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English-German Dictionary

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trash chute [Am.] Abfallschacht {m}
trash chute [Am.] Müllschlucker {m}
trash collection [Am.] Müllsammlung {f}
trash collection [Am.]Müllabfuhr {f}
trash collector [Am.] Müllmann {m}
trash collector [Am.]Müllwerker {m}
trash compactor [Am.]Abfallkompaktor {m} [Presse für Abfall]
trash compactor [Am.]Müllpresse {f} [in Küche]
trash compactor [Am.]Abfallpresse {f}
trash compactor [Am.] Abfallverdichter {m}
trash crisis [Am.]Müllkrise {f}
trash disposal [Am.] Abfallbeseitigung {f}
trash dumpMülldeponie {f}
trash dumpMüllkippe {f}
trash dump [Am.] Müllhalde {f}
trash dump [Am.] Schuttabladeplatz {m}
trash label [requesting removal] Abfuhrmarke {f}
trash mountain [Am.] Müllberg {m}
trash pile [Am.] Abfallhaufen {m}
trash receptacle [Am.] Abfallbehälter {m}
trash removalAbfallbeseitigung {f}
trash tongs {pl} [Am.] Müllzange {f}
trash truck [Am.] Müllfahrzeug {n}
trash truck [Am.] Mülllaster {m} [ugs.]
trash truck [Am.] [garbage truck] Müllauto {n}
trash truck [Am.] [garbage truck] Müllwagen {m}
trash TV [coll.] [pej.] Hartz-4-TV {n} [ugs.] [pej.]
trash TV [coll.] [pej.] Trash-TV {n} [ugs.]
trash vortexMüllstrudel {m}
trashcan [Am.] Abfallkübel {m} [bes.: österr.]
trashes verhaut
trashier kitschiger
trashily wertlos
trashinessWertlosigkeit {f}
trashing wegwerfend
trashing [hitting (sb.)] verhauend [ugs.] [(jdn.) schlagend]
trashline orbweaver [Cyclosa conica] Kreisspinne {f}
trashline orbweaver [Cyclosa conica]Konusspinne {f}
trashline orbweaver [Cyclosa conica] Konische Kreisspinne {f}
trashline orbweavers [genus Cyclosa] [spiders]Kreisspinnen {pl}
trashman [Am.] Müllmann {m}
trashman [Am.] Dreckbauer {m} [veraltend südd. ugs.: Müllmann]
trashrack Auffangvorrichtung {f} für Unrat
trash-talker [Aus.] [coll.] Dummschwätzer {m} [ugs.]
trashy kitschig
trashy schlampig [ugs.] [pej.] [billig, schäbig]
trashy trashig [ugs.]
trashy [cheap, of no value]billig
trashy [cheap, of no value]Schund-
trashy [of no value] wertlos
trashy bookSchmöker {m} [ugs.]
trashy goodsRamschware {f} [ugs.]
trashy literature Schundliteratur {f}
trashy literature Kolportageliteratur {f}
trashy magazines {pl} Regenbogenpresse {f}
trashy novel Kitschroman {m}
trashy novel Schundroman {m}
trashy novels Kitschromane {pl}
trashy weeklies {pl} [coll.] Regenbogenpresse {f}
trashy writingKolportage {f} [minderwertiger Bericht]
traskite [Ba9Fe2Ti2(SiO3)12(OH,Cl,F)6·6H2O] Traskit {m}
trassTrass {m}
trass Tuffstein {m}
trass Traß {m} [alt]
trass cement Trasszement {m} <TrZ>
trassology [rare] [no established term - should not be used] Trassologie {f}
trattnerite [(Fe,Mg)2(Mg,Fe)3(Si12O30)] Trattnerit {m}
trattoria Trattoria {f}
Traube's double toneTraube-Zeichen {n} [Traube-Doppelton]
Traube's double toneTraube-Doppelton {m}
Traube's (semilunar) space [Spatium semilunare]Traube-Raum {m}
Traube's (semilunar) space [Spatium semilunare] Traube'scher Raum {m}
Traube's sign [also: Traube sign]Traube-Zeichen {n}
traulismTraulismus {m}
traulism Stottern {n}
trauma Trauma {n}
traumaseelischer Schock {m}
traumaGewalteinwirkung {f}
trauma seelische Erschütterung {f} [Verletzung]
trauma [physical] Wunde {f} [Verletzung]
trauma and emergency X-ray systemsRöntgensysteme {pl} für Trauma und Notfall
trauma center [Am.] Traumazentrum {n}
trauma center [Am.] Unfallklinik {f}
trauma clinicTraumaambulanz {f}
trauma management Traumaversorgung {f}
trauma managementWundversorgung {f}
trauma patientTraumapatient {m}
trauma patient [female] Traumapatientin {f}
trauma radiologyTraumaradiologie {f}
trauma reaction Traumareaktion {f}
trauma registry Traumaregister {n}
trauma researchTraumaforschung {f}
trauma response Traumareaktion {f}
trauma room Schockraum {m}
trauma sequelaeTraumafolgen {pl}
trauma surgeon [Am.] Unfallchirurg {m}
trauma surgeon [female] [Am.] Unfallchirurgin {f}
trauma surgery [Am.] Unfallchirurgie {f}
trauma therapyTraumatherapie {f}
« trantrantranTrantraptrastrautravtravtravtrav »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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