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tree branches {pl} Baumgeäst {n}
tree budBaumknospe {f}
tree bumblebee [Bombus hypnorum]Baumhummel {f}
tree bunting [Spizella arborea, syn.: S. monticola, Passerella arborea]Baumammer {f} [fachspr. auch {m}] [auch: Baum-Ammer]
tree burial Baumbestattung {f}
tree burial [burying body ashes within the root system of a tree] Friedwald-Bestattung {f}
tree candleBaumkerze {f}
tree careBaumpflege {f}
tree care services {pl} Baumpflege {f}
tree care set Baumpflegeset {n}
tree characters Baumcharaktere {pl}
tree clearing Baumrodung {f}
tree (climacium) moss [Climacium dendroides]Bäumchen-Leitermoos {n}
tree (climacium) moss [Climacium dendroides] Bäumchenartiges Palmenmoos {n}
tree (climacium) moss [Climacium dendroides] Bäumchenartiges Leitermoos {n}
tree (climacium) moss [Climacium dendroides]Bäumchenmoos {n}
tree clover [Melilotus albus] Weißer Steinklee {m}
tree clover [Melilotus albus]Weißer Honigklee {m}
tree clover [Melilotus albus]Bokharaklee {m}
tree coffin Baumsarg {m}
tree collards {pl} [Brassica oleracea ssp.] Baum-Kohl {m} [Baumkohl]
tree coral [Nephthea sp.] Broccoli-Koralle {f}
tree coral [Nephthea sp.] Blumenkohl-Koralle {f}
tree cotoneaster [Cotoneaster frigidus] Baum-Zwergmispel {f}
tree cotoneaster [Cotoneaster frigidus] Himalaja-Baumzwergmispel {f}
tree coverBewaldung {f} [das Bewaldetsein]
tree cricket [genus Cicada]Baumgrille {f} [Zikade]
tree crickets [family Oecanthinae]Blütengrillen {pl}
tree crownBaumkrone {f}
tree cutterBaumpfleger {m}
tree cuttings {pl}Baumschnitt {m} [Schnittgut, Abfall]
tree damage {sg} Baumschäden {pl} [durch Sturm usw.]
tree damsel bug [Himacerus apterus] Baumsichelwanze {f}
tree damsel bug [Himacerus apterus] Langhorn-Buschräuber {m} [Sichelwanzenart]
tree dassies [genus Dendrohyrax] Baumschliefer {pl}
tree datura [Brugmansia x candida, syn.: B aurea x B. versicolor, B. candida, Datura candida, D. x candida]Weißer Stechapfel {m}
tree deathBaumsterben {n}
tree decorationBaumschmuck {m}
tree decorations {pl}Baumschmuck {m}
tree densityBaumdichte {f}
tree development Baumentwicklung {f}
tree diagramBaumdiagramm {n}
tree diagram Baumgraph {m}
tree diagram Verzweigungsdiagramm {n}
tree diameter Baumdurchmesser {m}
tree dieback Baumsterben {n}
tree ducks [family Anatidae, subfamily Dendrocygninae ] Pfeifgänse {pl}
tree dwellerBaumbewohner {m}
tree ear [Auricularia nigricans, syn.: Auricularia polytricha] [esp. used in Chinese cooking]Judasohr {n}
tree edge Baumkante {f}
tree euphorbia [Euphorbia triangularis]Mehrkantige Wolfsmilch {f}
tree examinationBaumuntersuchung {f}
tree falcon [Falco subbuteo]Baumfalke {m}
tree farm [tree nursery]Baumschule {f}
tree fauna Baumfauna {f}
tree feller Holzhacker {m}
tree felling Baumfällen {n}
tree fellingBaumfällung {f}
tree fellingHolzschlägerung {f} [bes. österr.] [Baumfällen]
tree fellingHolzfällen {n}
tree felling techniqueFälltechnik {f}
tree felling (works)Baumfällarbeiten {pl}
tree fern Baumfarn {m}
tree fern family {sg} [family Dicksoniaceae] Dicksoniaceen {pl}
tree forkBaumgabel {f}
tree formed by the wind Windflüchter {m} [Baum, dessen Wuchsform durch vorwiegend aus einer Himmelsrichtung wehenden Wind bestimmt wird]
tree frog [esp. from the Hylidae and Rhacophoridae families] Baumfrosch {m} [bes. der Familien Laubfrösche und Ruderfrösche]
tree frogs [family Rhacophoridae]Ruderfrösche {pl}
tree from hell [Ailanthus altissima, syn.: A. glandulosa / glandulosus, A. peregrina, A. rhodoptera, Ailantus rhodoptera, Toxicodendron altissimum] [tree of heaven] Götterbaum {m}
tree gardenia [Gardenia thunbergia]Wald-Gardenie {f}
tree genusBaumgattung {f}
tree germander [Teucrium fruticans]Strauchiger Gamander {m}
tree goanna [Varanus varius, syn.: V. (Varanus) varius, V. belli, Lacerta varia, Tupinambis variegatus] Buntwaran {m}
tree grateBaumscheibengitter {n}
tree grate [tree surround]Baumschutz {m} [Gitterrost]
tree grayling [Hipparchia statilinus] Kleine Rostbinde {f} [Tagfalter]
tree grayling [Hipparchia statilinus] Eisenfarbiger Samtfalter {m}
tree grille Baumschutzgitter {n}
tree growth Baumwachstum {n}
tree growth monitoring[Überwachung und Messung des Wachstums von Bäumen]
tree guard Baumbandage {f}
tree guardBaumschützer {m}
tree guard Baumschutz {m} [z. B. Baumschutzbügel]
tree guard system Baumschutzsystem {n}
tree gumBaumharz {n}
tree habitatBaumhabitat {n}
tree harvester [Can.] Holzfäller {m}
tree heath [Erica arborea] Baumheide {f}
tree heath [Erica arborea]Spanische Baumheide {f}
tree height Baumhöhe {f}
tree heliotrope [Heliotropium foertherianum]Samtblatt {n}
tree hierarchy Baumhierarchie {f}
tree hole Baumhöhle {f}
tree hole Baumloch {n}
tree hollowBaumhöhle {f}
tree house Baumhaus {n}
tree house Baumhütte {f}
tree hovea [Hovea elliptica]Baum-Hovea {f}
tree hugger [also: tree-hugger] [female] [coll.] [often pej.] Ökotante {f} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
tree hugger [Am.] [pej.] Umweltschützer {m}
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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