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tree wrap Baumbandage {f}
[tree in which the mating song is aired] Balzbaum {m} [fachspr.]
[tree in which the mating song is aired]Standbaum {m} [Balzbaum]
(tree) canopy percentageKronenprozent {n}
(tree) cat snakes [genus Boiga] Katzenaugennattern {pl}
(tree) creepers [genus Certhia, family Certhiidae] Baumläufer {pl}
(tree) feller [lumberjack]Holzfäller {m}
(tree) log (gefällter) Baumstamm {m}
(tree) plantation Baumpflanzung {f} [Gebiet]
(tree) stemBaumstamm {m}
(tree) stumpKnorren {m} [regional] [Baumstumpf]
(tree) stump Stubben {m} [nordd.] [Baumstumpf]
(tree) stump extractor Baumstumpfzieher {m}
(tree) twig Baumzweig {m}
Treebeard [J. R. R. Tolkien] Baumbart {m}
tree-breeding speciesBaumbrüter {m}
tree-covered bewaldet
tree-covered baumbestanden
treecreepers [genus Certhia, family Certhiidae] [typical treecreepers](Eigentliche) Baumläufer {pl}
treecreepers / tree creepers [genus Climacteris, family Climacteridae] Baumrutscher {pl}
tree-crevice skink [Egernia striolata] Baumskink {m}
tree-crevice skink [Egernia striolata] Streifen-Stachelskink {m}
tree-crevice skink [Egernia striolata] Baum-Stachelskink {m}
tree-dwelling baumlebend
treefern flyeater [Gerygone ruficollis] Baumfarngerygone {f}
treeform baumförmig
tree-grubbing machine Baumrodemaschine {f}
tree-high baumhoch
tree-high baumhohe
treehouse [spv.] Baumhaus {n}
treehouse hotel Baumhaushotel {n}
tree-hugger [coll.] Ökofreak {m} [ugs.]
tree-hugging [Am.] [hum.] [pej.] [sich wie einen Ökofreak benehmend]
treeing Verästelung {f}
treeing [hunting method]Verbellen {n} [am Baum]
tree-kangaroo [Dendrolagus] Baumkänguru {n}
tree-kangaroos [genus Dendrolagus]Baumkängurus {pl}
treeless baumlos
treelessness Baumlosigkeit {f}
treelet Bäumchen {n}
treelet spikemoss / spike-moss / spike moss [Selaginella braunii, syn.: S. pallescens] Bleicher Moosfarn {m}
tree-lichen beauty [Cryphia algae] [moth] Dunkelgrüne Flechteneule {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
tree-lichen beauty [Cryphia algae] [moth] Hain-Baumflechteneulchen {n} [Nachtfalterspezies]
tree-like baumartig
treelike baumartig
treelineBaumgrenze {f}
treeline emerald [Somatochlora sahlbergi] Polar-Smaragdlibelle {f}
tree-lined von Bäumen gesäumt
tree-linedvon Bäumen umsäumt
tree-lined road Allee {f}
tree-lined streets Alleen {pl}
treemapTree Map {f} [Diagramm (Baumkarte)]
treemoss [genus Usnea] Baumbart {m} [Flechte der Gattung Usnea]
treemoss [genus Usnea]Bartflechte {f}
treen {pl} [obs.] [trees]Bäume {pl}
treenailHolznagel {m}
tree-of-life [Kalanchoe pinnata, syn.: Bryophyllum calycinum, Cotyledon pinnata, Vereia pinnata] [air plant] Goethe-Pflanze {f}
tree-of-life [Kalanchoe pinnata, syn.: Bryophyllum calycinum, Cotyledon pinnata, Vereia pinnata] [air plant] Brutblatt {n} [Goethe-Pflanze]
treeplanterBaumpflanzer {m}
tree-planting campaign Baumpflanzaktion {f}
tree-planting day Baumpflanztag {m}
tree-ring datingJahresringdatierung {f}
tree-ring dating Jahrringdatierung {f}
tree-ring series Jahresringreihen {pl}
trees Bäume {pl}
trees and shrubs [lignifying plants]Gehölze {pl}
trees giving shadeschattenspendende Bäume {pl}
trees of heaven [Ailanthus altissima, syn. Ailanthus glandulosa]Himmelsbäume {pl} [Götterbäume]
trees of magnitudegrößere Bäume {pl}
trees toppled by a / the storm vom Sturm umgestürzte Bäume {pl}
tree-shaped air freshener Duftbäumchen {n}
tree-shaped structure baumförmige Struktur {f}
treeshrew [also: tree shrew] [order Scandentia] Tupaja {n}
treesnails [family Bulimulidae]Baumschnecken {pl}
treeswifts [family Hemiprocnidae, genus Hemiprocne]Baumsegler {pl}
treetop Baumkrone {f}
treetopWipfel {m}
treetop Baumwipfel {m}
treetop Baumspitze {f}
treetop damage {sg} Wipfelschäden {pl}
treetopsBaumkronen {pl}
treetopsBaumspitzen {pl}
treetrunk coffin Baumsarg {m}
treetrunk coffin Totenbaum {m} [Baumsarg]
trefa treife
trefoil (dreiblättriges) Kleeblatt {n}
trefoil Dreipass {m}
trefoil [genus Trifolium]Klee {m}
trefoil [plant with similar leaves]Dreiblatt {n}
trefoil [Trifolium pratense]Wiesen-Klee / Wiesenklee {m}
trefoil [Trifolium pratense] Rot-Klee / Rotklee {m}
trefoil [Trifolium pratense]Mattenklee {m}
trefoil [Trifolium pratense]Ackerklee {m} [Rotklee]
trefoil arch Zackenbogen {m}
trefoil arch Vielpassbogen {m}
trefoil (arch) Kleeblattbogen {m}
« treaTreatreetreetreetreetreftremtremtrenTren »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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