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travel advisory [official warning]Reisewarnung {f}
travel agenciesReisebüros {pl}
travel agency Reisebüro {n}
travel agency Reiseagentur {f}
travel agencyReisevermittlung {f}
travel agentReisekaufmann {m}
travel agentReiseberater {m}
travel agent Reisevermittler {m}
travel agent Expedient {m}
travel agent [business] Reiseagentur {f}
travel agent [female] Reisekauffrau {f}
travel agent [female] Reiseberaterin {f}
travel agent [female]Reisevermittlerin {f}
travel agent's [Br.] [travel agency] Reisebüro {n}
travel alarm [clock] Reisewecker {m}
travel alarm clock Reisewecker {m}
travel alert Reisehinweis {m} [als Vorstufe zu einer offiziellen Reisewarnung]
travel alert [Am.]Reisewarnhinweis {m} [Vorstufe zu einer offiziellen Reisewarnung]
travel allowance Fahrtkostenpauschale {f}
travel allowance Reisekostenzuschuss {m}
(travel and) tourism dictionary Touristikwörterbuch {n}
travel application Reiseantrag {m}
travel arrangementsReisevorbereitungen {pl}
travel assignment Reisearrangement {n}
travel assistant Reiseassistent {m}
travel bag Reisetasche {f}
travel banReisesperre {f}
travel ban Reiseverbot {n}
travel behavior [Am.]Reiseverhalten {n}
travel behaviour [Br.] Reiseverhalten {n}
travel blanket [Br.] Plaid {n} {m}
travel blessing Reisesegen {m}
travel blogReiseblog {m} {n}
travel bookReisebericht {m}
travel book Reisebuch {n}
travel book authorReiseschriftsteller {m}
travel book author [female] Reiseschriftstellerin {f}
travel book writerReiseschriftsteller {m}
travel book writer [female] Reiseschriftstellerin {f}
travel booking Reisebuchung {f}
travel bookingsReisebuchungen {pl}
travel booksReisebücher {pl}
travel books {pl}Reiseliteratur {f} [Bücher über Reisen]
travel boots [for horses]Transportgamaschen {pl}
travel brake Fahrwerksbremse {f} [z. B. beim Bagger]
Travel broadens the mind. Reisen erweitert den Horizont.
Travel broadens the mind.Reisen bildet. [Redewendung]
travel brochureReiseprospekt {m}
travel brochureReisekatalog {m}
travel budgetReisebudget {n}
travel bug [coll.] Reisevirus {m} [ugs.]
Travel Bug ™ <TB> [geocaching] Travelbug {m} <TB> [Geocaching]
travel bureauReiseagentur {f}
travel bureau Reisebüro {n}
travel businessReiseveranstalter {m}
travel businessReisebranche {f}
travel by train Zugreise {f}
travel by trainReisen {n} mit der Bahn
travel by tramStraßenbahnfahrt {f}
travel cancellation insurance Reiserücktrittsversicherung {f}
travel card Netzkarte {f}
travel carriage Laufkatze {f}
travel catalogue Reisekatalog {m}
travel center Reisezentrum {n}
travel chainReisekette {f}
travel chaosVerkehrschaos {n}
travel claims Reisekostenansprüche {pl}
travel classBuchungsklasse {f}
travel clothes {pl} Reisekleidung {f}
travel coat Reisemantel {m}
travel comfort Fahrkomfort {m}
travel comfortReisekomfort {m}
travel commencement [rail, bus]Fahrtantritt {m}
travel companion Reisebegleitung {f}
travel companion Reisegefährte {m}
travel companion [female] Reisegefährtin {f}
travel confirmation Reisebestätigung {f}
travel consultReiseberatung {f}
travel consulting Reiseberatung {f}
travel contract Reisevertrag {m}
travel contract law Reisevertragsrecht {n}
travel conversation Reisegespräch {n}
travel costs Fahrkosten {pl}
travel costs Fahrtkosten {pl}
travel costs Reisekosten {pl}
travel cot Kinderreisebett {n} [auch: Kinder-Reisebett]
travel courier Reiseleiter {m}
travel customerReisekunde {m}
travel data Reisedaten {pl}
travel decisionReiseentscheidung {f}
travel defect Reisemangel {m}
travel deskReiseredaktion {f} [einer Zeitung]
travel desk Reiseschalter {m}
travel desk [in a hotel] Informationsschalter {m} für Ausflüge / Reisen [im Hotel]
travel destination Reiseziel {n}
travel destinationReisezielgebiet {n}
travel destinationsReiseziele {pl}
travel diary [Br.] Reisetagebuch {n}
travel dictionaryReisewörterbuch {n}
travel distanceWeglänge {f}
« tranTrantraptrastrautravtravtravtravtravtrav »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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