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English-German Dictionary

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toothed wood fern [Dryopteris carthusiana, syn.: D. spinulosa, D. x uliginosa, Aspidium spinulosum, Polypodium carthusianum, P. spinulosum] Gewöhnlicher Dornfarn {m}
toothed wood fern [Dryopteris carthusiana, syn.: D. spinulosa, D. x uliginosa, Aspidium spinulosum, Polypodium carthusianum, P. spinulosum] Karthäuserfarn {m}
tooth-form cutter Zahnformfräser {m}
tooth-form milling cutter Zahnformfräser {m}
tooth-friendly sweets zahnfreundliche Süßigkeiten {pl}
tooth-implant-supported fixed partial denture zahn-implantatgetragene Brücke {f}
tooth-implant-supported fixed partial denture Verbundbrücke {f}
toothing Verzahnung {f}
toothingZahnung {f}
(toothing with) cross-cut Kreuzverzahnung {f}
tooth-leaved zahnblätterig
toothless zahnfrei
toothless [also fig.] zahnlos [auch fig.]
Toothless [Melanie Mayron] Die Zahnfee
toothless [non-dentate]unbezahnt
toothless characins [family Curimatidae] Breitlingssalmler {pl}
toothless chrysalis snail [Columella edentula] Zahnlose Windelschnecke {f}
toothless column (snail) [Columella edentula] Zahnlose Windelschnecke {f}
toothlessly zahnlos
toothlessness [also fig.] Zahnlosigkeit {f} [auch fig.]
toothlet Zähnchen {n}
toothlike zahnähnlich
toothlike zahnförmig
tooth-like rock Felszahn {m}
tooth-necked fungus beetle [family Derodontidae]Knopfkäfer {m}
tooth-necked fungus beetles [family Derodontidae]Knopfkäfer {pl}
tooth-necked fungus beetles [family Derodontidae] Lärchenkäfer {pl}
tooth-nosed snout weevils [family Rhynchitidae] Triebstecher {pl}
tooth-nosed snout weevils [family Rhynchitidae] Trichterwickler {pl}
toothpasteZahnpaste {f}
toothpasteZahnpasta {f}
toothpaste Zahncreme {f}
toothpaste Zahnkrem {f} [veraltet] [Zahncreme]
toothpasteZahnkreme {f} [alt] [Zahncreme]
toothpaste slime [Lycogala epidendrum]Blutmilchpilz / Blut-Milchpilz {m}
toothpaste tube Zahnpastatube {f}
toothpick Zahnstocher {m}
toothpick flag Zahnstocherfahne {f}
toothpick flag Zahnstocherflagge / Zahnstocher-Flagge {f}
toothpick flagKostprobenpicker {m} [Zahnstocherfähnchen, Flaggen-Zahnstocher]
toothpick flag Verkostungsfähnchen {n} [Zahnstocherfähnchen, Flaggen-Zahnstocher]
toothpick flag Zahnstocherfähnchen {f}
Toothpick State [one of the nicknames for Arkansas][einer der Spitznamen für Arkansas / USA; wörtl. Zahnstocher-Staat]
toothpicks Zahnstocher {pl}
toothpickweed [Ammi visnaga]Ammei {m}
toothpickweed [Ammi visnaga] Zahnstocherammei {m}
toothpickweed [Ammi visnaga] Zahnstocherkraut {n}
toothpickweed [Ammi visnaga] Bischofskraut {n}
toothpickweed [Ammi visnaga] Khella {f}
toothpowderZahnpulver {n}
tooth-preserving zahnerhaltend
Tooth's atrophyTooth-Muskelatrophie {f}
tooth-shaped dentoid
tooth-shaped wearsägezahnförmige Abnutzung {f}
toothsome schmackhaft
toothsome köstlich
toothsomeness Schmackhaftigkeit {f}
tooth-specific zahnspezifisch
toothstick Zahnhölzchen {n}
toothstick Zahnstäbchen {n}
toothsticks Zahnhölzchen {pl}
toothsticks Zahnstäbchen {pl}
tooth-supported bridge zahngestützte Brücke {f}
tooth-to-tooth distance Zahnabstand {m}
tooth-wheel drive Zahntrieb {m}
toothwort [genus Lathraea]Schuppenwurz {f}
toothy grinbreites Grinsen {n}
toothy pegs Beißerchen {pl} [Kindersprache für Zähne]
toothypeg [child's talk] Beißerchen {n} [Kindersprache]
toothypegs Beißerchen {pl} [Kindersprache für Zähne]
tooting tutend
tootingGehupe {n}
tootlingGedudel {n} [ugs.]
too-too [coll.] [affectedly elegant or refined in manners]affig [ugs.] [pej.]
toots [sl.] Schätzchen {n}
tootsie [coll.] [foot] Füßchen {n}
tootsie [esp. Am.] [coll.] Flittchen {n} [ugs.]
tootsie [sl.]Süße {f} [ugs.]
tootsie [sl.]Schnuckelchen {n} [ugs.]
tootsie [sl.] [prostitute] Nutte {f} [ugs.]
Tootsie [Sydney Pollack]Tootsie
tootsies [coll.] [feet] Füßchen {pl}
toot-sweet [coll.] [tout de suite] sofort
tootsy [coll.] [foot]Füßchen {n}
tootsy-wootsyFüßchen {n} [Kinderspr.]
Toowoomba brown trapdoor [Hadronyche infensa] Toowoomba-Spinne {f}
Toowoomba canary grass [Aus.] [Phalaris aquatica] Knolliges Glanzgras {n}
Toowoomba funnel-web spider [Hadronyche infensa] Toowoomba-Spinne {f}
top Anfang {m}
top Gipfel {m}
top Kopfende {n}
topKreisel {m}
top Oberteil {n}
topSpitze {f}
top Oberseite {f}
topoberstes Ende {n}
topTriesel {m} [Kreisel] [regional]
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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