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torn open aufgerissen
torn out herausgerissen
torn pancake [with raisins] Kaiserschmarrn {m} [österreichisches Dessert]
torn poster beschädigtes Plakat {n}
torn rotator cuffRotatorenmanschettenriss {m}
torn tendon Sehnenabriss {m}
torn tendon Sehnenriss {m}
torn to bits / shreds zerrupft
torn to pieces [postpos.] in Stücke gerissen
torn to shreds in Fetzen gerissen
torn upzerfetzt
torn writeunterbrochener Schreibvorgang {m}
tornadic Tornado-
tornadoTornado {m}
tornado Wirbelsturm {m}
tornado Windhose {f}
tornado Großtrombe {f}
tornadoWirbelwind {m}
tornado alleyTornado Alley {f}
tornado alleyTornado-Gasse {f}
tornado alley Tornado-Allee {f}
tornado cellarTornadokeller {m}
tornado chaser Tornado-Jäger {m}
tornado damage {sg} Wirbelsturmschäden {pl}
tornado insurance Sturmversicherung {f}
tornado of rage Zornausbruch {m}
tornado seasonTornadosaison {f}
tornado victims Tornado-Opfer {pl}
tornado warning Tornadowarnung {f}
tornadoes Tornados {pl}
tornadosTornados {pl}
tornaria larva Tornaria-Larve {f} [auch: Tornarialarve]
törnebohmite-(Ce) [(Ce,La)2Al(SiO4)2(OH)]Törnebohmit-(Ce) {m}
törnebohmite-(La) [(La,Ce)2Al(SiO4)2(OH)]Törnebohmit-(La) {m}
tornids [family Tornidae, formerly Vitrinellidae] Tornus-Schnecken {pl} [Meeresschneckenfamilie]
tornister packAffe {m} [ugs.] [veraltend] [Tornister]
torn-out pageherausgerissene Seite {f}
Tornquist Ocean Tornquist-Ozean {m}
Tornquist SeaTornquist-Ozean {m}
törnroosite [Pd11As2Te2] Törnroosit {m}
toro olive greenbul [Phyllastrephus hypochloris] Torobülbül {m}
Toroa [Diomedea sanfordi] Nördlicher Königsalbatros {m}
toroidal toroidal
toroidal torusförmig
toroidal ringförmig
toroidal coilToroidspule {f}
toroidal coil Ringspule {f}
toroidal coil Kreisringspule {f}
toroidal core Ringkern {m}
toroidal core coilRingkernspule {f}
toroidal core memory Ringkernspeicher {m}
toroidal earth electrode [Br.] [rare] [ring earthing electrode] Ringerder {m}
toroidal radiationToroidstrahlung {f}
toroidal radius Toroidradius {m}
toroidal ringDichtungsring {m}
toroidal ring Toroidring {m}
toroidal sealing ring Rundschnurring {m}
toroidal structuretoroidale Struktur {f}
toroidal transformer Ringkerntransformator {m}
toroidal transformerRingkerntrafo {m} [kurz für: Ringkerntransformator]
toroidal variety Torusvarietät {f} [selten] [torische Varietät]
toroidal varietytorische Varietät {f}
toromiro [Sophora toromiro]Toromiro-Baum {m}
toromiro [Sophora toromiro] Schnurbaum {m}
Toronto Toronto {n}
Toronto Blessing <TB> Toronto-Segen {m}
TorontonianToronter {m}
Torontonian [female] Toronterin {f}
Torontonian [from Toronto (Canada)] aus Toronto [nachgestellt]
TorontoniansTorontoer {pl} [selten für: Toronter]
toros [genus Isothrix]Bürstenschwanzratten {pl}
Torotoroka scops owl [Otus madagascariensis]Torotoroka-Zwergohreule {f}
torovirusTorovirus {n}
Toroweap FormationToroweap-Formation {f}
torpediniforms [order Torpediniformes]Zitterrochenartige {pl}
torpedo Torpedo {m}
torpedo [Am.] [sl.] [hired assassin]gedungener Mörder {m}
Torpedo Belly [SpongeBob SquarePants]Torpedobauch [SpongeBob Schwammkopf]
torpedo boat Torpedoboot {n}
torpedo boats Torpedoboote {pl}
torpedo body Torpedorumpf {m}
torpedo bomberTorpedobomber {m}
torpedo bomber Bomben- und Torpedoflugzeug {n}
torpedo catfish [Asterophysus batrachus] Falscher Dornwels {m}
torpedo crew Torpedowache {f}
torpedo fuselage Torpedorumpf {m}
torpedo hitTorpedotreffer {m}
torpedo ladle Torpedopfanne {f} [Metallurgie]
torpedo recovery vessel Torpedofangboot {n}
torpedo speedTorpedogeschwindigkeit {f}
torpedo tubeTorpedorohr {n}
torpedoed torpediert
torpedoing torpedierend
torpedoing [also fig.]Torpedierung {f} [auch fig.]
torpedo-shaped torpedoförmig
torpedo-shaped diamond torpedoförmiger Diamant {m}
torpent [obs.] [torpid] teilnahmslos
torpescence Taubheit {f}
torpescenceBenommenheit {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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