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tragedienneTragikerin {f}
tragedienne Tragödiendichterin {f}
tragedienneTrauerspieldichterin {f}
tragediesTragiken {pl}
tragedies Tragödien {pl}
Tragedies with a Lyrical Intermezzo Tragödien nebst einem lyrischen Intermezzo [Heinrich Heine]
tragedietta [rare] kurze Tragödie {f} [tragischer Einakter]
tragedyTragik {f}
tragedyTragisches {n}
tragedy [also fig.] Tragödie {f} [auch fig.]
tragedy [also fig.] Trauerspiel {n} [auch fig.]
tragedy of love Liebestragödie {f}
tragedy of the commons Allmendeproblematik {f}
tragedy of the commons Tragik {f} der Allmende
Tragedy of the Commons Allmendeklemme {f}
tragedy queen Leinwand-Tragödin {f}
tragematopolist [obs.]Zuckerbäcker {m} [Süßwarenhersteller]
tragic tragisch
tragic traurig [tragisch]
tragic actor Tragöde {m}
tragic actressTragödin {f}
tragic actressesTragödinnen {pl}
tragic drama Trauerspiel {n}
tragic dramatist Tragödiendichter {m}
tragic dramatist Tragiker {m}
tragic end tragisches Ende {n}
tragic error tragischer Irrtum {m}
tragic fate tragisches Schicksal {n}
tragic flawCharakterschwäche {f} [tragischer Fehler]
Tragic Ground [Erskine Caldwell] Sonnenstadt ohne Sterne
tragic herotragischer Held {m}
tragic heroine tragische Heldin {f}
tragic natureTragik {f}
tragic occurrence tragischer Vorfall {m}
tragic poet Tragiker {m}
tragic poets Tragiker {pl}
tragic theory Tragödientheorie {f}
tragical [spv.]tragisch
tragically tragisch
tragically tragischerweise
tragicomedian [actor whose performance contains tragic and comic elements] Tragikomiker {m} [auch: Tragikkomiker]
tragicomediesTragikomödien {pl}
tragicomedyTragikomödie {f}
tragicomic tragikomisch
tragicomical tragikomisch
tragicomicality [rare]Tragikomödie {f}
tragicomically tragikomisch
tragion Tragion {n}
tragopans [family Phasianidae, genus Tragopan]Tragopane {pl}
tragopans [family Phasianidae, genus Tragopan]Satyrhühner {pl}
tragusOhrbock {m} [ugs.] [veraltet] [Tragus]
tragusZiegenbock {m} [ugs.] [Tragus]
tragus Tragus {m}
tragus piercing Tragus-Piercing {n}
tragus-to-wall distance <TWD> Tragus-Wand-Abstand {m} <TWA>
T'rah! [Br.] [coll.] [rare for: Tarah!] Tschüss! [ugs.]
trahira [Hoplias malabaricus]Traíra {m}
trahiras [family Erythrinidae] Raubsalmler {pl}
trail Nachlauf {m}
trail Nachlaufstrecke {f}
trail Pfad {m}
trail Wildwechsel {m}
trail Schleppe {f}
trailSpur {f}
trail Wanderweg {m}
trail [caused by the vegetation being constantly trodden down]Trampelpfad {m}
trail [path] Weg {m} [Pfad]
trail bike Enduro {f} [Motorrad]
trail blazing [also: trailblazing] Markierung {f} eines Wanderwegs
trail bridgeFähre {f}
trail bridge Fährbrücke {f}
trail conditions {pl} Wegbeschaffenheit {f} [z. B. Wanderweg, -route]
trail head Ausgangspunkt {m} eines Wanderweges
trail keeper Wegewart {m}
trail markingWegmarkierung {f}
trail mixStudentenfutter {n}
trail of blood Blutspur {f}
Trail of Danger [Andrew V. McLaglen] Zwei Cowboys
trail of dust Staubwolke {f} [Staubfahne]
trail of dust Staubfahne {f}
trail of roses [fig.]Rosenspur {f} [fig.] [poetisch]
trail of slime Schleimspur {f}
trail of smokeRauchfahne {f}
trail of spittleSabberbahn {f} [ugs.] [selten]
Trail of Tears Pfad {m} der Tränen
trail pheromone Spurpheromon {n}
trail ride Wanderritt {m}
trail ridesWanderritte {pl}
trail riding Wanderreiten {n}
trail runnerQuerfeldeinläufer {m}
trail runnerGeländeläufer {m}
trail running Querfeldeinlauf {m}
trail running Geländelauf {m}
trail running Traillauf {m}
trail signWegweiser {m}
trail spade Sporn {m} [am Geschütz]
trail tone Schleifton {m}
(trail) spadeLafettensporn {m}
trailable [railway swicth] auffahrbar [Weiche]
trailblazerBahnbrecher {m}
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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