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English-German Dictionary

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traditional Black Forest dress / costume Schwarzwäldertracht {f}
traditional blouseTrachtenbluse {f}
traditional brand Traditionsmarke {f}
traditional butcher's shop Traditionsmetzgerei {f}
traditional cache [geocaching]Tradi {m} [kurz für: Traditional; traditioneller Cache beim Geocaching]
Traditional ChineseChinesisch {n} (Langzeichen)
Traditional Chinese traditionelles Chinesisch {n}
Traditional Chinese charactersLangzeichen {pl} [Chinesisch]
traditional Chinese medicine <TCM> traditionelle chinesische Medizin {f} <TCM>
traditional club Traditionsverein {m}
traditional companyTraditionsunternehmen {n}
traditional costumeTracht {f}
traditional costumeVolkstracht {f}
traditional costume [for women] Trachtenkleid {n}
traditional costume [men's suit]Trachtenanzug {m}
traditional costume look Trachtenlook {m}
traditional costume paradeTrachtenumzug {m}
traditional costume parade Trachtenparade {f}
traditional culture Traditionskultur {f}
traditional dress Trachtenkleid {n}
traditional ethnic wear [treated as sg.] Volkstrachten {pl}
traditional fashion Trachtenmode {f}
traditional fishing traditioneller Fischfang {m}
traditional folk song Volkslied {n}
traditional form klassische Form {f}
traditional geocache [geocaching]Tradi {m} [kurz für: Traditional; traditioneller Cache beim Geocaching]
traditional governing party staatstragende Partei {f}
traditional hat Trachtenhut {m}
traditional industriestraditionelle Branchen {pl}
traditional jacketTrachtenjacke {f}
traditional jerkin Trachtenjacke {f}
traditional line traditionelle Linie {f}
traditional literature Traditionsliteratur {f}
traditional logictraditionelle Logik {f}
traditional material Traditionsgut {n} [Gedankengut]
traditional medicinetraditionelle Medizin {f}
traditional musictraditionelle Musik {f}
traditional newspaper [newspaper with a long history]Traditionszeitung {f}
traditional principles althergebrachte Grundsätze {pl}
traditional religion [tribal religion, esp. in Africa] traditionale Religion {f} [Stammesreligion, bes. in Afrika]
traditional school Traditionsschule {f}
traditional serrated adenoma <TSA> traditionelles serratiertes Adenom {n} <TSA>
traditional shirtTrachtenhemd {n}
traditional skirt Trachtenrock {m}
traditional speciality guaranteed <TSG>garantiert traditionelle Spezialität {f} <g.t.S., gtS>
traditional stronghold traditionelle Hochburg {f}
traditional style Trachtenmode {f}
traditional subscription warrant traditioneller Optionsschein {m}
traditional suit [men's]Trachtenanzug {m}
traditional surrogacyErsatzmutterschaft {f}
traditional uroscopy [natural medicine]traditionelle Harnschau {f} [Naturheilkunde]
traditional voter Stammwähler {m}
traditional wear traditionelle Kleidung {f}
[traditional afternoon snack of cold meats, cheese, bread, etc.] Marende {f} [bes. Südtirol]
[traditional Bavarian hat] Seppelhut {m}
[traditional Bavarian hat] Sepplhut {m}
[traditional Christmas display from the Ore Mountains of Germany] Weihnachtsberg {m}
[traditional course of studies with no separate undergraduate and graduate levels]grundständiges Studium {n} [mit Abschluss Diplom, Magister oder Staatsexamen]
[traditional Easter bread in Eastern and Southern Austria and Slovenia]Osterpinze {f} [österr.]
[traditional figures of the Cologne carnival wearing municipal guard costumes]Funken {pl} [Figuren des Kölner Karnevals]
[traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"]Stutenkerl {m} [Weckmann, Hefemann, Klausenmann, Grättimaa, Grittibänz, Dambedei, Weckbobbe, Krampus]
[traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"]Weckmann {m} [bes. südd.]
[traditional greeting of social democrats, socialists and communists]Freundschaft!
[traditional hard spice biscuit originating from Basel] Basler Läckerli {n} [schweiz.] [Leckerli]
[traditional Krampus sweet bread with raisins, baked for Saint Nicholas Day in Austria and Southern Germany] Krampus {m} [Krampusbrot]
[traditional nightly tryst of love in rural Switzerland and adjacent areas]Kiltgang {m} [schweiz.] [alemannisch]
[traditional peasant dish, similar to a pancake cut into small pieces, today mainly sweet dessert]Schmarrn {m} [österr.] [südd.]
[traditional pilgrimage with horses, esp. in Upper Bavaria, Germany] Georgiritt {m} [Pferdewallfahrt zu Ehren des heiligen Georg]
[traditional rural dish made from cereals or beans]Sterz {m} [österr.] [südd.]
[traditional Schnapps drinking and cabbage eating tour of north-west Germany] Kohlfahrt {f} [nordd.]
[traditional thorough house cleaning before Christmas] Weihnachtsputz {m} [Hausputz]
[traditional women's hat decorated with ribbons]Bänderhut {m} [Teil österreichischer Frauentrachten]
traditionalism Traditionalismus {m}
traditionalism Festhalten {n} am Alten
traditionalist Traditionalist {m}
traditionalist [female] Traditionalistin {f}
traditionalistic traditionalistisch
traditionalityTraditionalität {f}
traditionalization Traditionalisierung {f}
traditionally altherkömmlich
traditionally herkömmlich
traditionally traditionsgemäß
traditionally traditionellerweise
traditionally der Tradition nach
traditionally klassischerweise
[(traditionally educated) middle-class intellectual]Bildungsbürger {m}
traditional-minded traditionsgesinnt [veraltet]
tradition-conscious traditionsbewusst
tradition-historical traditionsgeschichtlich
tradition-rich traditionsreich
traditions Traditionen {pl}
traditions Überlieferungen {pl}
traditions {pl}Brauchtum {n}
tradition-steeped traditionsreich
traditory [obs.] [traditional] traditionell
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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