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transportation unit <TU> Transporteinheit {f} <TE>
transportation vehicle Transporter {m}
transportation vehicleTransportfahrzeug {n}
transportation weight Transportgewicht {n}
transportation-in [incoming freight]Eingangsfracht {f}
transportation-out [outgoing freight]Ausgangsfracht {f}
transportations Beförderungsmittel {pl}
transported befördert
transported transportiert
transported to the spot herangebracht
transporteetransportierte Person {f}
transporter Transporter {m}
transporter bridgeSchwebefähre {f}
transporter molecule Transportmolekül {n}
transporter molecules Transportmoleküle {pl}
transporter spaceship Transportraumschiff {n}
transporters Transporter {pl}
transporting transportierend
transporting Transportwesen {n}
transporting [literary] [enrapturing]hinreißend
transporting goods Warentransport {m}
transporting goodsGütertransport {m}
transporting to the spot heranbringend
transports Transporte {pl}
transposable umstellbar
transposable vertauschbar
transposase Transposase {f}
transpose Transponierte {f}
transpose of a matrixtransponierte Matrix {f}
transposed transponiert
transposed vertauscht
transposed digits Zahlensturz {m} [ugs.] [Zahlendreher]
transposed digits {pl}Zahlendreher {m} [ugs.]
transposed digits {pl} Ziffernsturz {m} [ugs.] [österr.] [Zahlendreher]
transposed letters {pl} Dreher {m} [Buchstabendreher]
transposed matrixtransponierte Matrix {f}
transposed matrix [transpose of a matrix]gespiegelte Matrix {f}
transposed matrix [transpose of a matrix] gestürzte Matrix {f} [transponierte Matrix]
transposed numbers {pl}Zahlendreher {m} [ugs.]
transposed numbers {pl}Dreher {m} [Zahlendreher]
transposer Umsetzer {m}
transposing versetzend
transposing transponierend
transposing instrument transponierendes Instrument {n}
transposing pianoTranspositionsklavier {n}
transposition Austausch {m}
transpositionUmstellung {f}
transposition Umgruppierung {f}
transpositionVertauschen {n}
transposition Umstimmung {f}
transpositionTransponierung {f}
transposition Transposition {f}
transpositionUmsetzung {f}
transposition Versetzung {f}
transposition [transposing]Transponieren {n}
transposition [twist]Verdrillung {f} [von Kabeln]
transposition cipherVertauschungsziffer {f}
transposition errorAustauschfehler {m}
transposition methodVertauschungsmethode {f}
transposition (of moves) [chess] Zugumstellung {f} [Schach]
transposition of the great arteries <TGA> Transposition {f} der großen Arterien <TGA>
transposition period Umsetzungsfrist {f}
transposition stage Transpositionsstufe {f}
transpositionsUmstellungen {pl}
transposonTransposon {n}
transposonsTransposons {pl} [auch: Transposonen]
transpulmonary <tp>transpulmonal <tp>
transpulmonary pressure <Ptp> transpulmonaler Druck {m}
transpupillary cyclophotocoagulation <TPCPC> transpupillare Zyklophotokoagulation {f}
transputerTransputer {m}
transrectal sonography of the prostatetransrektale Prostatasonographie {f}
transrectal sonography of the prostatetransrektale Prostatasonografie {f}
trans-regional überregional
transregionally überregional
transresistance Transresistanz {f}
trans-Saharan migrant (bird) Transsaharazieher {m}
Trans-Saharan trade Transsaharahandel {m}
transscleral cyclophotocoagulation <TSCPC> transsklerale Zyklophotokoagulation {f}
transseptal laser puncture <TLP>transseptale Laserpunktion {f} <TLP>
transseptal puncture <TP> transseptale Punktion {f}
transseptal puncturingtransseptale Punktion {f}
transsexualTranssexueller {m}
transsexual [female] Transsexuelle {f}
transsexualism Transsexualismus {m}
transsexualityTranssexualität {f}
transsexuality Transgeschlechtlichkeit {f}
transsexuals Transsexuelle {pl}
transsexualsTransmenschen {pl}
transshipment Umladung {f}
transshipment Umschlag {m} [Umladung]
transshipment Transshipment {n}
transshipmentUmfuhr {f} [von Schiffsfracht]
transshipment bill of lading Umladekonnossement {n}
transshipment center [Am.] [rare] [reloading point]Umschlagplatz {m}
« trantrantrantrantrantrantrantrantranTrantrap »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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