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traditio-historically traditionsgeschichtlich
traditionTradition {f}
traditionÜberlieferung {f}
tradition Sitte {f}
Tradition allows sb. sth. Die Tradition erlaubt jdm. etw. [Akk.].
Tradition allows sb. to do sth. Die Tradition erlaubt es jdm., etw. zu tun.
tradition book [register, similar to a cartulary] Traditionsbuch {n}
tradition criticismTraditionsgeschichte {f}
tradition criticism Traditionskritik {f}
Tradition has it that ...Der Überlieferung zufolge ...
Tradition has it that ...Es ist überliefert, dass ...
Tradition has it that ... Der Überlieferung nach ...
Tradition has made it ...Der Überlieferung zufolge ist es ...
tradition history Traditionsgeschichte {f}
Tradition holds that ... Der Überlieferung nach ...
tradition lines Traditionsstränge {pl}
tradition of qualityQualitätstradition {f}
tradition of violin makingGeigenbautradition {f}
tradition theory Traditionstheorie {f} [Traditions-Theorie]
traditional althergebracht
traditional überliefert
traditional herkömmlich
traditional angestammt
traditional tradiert
traditional überkommen [geh.] [tradiert]
traditional hergebracht [traditionell]
traditional [bound by tradition, e.g. culture]traditionsgebunden
traditional [regional or national tradition]landestypisch
traditional [stories etc.] altüberliefert [Geschichten usw.]
traditional band Trachtenkapelle {f}
traditional beliefstraditionelle Glaubensvorstellungen {pl}
traditional Black Forest dress / costume Schwarzwäldertracht {f}
traditional blouseTrachtenbluse {f}
traditional brand Traditionsmarke {f}
traditional butcher's shop Traditionsmetzgerei {f}
traditional cache [geocaching] Tradi {m} [kurz für: Traditional; traditioneller Cache beim Geocaching]
Traditional ChineseChinesisch {n} (Langzeichen)
Traditional Chinesetraditionelles Chinesisch {n}
Traditional Chinese characters Langzeichen {pl} [Chinesisch]
traditional Chinese medicine <TCM>traditionelle chinesische Medizin {f} <TCM>
traditional club Traditionsverein {m}
traditional company Traditionsunternehmen {n}
traditional costumeTracht {f}
traditional costume Volkstracht {f}
traditional costume [for women] Trachtenkleid {n}
traditional costume [men's suit] Trachtenanzug {m}
traditional costume look Trachtenlook {m}
traditional costume parade Trachtenumzug {m}
traditional costume paradeTrachtenparade {f}
traditional culture Traditionskultur {f}
traditional dressTrachtenkleid {n}
traditional ethnic wear [treated as sg.]Volkstrachten {pl}
traditional fashionTrachtenmode {f}
traditional fishing traditioneller Fischfang {m}
traditional folk clothing Landestracht {f}
traditional folk songVolkslied {n}
traditional formklassische Form {f}
traditional garments {pl} Tracht {f} [Volkstracht]
traditional geocache [geocaching]Tradi {m} [kurz für: Traditional; traditioneller Cache beim Geocaching]
traditional governing party staatstragende Partei {f}
traditional hatTrachtenhut {m}
traditional industriestraditionelle Branchen {pl}
traditional jacket Trachtenjacke {f}
traditional jerkinTrachtenjacke {f}
traditional linetraditionelle Linie {f}
traditional literature Traditionsliteratur {f}
traditional logictraditionelle Logik {f}
traditional material Traditionsgut {n} [Gedankengut]
traditional medicinetraditionelle Medizin {f}
traditional musictraditionelle Musik {f}
traditional newspaper [newspaper with a long history] Traditionszeitung {f}
traditional principlesalthergebrachte Grundsätze {pl}
traditional religion [tribal religion, esp. in Africa] traditionale Religion {f} [Stammesreligion, bes. in Afrika]
traditional schoolTraditionsschule {f}
traditional serrated adenoma <TSA> traditionelles serratiertes Adenom {n} <TSA>
traditional shirt Trachtenhemd {n}
traditional skirt Trachtenrock {m}
traditional speciality guaranteed <TSG> garantiert traditionelle Spezialität {f} <g.t.S., gtS>
traditional strongholdtraditionelle Hochburg {f}
traditional style Trachtenmode {f}
traditional subscription warranttraditioneller Optionsschein {m}
traditional suit [men's]Trachtenanzug {m}
traditional surrogacyErsatzmutterschaft {f}
traditional uroscopy [natural medicine] traditionelle Harnschau {f} [Naturheilkunde]
traditional voter Stammwähler {m}
traditional wear traditionelle Kleidung {f}
[traditional afternoon snack of cold meats, cheese, bread, etc.]Marende {f} [bes. Südtirol]
[traditional Bavarian hat]Seppelhut {m}
[traditional Bavarian hat]Sepplhut {m}
[traditional Christmas display from the Ore Mountains of Germany]Weihnachtsberg {m}
[traditional course of studies with no separate undergraduate and graduate levels]grundständiges Studium {n} [mit Abschluss Diplom, Magister oder Staatsexamen]
[traditional Easter bread in Eastern and Southern Austria and Slovenia] Osterpinze {f} [österr.]
[traditional figures of the Cologne carnival wearing municipal guard costumes]Funken {pl} [Figuren des Kölner Karnevals]
[traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"]Stutenkerl {m} [Weckmann, Hefemann, Klausenmann, Grättimaa, Grittibänz, Dambedei, Weckbobbe, Krampus]
[traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"]Weckmann {m} [bes. südd.]
« tradtradtradtradtradtradtradtraftraftraftraf »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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