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English-German Dictionary

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« backPage 1930 for words starting with T in the English-German dictionarynext page »
transport optionsTransportmöglichkeiten {pl}
transport packaging Transportverpackungen {pl}
transport parameterTransportparameter {m}
transport path Transportweg {m}
transport permit Beförderungsgenehmigung {f}
transport permitTransportgenehmigung {f}
transport permit Transporterlaubnis {f}
transport phenomena {pl} Transportverhalten {n}
transport phenomena {pl} Transportphänomene {pl}
transport phenomenon Transportphänomen {n}
transport plan Verkehrsplan {m}
transport plane Transportflugzeug {n}
transport plane Transporter {m} [Flugzeug]
transport planes Transportflugzeuge {pl}
transport planning Transportplanung {f}
transport planning Verkehrsplanung {f}
transport policy Verkehrspolitik {f}
transport policy Transportpolitik {f}
transport politicalverkehrspolitisch
transport position Transportposition {f}
transport position [e.g. mobile crane]Transportstellung {f}
transport possibility Transportmöglichkeit {f}
transport procedure Transportablauf {m}
transport processTransportvorgang {m}
transport process Transportprozess {m}
transport property Transporteigenschaft {f}
transport protection Transportabsicherung {f}
transport proteinTransportprotein {n}
transport proteinsTransportproteine {pl}
transport rackTransportgestell {n}
transport rate Transportrate {f}
transport reagent Transportreagenz {n}
transport refrigeration Transportkühlung {f}
transport refrigeration unit Transportkühlanlage {f}
transport request [SAP term] Transportauftrag {m} [SAP-Terminus]
transport restraint Transportsicherung {f}
transport roller Transportrolle {f}
transport route Transportstrecke {f}
transport routeTransportweg {m}
transport route [Br.]Verkehrsweg {m}
transport routes Verkehrswege {pl}
transport safety Transportsicherheit {f}
transport safety device Transportsicherung {f}
transport sceneVerkehrsgeschehen {n}
transport secretary [Br.]Verkehrsminister {m}
transport sector Verkehrssektor {m}
transport sector Transportsektor {m}
transport securing device Transportsicherung {f}
transport securityTransportsicherheit {f}
transport servicesVerkehrsbetriebe {pl}
transport servicesTransportdienstleistungen {pl}
transport services Verkehrsdienstleistungen {pl}
transport services {pl} Verkehrsleistung {f}
transport services provider Transportdienstleister {m}
transport ship Transportschiff {n}
transport ships Transportschiffe {pl}
transport statistics {pl} Transportstatistik {f}
transport stocks Verkehrsaktien {pl}
transport system Transportsystem {n}
transport systemVerkehrsnetz {n}
transport systemVerkehrssystem {n}
transport system management <TSM> Verkehrssystemmanagement {n} <VSM>
transport (system) Verkehrswesen {n}
transport technology Transporttechnik {f}
transport theorem Transporttheorem {n}
transport theorem of Reynolds Reynolds'scher Transportsatz {m}
transport timeFörderzeit {f}
transport timeTransportzeit {f}
transport to and fromAn- und Abtransport {m}
transport to and from ...Transport {m} von und zu ...
transport trade Transportgewerbe {n}
transport trailer Transportanhänger {m}
transport trolley Transportwagen {m}
transport union Transportgewerkschaft {f}
transport unit <TU>Transporteinheit {f} <TE>
transport vehicle Transportfahrzeug {n}
transport vehicle Transporter {m}
transport vehicleTransportvehikel {n}
transport ventilator Notfallbeatmungsgerät {n}
transport vesicle Transportvesikel {n}
transport weightTransportgewicht {n}
transport wheelTransportrad {n} [Bauteil]
transport wheelsTransporträder {pl} [Bauteile]
Transport will be provided. Für An- und Abfahrt wird gesorgt.
transport worker Transportarbeiter {m}
transport workersTransportarbeiter {pl}
[transport cage for Harz roller canary] Harzbauer {m} [Transportkäfig für Harzer Roller]
[transport of prominent Austrians to Dachau concentration camp, 1938] Prominententransport {m}
transportabilityTransportierbarkeit {f}
transportabilityTransportfähigkeit {f} [Transportierbarkeit]
transportable transportierbar
transportable transportfähig
transportableortsungebunden [transportabel]
transportable beweglich [nicht stationär]
transportable ortsbeweglich
transportal [also: transportance] [act of tranporting] Transportation {f} [Vorgang der Beförderung]
transportationBeförderungsmittel {n}
transportationDeportation {f}
transportation Transport {m}
« trantrantrantrantrantrantrantrantrantrantran »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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