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trade deficitHandelsbilanzdefizit {n}
trade deficitHandelsdefizit {n}
trade delegationHandelsdelegation {f}
Trade Description Act [Br.] Warenkennzeichnungsgesetz {n}
trade description of goods Warenbeschreibung {f}
trade development Entwicklung {f} des Handels
trade directory Branchenadressbuch {n}
trade directoryHandelsadressbuch {n}
trade directory Handelsadreßbuch {n} [alt]
trade directory Firmenverzeichnis {n}
trade directory Branchenverzeichnis {n}
trade directoryBranchenbuch {n}
trade discount Handelsrabatt {m}
trade discount Händlerrabatt {m}
trade discount Großhandelsrabatt {m}
trade dispute Handelskonflikt {m}
trade dispute Handelsstreit {m}
trade dressHandelsaufmachung {f}
trade earnings Einkünfte {pl} aus Handel und Gewerbe
trade effectsHandelseffekte {pl}
trade embargo Handelsembargo {n}
trade envoyHandelsgesandter {m}
trade event Handelsveranstaltung {f}
trade exhibitionFachausstellung {f}
trade expansionHandelsausweitung {f}
trade facilitation Handelserleichterung {f}
trade facilitation activitieshandelserleichternde Maßnahmen {pl}
trade fairHandelsmesse {f}
trade fair Messe {f}
trade fairWarenmesse {f}
trade fair Gewerbeausstellung {f} [auch: Gewerbe-Ausstellung]
trade fair [attr.] [e.g. business, city, highlight, industry, week] Messe- [z. B. Geschäft, Stadt, Highlight, Wesen, Woche]
trade fair [especially or exclusively for trade visitors]Fachmesse {f}
trade fair [open to everyone] Publikumsmesse {f}
trade fair [open to everyone] Verbrauchermesse {f}
trade fair and exhibition risks insuranceMesse- {f} und Ausstellungsversicherung
trade fair applicationMesseapplikation {f}
trade fair business Messegeschäft {n}
trade fair catalog [Am.] Messekatalog {m}
trade fair catalogue Messekatalog {m}
trade fair cateringMessecatering {n}
trade fair catering Messe-Catering {n}
trade fair city Messestadt {f}
trade fair dayMessetag {m}
trade fair design Messegestaltung {f}
trade fair grounds {pl} Messegelände {n}
trade fair highlight Messehighlight {n} [auch: Messe-Highlight]
trade fair industryMessewesen {n}
trade fair industryMessewirtschaft {f} [Unternehmen]
trade fair location Messestandort {m}
trade fair participation Messebeteiligung {f}
trade fair premises {pl} Messegelände {n}
trade fair programme [Br.]Messeprogramm {n}
trade fair service provider Messedienstleister {m}
trade fair shipment Messetransport {m}
trade fair tourMesserundgang {m}
trade fair townMessestadt {f}
trade fair week Messewoche {f}
trade financing Handelsfinanzierung {f}
trade fleetHandelsflotte {f}
trade flows Handelsströme {pl}
trade folder Händlerprospekt {m}
trade gang Handwerkerkolonne {f}
trade gap Handelsdefizit {n}
trade gapAußenhandelsdefizit {n}
trade goods Handelswaren {pl}
trade goods Handelsgüter {pl}
trade group Warengruppe {f}
trade group Branchenverband {m}
trade groupFachgruppe {f}
trade growth Handelswachstum {n}
trade guild Zunft {f}
trade guild Handelszunft {f}
trade hallStadthalle {f} der Zünfte
trade ID Umsatzsteuernummer {f}
trade imbalanceHandelsungleichgewicht {n}
trade in agricultural produce Produktenhandel {m}
trade in cereals Getreidehandel {m}
trade in cocaineKokainhandel {m}
trade in foodstuffsLebensmittelhandel {m}
trade in foodstuffsNahrungsmittelhandel {m}
trade in goods Warenhandel {m}
trade in goods Warenverkehr {m}
trade in horses [commerce in horses]Pferdehandel {m}
trade in local produce [agricultural products] Landesproduktenhandel {m} [veraltet] [noch österr. fachspr.]
trade in luxury goodsHandel {m} mit Luxusgütern
trade in oxen Ochsenhandel {m}
trade in rice Reishandel {m}
trade in securities Wertpapierhandel {m}
trade in services Handel {m} in Dienstleistungen
Trade in Services Agreement <TiSA, TISA>plurilaterales Dienstleistungsabkommen {n} [ugs.] [auch: TiSA-Abkommen]
trade in sth. Handel {m} mit etw. [Dat.]
trade indemnity insuranceForderungsausfallversicherung {f}
trade indexGeschäftsindex {m}
trade indicatorHandelsindikator {m}
trade informationHandelsinformation {f}
trade integration Handelsverflechtung {f}
trade interests gewerbliche Beteiligungen {pl}
trade intermediary Zwischenhändler {m}
trade investmentBeteiligung {f} an Handel oder Gewerbe
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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