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English-German Dictionary

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Transylvanian Saxons Siebenbürger Sachsen {pl}
Transylvanian (scent) houndSiebenbürger Bracke {f} [Erdélyi Kopó]
Transylvanian (scent) hound Erdélyi Kopó {m} [Hunderasse]
Transylvanian (scent) hound Transsylvanischer Laufhund {m} [Erdélyi Kopó]
Transzorb® diode [also: TransZorb®] Transzorbdiode {f} [Transzorb®, TransZorb®]
Tranter GlacierTranter-Gletscher {m}
trap Falle {f}
trapFahrt {f}
trapGeruchverschluss {m}
trap Traps {m}
trapHaftstelle {f}
trap Fangstelle {f}
trap Trap {f} [Fangstelle, (Störstellen-)Haftstelle]
trap [chiefly historical] [carriage]Pferdewagen {m} [für Personen]
trap [coll.] [a person's mouth] Schnabel {m} [ugs.] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Gosch {f} [regional] [pej.] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Fotzen {f} [bayer.] [ugs.] [leicht derb] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Lapp {f} [ugs.] [südd., regional] [pej.] [auch: Lappe] [Mund] [vgl. Klappe]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Gusche {f} [regional] [ugs.] [pej.] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Schlabber {f} [regional] [ugs.] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Schlapfen {m} [österr.] [regional] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Gosche {f} [ugs.] [regional, bes. bayer., österr.]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Goschen {f} [ugs.] [regional, bes. bayer., österr.]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Klappe {f} [ugs.]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Schnauze {f} [derb]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Fresse {f} [derb]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Pappen {f} [österr.] [derb für: Mund]
trap [coll.] [toilet cubicle] Klosettzelle {f}
trap [e.g. soccer] Ballannahme {f}
trap [pitfall]Fallgrube {f}
trap [plumbing] Siphon {m} [auch {n}] [Geruchsverschluss]
trap and trace device Fangschaltung {f}
trap basalt Trapp {m} [veraltet] [Flutbasalt]
trap basalt Flutbasalt {m}
trap circuit Sperrkreis {m}
trap door Falltür {f}
trap doors Falltüren {pl}
trap nest Fallnest {n}
trap netFangnetz {n}
trap plantFangpflanze {f}
trap points {pl} Schutzweiche {f}
trap room Unterbühne {f}
trap set Schlagzeug {n}
trap shooter Tontaubenschütze {m}
trap shooting Wurfscheibenschießen {n}
trap shooting Tontaubenschießen {n}
trap siding Schutzstumpf {m}
Trap the Cap Fang den Hut ®
trap window Klappfenster {n}
trapdoorFalltür {f}
trap-doorFalltür {f}
trapdoor Klappe {f} [Falltür]
trapdoor Fallklappe {f}
trapdoorAusstieg {m} [am Dach]
trapdoor functionFalltürfunktion {f}
trapdoor spiderFalltürspinne {f}
trapdoor spiders [family Ctenizidae] Eigentliche Falltürspinnen {pl}
trapdoors Falltüren {pl}
trapeze Trapez {n}
trapeze act Trapeznummer {f}
trapeze act Trapezakt {m}
trapeze artistTrapezkünstler {m}
trapeze harness [watersports] Trapezweste {f} [Wassersport]
trapezesTrapeze {pl}
trapeziaTrapeze {pl}
trapezial bone [Os trapezium] Trapezium {n}
trapeziectomy Trapezektomie {f}
trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis <TM OA, TMOA> [carpometacarpal osteoarthritis]Trapeziometakarpalarthrose {f} [auch: Trapezio-Metakarpal-Arthrose]
trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis <TMO> [carpometacarpal osteoarthritis]Daumensattelgelenksarthrose {f}
trapezist Trapezkünstler {m}
trapezium [Am.] Trapezoid {n}
trapezium [Br.]Trapez {n}
trapezium [Os trapezium, Os carpale primum] großes Vieleckbein {n} [Trapezium]
trapezium bone [Os trapezium]großes Vieleckbein {n}
trapezium bone [Os trapezium]Trapezium {n}
trapezius muscle [Musculus trapezius]Trapezmuskel {m}
trapezius muscle [Musculus trapezius]Kapuzenmuskel {m}
trapezius muscle [Musculus trapezius]Kappenmuskel {m} [seltener] [Kapuzenmuskel, Trapezmuskel]
trapezius muscle [Musculus trapezius]Trapezius {m} [Trapezmuskel]
trapezohedronTrapezoeder {n}
trapezoid trapezförmig
trapezoid [Am.]Trapez {n}
trapezoid [Br.] Trapezoid {n}
trapezoid [Os trapezoideum] kleines Vieleckbein {n} [Trapezoid]
trapezoid bone [Os trapezoideum] kleines Vieleckbein {n}
trapezoid bone [Os trapezoideum]Trapezoid {n}
trapezoid (bone) [Os trapezoideum, Os carpale secundum] Trapezoideum {n}
trapezoid ligament [Ligamentum trapezoideum] trapezförmiges Band {n}
trapezoid skirt Trapezrock {m}
trapezoid spring Trapezfeder {f}
trapezoid threadTrapezgewinde {n}
trapezoid wingTrapezflügel {m}
trapezoidal trapezoid
trapezoidal trapezförmig
trapezoidal cross-sectionTrapezquerschnitt {m}
trapezoidal sheet metalTrapezblech {n}
« trantrantrantrantranTrantraptrastrautravtrav »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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