled voice knödeln [ugs.] [pej.] [kehlig singen]
to singe ansengen
to singe sengen
to singe versengen
to singe hairHaar versengen
to singe off absengen
to singe off sth.etw. abbrennen [absengen]
to singe one's fingers sich [Dat.] die Finger versengen
to singe sth. etw. flämmen [absengen]
to singe sth. [e.g. cloth]etw. [Akk.] abflammen [z. B. Tuch]
to singe sth. [e.g., fine hairs or bristles off the carcass of fowl or pig]etw. absengen [z. B. Federn / Kiele bzw. Borsten von Geflügel und Schweinigem]
to singe the beard den Bart versengen
to single outherausgreifen
to single out heraussuchen
to single out aussondern
to single outauswählen
to single out [emphasize]herausheben
to single out sb. from [to be distinctive quality of] jdn. auszeichnen vor
to single out sth. (as important) etw. [Akk.] hervorheben
to single sb. out jdn. herausstellen
to single sb. out jdn. auswählen
to singularize herausstellen
to singularizevereinzeln
to Sinicizesinisieren
to sink absacken [ugs.]
to sink sich absenken
to sink graben
to sinksinken
to sinkeinsinken
to sink heruntergehen
to sink nachgeben
to sink nachlassen
to sink rückzahlen
to sink senken
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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