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English-German Dictionary

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transverse strip Querleiste {f}
transverse stripeQuerstreifen {m}
transverse structural bulkhead Querverbandsschott {n} [Schiff]
transverse strut Querstrebe {f}
transverse study [cross-sectional study / analysis]Querschnittsstudie {f} [empirische Forschung]
transverse temporal gyrus [Gyrus temporalis transversus] Heschl-Querwindung {f}
transverse tendon Querspannglied {n}
transverse tension Querspannung {f}
transverse tilt Querneigung {f}
transverse tracheidQuertracheide {f}
transverse track Querlaufbahn {f}
transverse travelQuerverfahrbereich {m}
transverse tunnels Querstollen {pl}
transverse ventilationQuerlüftung {f}
transverse voltage Querspannung {f}
transverse wall Querwand {f}
transverse wall Quermauer {f}
transverse warping Querkrümmung {f}
transverse wave Transversalwelle {f}
transverse wave Querwelle {f}
transverse wingQuertrakt {m}
(transverse) suprapubic incision [Pfannenstiel incision]suprapubischer Schnitt {m} [Pfannenstiel-Schnitt]
transversely schräge
transversely in Querrichtung
transversely toquer über
transversely watertightquerwasserdicht
transversionTransversion {f}
transversion rate Transversionsrate {f}
transversosigmoidostomy Transversosigmoidostomie {f}
transversosigmoidostomyTransversosigmoideostomie {f} [Transversosigmoidostomie]
transversostoma Transversostoma {n}
transversostomy Transversostomie {f}
transverterTransverter {m}
transvestic fetishism transvestitischer Fetischismus {m}
transvestism Transvestitismus {m}
transvestism Transvestismus {m}
transvestism Travestie {f} [Transvestismus]
transvestiteTransvestit {m}
transvestite [den Transvestitismus betreffend]
transvestite [female] Transvestitin {f}
transvestites Transvestiten {pl}
transvestitism [cross-dressing]Transvestitismus {m}
transvocalic transvokalisch
Trans-Volga Elders [startsy] Transwolga-Starzen {pl}
trans-world identity Querweltein-Identität {f}
Transylvania Siebenbürgen {n}
TransylvaniaTranssilvanien {n} [früher: Siebenbürgen]
Transylvania Transsylvanien {n} [Rsv.] [früher: Siebenbürgen]
Transylvanian transsilvanisch
Transylvanian transsylvanisch
Transylvanian Siebenbürger
Transylvanian siebenbürgisch
TransylvanianSiebenbürger {m}
Transylvanian AlpsTranssilvanische Alpen {pl}
Transylvanian LandlerSiebenbürger Landler {pl}
Transylvanian naked neck [chicken] Nackthalshuhn {n}
Transylvanian SaxonSiweberjen {n} [siebenbürgisch-sächsisch für: Siebenbürgen]
Transylvanian Saxon siebenbürgisch-sächsisch
Transylvanian Saxon [dialect]Siebenbürgisch-Sächsisch {n}
Transylvanian Saxon languageSiebenbürgersächsisch {n}
Transylvanian Saxons Siebenbürger Sachsen {pl}
Transylvanian (scent) houndSiebenbürger Bracke {f} [Erdélyi Kopó]
Transylvanian (scent) houndErdélyi Kopó {m} [Hunderasse]
Transylvanian (scent) hound Transsylvanischer Laufhund {m} [Erdélyi Kopó]
Transzorb® diode [also: TransZorb®] Transzorbdiode {f} [Transzorb®, TransZorb®]
Tranter Glacier Tranter-Gletscher {m}
trap Falle {f}
trapFahrt {f}
trap Geruchverschluss {m}
trapTraps {m}
trap Haftstelle {f}
trap Fangstelle {f}
trap Trap {f} [Fangstelle, (Störstellen-)Haftstelle]
trap [chiefly historical] [carriage] Pferdewagen {m} [für Personen]
trap [coll.] [a person's mouth]Schnabel {m} [ugs.] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Gosch {f} [regional] [pej.] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Fotzen {f} [bayer.] [ugs.] [leicht derb] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Lapp {f} [ugs.] [südd., regional] [pej.] [auch: Lappe] [Mund] [vgl. Klappe]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Gusche {f} [regional] [ugs.] [pej.] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Schlabber {f} [regional] [ugs.] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Schlapfen {m} [österr.] [regional] [Mund]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Gosche {f} [ugs.] [regional, bes. bayer., österr.]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Goschen {f} [ugs.] [regional, bes. bayer., österr.]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Klappe {f} [ugs.]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Schnauze {f} [derb]
trap [coll.] [mouth]Fresse {f} [derb]
trap [coll.] [mouth] Pappen {f} [österr.] [derb für: Mund]
trap [coll.] [toilet cubicle]Klosettzelle {f}
trap [e.g. soccer] Ballannahme {f}
trap [pitfall]Fallgrube {f}
trap [plumbing] Siphon {m} [auch {n}] [Geruchsverschluss]
trap and trace deviceFangschaltung {f}
trap basalt Trapp {m} [veraltet] [Flutbasalt]
trap basalt Flutbasalt {m}
trap circuitSperrkreis {m}
trap doorFalltür {f}
trap doorsFalltüren {pl}
trap nestFallnest {n}
« trantrantrantrantrantrantraptraptrastrautrav »
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English-German dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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