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transportationVerkehrswesen {n}
transportation Beförderung {f}
transportationTransportwesen {n}
transportation Transportmittel {n}
transportation Verschickung {f}
transportation baseTransportstützpunkt {m}
transportation battalionTransportbataillon {n}
transportation box Transportkiste {f}
transportation building [structure] Transportgebäude {n} [fachsprachlich]
transportation by car Autotransport {m} [Transport per Auto]
transportation by crane Krantransport {m}
transportation by shipSchiffstransport {m} [Transport mit dem Schiff]
transportation capacity Transportraum {m}
transportation chainTransportkette {f}
transportation charges {pl} Fracht {f} [Gebühren]
transportation company Verkehrsunternehmen {n}
transportation connection Verkehrsanbindung {f}
transportation contractBeförderungsvertrag {m}
transportation costsTransportkosten {pl}
transportation costs Überführungskosten {pl}
transportation difficultiesTransportschwierigkeiten {pl}
transportation engineeringVerkehrsingenieurwesen {n}
transportation equipment {sg}Transportgeräte {pl}
transportation expenses Transportkosten {pl}
transportation expenses {pl} [e.g. taxi fares or gas] Fahrgeld {n} [Transportkosten, z. B. Taxi]
transportation feeBeförderungsentgelt {n}
transportation grid Transportnetz {n}
transportation gridVerkehrsnetz {n}
transportation hub Verkehrsknotenpunkt {m}
transportation industryTransportbranche {f}
transportation industry Transportwesen {n}
transportation infrastructure [Am.] Verkehrsinfrastruktur {f}
transportation infrastructure [Am.] Transportinfrastruktur {f}
transportation insurance Transportversicherung {f}
transportation lag Totzeitverzögerung {f} [Messtechnik]
transportation link Verkehrsverbindung {f}
transportation network Verkehrsnetz {n}
transportation network Transportnetz {n}
transportation of a ship Schiffstransport {m} [Transport eines Schiffes]
transportation of air freightTransport {m} von Luftfrachtgut
transportation of an elephant Elefantentransport {m}
transportation of animalsTiertransport {m}
transportation of beerBiertransport {m}
transportation of bees Bienentransport {m}
transportation of birdsVogeltransport {m}
transportation of bodies Totentransport {m}
transportation of bodies Leichentransport {m}
transportation of books Büchertransport {m}
transportation of cargo Gütertransport {m}
transportation of cars Autotransport {m} [Transport von Autos]
transportation of catsKatzentransport {m}
transportation of cattle Rindertransport {m}
transportation of chicken Hühnertransport {m}
transportation of children Kindertransport {m}
transportation of concrete Betontransport {m}
transportation of dogs Hundetransport {m}
transportation of fish Fischtransport {m}
transportation of fruit juice Fruchtsafttransport {m}
transportation of furnitureMöbeltransport {m}
transportation of glass Glastransport {m}
transportation of goods Transport {m} von Handelsgütern
transportation of goodsWarentransport {m}
transportation of goods [Am.]Gütertransport {m}
transportation of gypsum Gipstransport {m}
transportation of injured personsVerwundetentransport {m}
transportation of lionsLöwentransport {m}
transportation of marble Marmortransport {m}
transportation of mineral water Mineralwassertransport {m}
transportation of musical instruments Musikinstrumententransport {m}
transportation of passengers Personentransport {m}
transportation of pigsSchweinetransport {m}
transportation of polar bears Eisbärentransport {m}
transportation of reptiles Reptilientransport {m}
transportation of scrap metal Schrotttransport {m}
transportation of sculpturesSkulpturentransport {m}
transportation of silver coinsSilbermünzentransport {m}
transportation of snakesSchlangentransport {m}
transportation of steelStahltransport {m}
transportation of troops Truppenbeförderung {f}
transportation of troops Truppentransport {m} <Tr.Trsp>
transportation of windows Fenstertransport {m}
transportation of wine Weintransport {m}
transportation of wounded soldiers Verwundetentransport {m}
transportation operations Transportvorgänge {pl}
transportation options Transportmöglichkeiten {pl}
transportation planningTransportplanung {f}
transportation planning Verkehrsplanung {f}
transportation policy Verkehrspolitik {f}
transportation practice Transportpraxis {f}
transportation problem Transportproblem {n}
transportation projectVerkehrsprojekt {n}
transportation regulationsTransportvorschriften {pl}
transportation risk Transportrisiko {n}
transportation safety deviceTransportsicherung {f}
transportation statistics Beförderungsstatistik {f}
transportation statistics {pl} Transportstatistik {f}
transportation stress Transportstress {m}
transportation studyTransportstudie {f}
transportation system Transportsystem {n}
transportation tariff Beförderungstarif {m}
« trantrantrantrantrantrantrantrantrantranTran »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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