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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 1929 for words starting with T in the English-German dictionarynext page »
transport incubator Transportinkubator {m}
transport industry Transportgewerbe {n}
transport industry Verkehrsgewerbe {n}
transport infrastructure [Br.] Verkehrsinfrastruktur {f}
transport infrastructure [Br.] Transportinfrastruktur {f}
transport infrastructure construction Verkehrswegebau {m}
transport insurance Transportversicherung {f}
transport interchangeVerkehrsknotenpunkt {m} <VKP>
Transport International Routier <TIR> [Internationaler Straßentransport]
transport label Transportetikett {n}
transport lawTransportrecht {n}
Transport Law Reform ActTransportrechtsreformgesetz {n} <TRG>
transport layerTransportschicht {f}
transport layer Transportebene {f} [Transportschicht]
transport layer security <TLS> Transportschichtsicherheit {f}
transport link Verkehrsverbindung {f}
transport list Transportliste {f}
transport lockVorschubsperre {f}
transport lock Transportsicherung {f}
transport lock / locking screw Transportsicherungsschraube {f}
transport locking (device) Transportsicherung {f}
transport lossTransportverlust {m}
transport lug Transportöse {f}
transport market Verkehrsmarkt {m}
transport market Transportmarkt {m}
transport material Transportmaterial {n}
transport mechanismTransportmechanismus {m}
transport media Transportmedien {pl}
transport medium Transportmedium {n}
transport membrane Transportmembran {f}
transport metabolite Transportmetabolit {m}
transport ministerVerkehrsminister {m}
transport modality Transportmodalität {f}
transport mode Transportart {f}
transport modeBeförderungsart {f}
transport mode Transportmodus {m}
transport mode Verkehrsträger {m}
transport model Transportmodell {n}
transport mortality Transportmortalität {f}
transport movement Transportbewegung {f}
transport name resolution Transportprotokoll-Namensauflösung {f}
transport networkVerkehrsnetz {n}
transport network Transportnetz {n}
transport of a bed Betttransport {m}
transport of a carpet roll Teppichrollentransport {m}
transport of a transformer Transformatorentransport {m}
transport of bedsBettentransport {m}
transport of beer Biertransport {m}
transport of building waste Bauschutttransport {m}
transport of canoesKanutransport {m}
transport of cats Katzentransport {m}
transport of coal Kohletransport {m}
transport of concrete partsBetonteiletransport {m}
transport of dangerous goodsGefahrguttransport {m}
transport of dangerous goodsGefahrgutwesen {n}
transport of dogs Hundetransport {m}
transport of electric current Stromtransport {m}
transport of energyEnergietransport {m}
transport of explosives Sprengstofftransport {m}
transport of goldGoldtransport {m}
transport of gold coins Goldmünzentransport {m}
transport of goods Gütertransport {m}
transport of goods by air Luftransport {m}
transport of goods by railBahntransport {m}
transport of goods by roadLKW-Transport {m}
transport of goods by shipSeetransport {m}
transport of hazardous materials Gefahrguttransport {m}
transport of informationNachrichtenvermittlung {f}
transport of JewsJudentransport {m}
transport of joy Freudentaumel {m}
transport of lambs Lämmertransport {m}
transport of liquid aluminium [Br.] Flüssigaluminiumtransport {m}
transport of liquid aluminum [Am.] Flüssigaluminiumtransport {m}
transport of lorries [Br.]LKW-Transport {m} [Transport von LKWs]
transport of mineral water Mineralwassertransport {m}
transport of money Geldtransport {m}
transport of nuclear wasteAtommülltransport {m}
transport of nutrients Nährstofftransport {m}
transport of oilÖltransport {m}
transport of paintings Gemäldetransport {m}
transport of prefabricated concrete parts Betonfertigteiletransport {m}
transport of radioactive waste Atommülltransport {m}
transport of relief supplies Hilfstransport {m}
transport of sheep Schaftransport {m}
transport of shoesSchuhtransport {m}
transport of silver Silbertransport {m}
transport of spare parts Ersatzteiletransport {m}
transport of spare partsErsatzteiltransport {m}
transport of tanksPanzertransport {m}
transport of the corpse Leichenbeförderung {f}
transport of the woundedVerwundetentransport {m}
transport of tigers Tigertransport {m}
transport of timberHolztransport {m}
transport of troops Truppentransport {m}
transport of wineWeintransport {m}
transport of woodHolztransport {m}
transport opening Einbringöffnung {f}
transport operationTransportbetrieb {m}
transport operation Beförderungsvorgang {m}
transport operatorTransportarbeiter {m}
« trantrantrantrantrantrantrantrantrantrantran »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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