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English-German Dictionary

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Traces of Stones Spur der Steine [Roman: Erik Neutsch; Film: Frank Beyer]
traces of usage Gebrauchsspuren {pl}
traceurTraceur {m}
trachea Luftröhre {f}
trachea [of insects] Trachea {f}
tracheaeLuftröhren {pl}
tracheal tracheal
tracheal bifurcation [Bifurcatio tracheae] (asymmetrische) Luftröhrengabelung {f}
tracheal bifurcation [Bifurcatio tracheae]Luftröhrengabel {f} [Trachealbifurkation]
tracheal bifurcation [Bifurcatio tracheae] Trachealbifurkation {f}
tracheal breath sounds Bronchialatmung {f}
tracheal breath sounds {pl} Trachealrasseln {n}
tracheal breathing Trachealatmen {n}
tracheal button [tracheostomy button] Trachealknopf {m} [selten] [Tracheotomiekanülen-Manschette]
tracheal cannulaTrachealkanüle {f}
tracheal cartilage [Cartilagines tracheales] Trachealknorpel {m}
tracheal cartilage [Cartilago trachealis] Luftröhrenknorpel {m}
tracheal cartilages [Cartilagines tracheales]Knorpelspangen {pl} (der Luftröhre)
tracheal collapse <TC>Trachealkollaps {m} <TK>
tracheal cough trockener Husten {m}
tracheal cough Reizhusten {m}
tracheal coughTrachealhusten {m}
tracheal fistula Trachealfistel {f}
tracheal fractureLuftröhrenfraktur {f}
tracheal gill Tracheenkieme {f}
tracheal infection Trachealinfektion {f}
tracheal inflammation Luftröhrenentzündung {f}
tracheal parasitesLuftröhrenparasiten {pl}
tracheal rale [breath sounds]Trachealrasseln {n} [Atemgeräusche]
tracheal rings Knorpelspangen {pl} der Luftröhre
tracheal ruptureLuftröhrenruptur {f}
tracheal rupture Trachealruptur {f}
tracheal secretion Trachealsekret {n}
tracheal stenosisTrachealstenose {f}
tracheal systemTracheensystem {n}
tracheal tube Trachealtubus {m}
tracheal tube trachealer Tubus {m}
tracheal tug sign [Cardelli sign, Oliver sign]Oliver-Cardarelli-Zeichen {n} [Kehlkopfpulsationen bei Aortenerweiterung]
tracheal tugging [Oliver-Cardarelli sign] Oliver-Cardarelli-Zeichen {n}
tracheal vessel Tracheengefäß {n}
tracheal wallTrachealwand {f}
tracheal wallTracheenwandung {f}
tracheal wallTracheenwand {f} [selten für: Trachealwand]
tracheal wash bronchoalveoläre Lavage {f} <BAL>
(tracheal) carina [Carina tracheae] Teilungssporn {m} [Carina]
tracheates [Tracheata] Tracheentiere {pl}
tracheidTracheide {f}
tracheitis Tracheitis {f}
tracheitisLuftröhrenentzündung {f}
trachelectomy Trachelektomie {f}
trachelocystitis Blasenhalsentzündung {f}
trachelokyphosis Halswirbelsäulenkyphose {f}
trachelokyphosisTrachelokyphose {f}
trachelomyitis Trachelomyitis {f}
trachelomyitis Halsmuskelentzündung {f}
trachelopexia Trachelopexie {f}
trachelopexyTrachelopexie {f}
trachelophymaTrachelophym {n}
tracheloplasty Tracheloplastik {f}
trachelotomyTrachelotomie {f}
tracheobronchial collapse syndrome tracheobronchiales Kollapssyndrom {n}
tracheobronchitis Tracheobronchitis {f}
tracheocele Tracheozele {f}
tracheoesophageal fistula <TEF> [Am.]Tracheoösophagealfistel {f}
tracheoesophageal substitute voice [Am.] <TE speech> tracheoösophageale Ersatzstimme {f} <TE-Stimme>
tracheofissure Tracheofissur {f}
tracheole Tracheole {f}
tracheomalacia <TM> Tracheomalazie {f} <TM>
tracheomycosis Tracheomykose {f}
tracheo-oesophageal fistula <TOF> [Br.] Tracheoösophagealfistel {f}
tracheo-oesophageal substitute voice [Br.] <TE speech>tracheoösophageale Ersatzstimme {f} <TE-Stimme>
tracheophyte Gefäßpflanze {f}
tracheophytes vaskuläre Pflanzen {pl}
tracheoscopyLuftröhrenspiegelung {f}
tracheoscopyTracheoskopie {f}
tracheostoma Tracheostoma {n}
tracheostomy Tracheostomie {f}
tracheostomy [operation] Luftröhrenschnitt {m} [ugs.] [Tracheotomie]
tracheostomy tube Tracheostomiekanüle {f}
tracheostomy tubeTrachealkanüle {f}
tracheotomies Luftröhreschnitte {pl}
tracheotomyLuftröhrenschnitt {m} [ugs.] [Tracheotomie]
tracheotomy Tracheotomie {f}
tracheotomy cannula Tracheotomiekanüle {f}
trachitis [spv.] Tracheitis {f}
trachoma(hartnäckige) Bindehautentzündung {f}
trachoma Körnerkrankheit {f}
trachoma [Conjunctivitis (granulosa) trachomatosa] [caused by Chlamydia trachomatis] Trachom {n}
trachoma suffererTrachomkranker {m}
trachoma sufferer [female]Trachomkranke {f}
trachomatous trachomatös
trachyandesite Trachyandesit {m}
trachybasalt Trachybasalt {m}
trachydaciteTrachydacit {m}
trachyte Trachyt {m}
tracingAblaufverfolgung {f}
tracing Nebeneintragungsvermerk {m}
tracing Verfolgung {f}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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