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topknot Haarschleife {f}
topknotKopfschmuck {m} [Federn, Haare]
topknotDutt {m} [regional] [Haarknoten]
topknot [Zeugopterus punctatus] Haarbutt {m}
topknot pigeon [Lopholaimus antarcticus]Hauben-Fruchttaube {f}
topknot pigeon [Lopholaimus antarcticus]Haubenfruchttaube {f}
topknots Haarknoten {pl}
toplessoben ohne
toplessmit freiem Oberkörper
topless barbrüstig
topless topless
topless ohne Oberteile
toplessoberteilfrei [selten]
toplessohne Oberteil
topless [nude above the waist or hips]ohne Oberbekleidung [selten für: mit unbekleidetem Oberkörper]
topless [nude above the waist or hips] mit bloßem Oberkörper [nachgestellt]
topless bar Oben-ohne-Bar {f}
topless bar Topless-Bar {f}
topless barToplessbar {f}
topless brabusenfreier BH {m}
topless bra offener BH {m}
topless corsagebusenfreie Korsage {f}
topless corset busenfreies Korsett {n}
topless dancer barbusige Tänzerin {f}
topless dancer Oben-ohne-Tänzerin {f}
topless dancing Oben-ohne-Tanz {m}
topless danseuseOben-ohne-Tänzerin {f}
topless danseuse barbusige Tänzerin {f}
topless dress busenfreies Kleid {n}
topless (evening) gown busenfreies Abendkleid {n}
topless magazineBusenmagazin {n}
topless magazine Busenheft {n} [ugs.]
topless magazine [coll.] Tittenmagazin {n} [vulg.] [ugs.]
topless modelOben-ohne-Model {n}
topless modelOben-ohne-Modell {n}
topless modelbarbusiges Model {n}
topless rag Busenheftchen {n}
topless top offenes Top {n}
topless top busenfreies Top {n}
topless top busenfreies Oberteil {n} [Top]
topless topoffenes Oberteil {n} [Top]
topless waitress Oben-ohne-Bedienung {f}
topless waitress barbusige Bedienung {f}
top-level [talks, etc.] auf höchster Ebene [nachgestellt] [Gespräche etc.]
top-level conference Konferenz {f} auf höchster Ebene
top-level contactKontakt {m} auf Spitzenebene
top-level domain <TLD> Top-Level-Domain {f} <TLD>
top-level football [Br.] Spitzenfußball {m}
top-level predator Spitzenprädator {m}
top-level productSpitzenerzeugnis {n}
top-level talks Spitzengespräche {pl}
topline Kopfzeile {f}
topline [horse, dog, etc.] Oberlinie {f} [Pferd, Hund usw.]
top-line profit Bruttogewinn {m}
topliner Topliner {m} [fachsprachlich für: wichtigster Star eines Films]
top-lit oben beleuchtet
toploader Toplader {m} [Waschmaschine]
top-loading washer Toplader {m} [Waschmaschine]
toplofty hochtrabend [herablassend]
topman [a sailor or marine stationed in the sails of a ship] Toppsgast {m} [auch: Toppgast] [Matrose, der das Toppsegel bedient]
topmast Strenge {f}
topmast Topp {m}
topmastMarsstenge {f}
topmasts Toppmaste {pl}
topminnows [family Fundulidae] Topelritzen {pl}
topmost höchst
topmost oberste
topmostly [Am.] [rare]größtenteils
topmouth gudgeon [Pseudorasbora parva] Blaubandbärbling {m}
topmouth gudgeon [Pseudorasbora parva]Blaubandgründling {m}
topmouth minnow [Pseudorasbora parva]Blaubandbärbling {m}
topmouth minnow [Pseudorasbora parva] Blaubandgründling {m}
topnotch leiwand [österr.] [ugs.]
top-notch [coll.] erstklassig
top-notch [coll.] Spitzen-
top-notch [coll.] spitzenmäßig [ugs.]
top-notch [coll.] prima [ugs.] [erstklassig]
top-notch [coll.]spitze [ugs.]
top-notch [coll.] top in Schuss [ugs.] [nachgestellt]
top-notcher [coll.] [well above average person] Überflieger {m} [ugs.]
topo [esp. Am.] [coll.] [short for: topographic map] topografische Karte {f}
topo [esp. Am.] [coll.] [short for: topographic map]topographische Karte {f}
topocentric topozentrisch
topocentrically topozentrisch
topochory Topochorie {f}
topodiagnostics Topodiagnostik {f}
top-of-atmosphere <TOA> outgoing radiationAbstrahlung {f} an der Obergrenze der Atmosphäre
top-of-the-line offer [Am.] Spitzenangebot {n}
top-of-the-line productSpitzenprodukt {n}
top-of-the-range car Auto {n} der Oberklasse
top-of-the-range modelOberklasselimousine {f}
top-of-the-range offer Spitzenangebot {n}
topognosis Topognosis {f}
topogometer Topogometer {m} {n}
topogram Übersichtsaufnahme {f} [bei Schnittbildtechniken]
topographerTopograph {m}
topographerTopograf {m}
topographer [female] Topographin {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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