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English-German Dictionary

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tress [archaic] Zopf {m}
tress [braid] Flechte {f} [geh.] [Zopf]
tress [literary]Haarstrang {m}
tressel Gestell {n}
tressel [spv.] [trestle (bridge)] Gerüstpfeilerviadukt {m} {n} [Trestle-Brücke]
tressesLocken {pl}
tresses [braids] Flechten {pl} [geh.] [Zöpfe]
trestle Bock {m} [Stützbock]
trestleStützbock {m} [Baugerüst]
trestle Stütze {f} [Baugerüst]
trestleGestell {n}
trestleAuflagebock {m}
trestleSchragen {m}
trestle [A-shaped supporter]Gerüst {n} [Auflagebock, Bock, A-förmiger Ständer]
trestle [bridge]Trestle-Brücke {f}
trestle [sawhorse]Arbeitsbock {m}
trestle [trestle bridge] Gerüstpfeilerviadukt {m} {n} [Trestle-Brücke]
trestle bridge Bockbrücke {f}
trestle bridgeGerüstbrücke {f}
trestle legsBöcke {pl}
trestle roller Bockrolle {f}
trestle supports Böcke {pl}
trestle tableauf Böcken stehender Tisch {m}
trestle tableaufgebockter Tisch {m}
trestlesGerüste {pl}
tretamine Tretamin {n}
tretinoin [C20H28O2]Tretinoin {n} [Vitamin-A-Säure]
tretrigintillion [short scale: 10^102] Septendezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^102]
trevally [esp. Aus., NZ] [Caranx hippos] [crevalle jack] Pferdemakrele {f} [Cavalla]
Trevayne [Jonathan Ryder] Das Genessee-Komplott
Treveri [also: Treverians]Treverer {pl}
Treves [obs.] Trier {n}
Trevi Fountain [Italian: Fontana di Trevi]Trevi-Brunnen {m}
trevigintillion [short scale: 10^72] Duodezillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^72]
trevira suit Treviraanzug {m}
trevira suit Trevira-Anzug {m}
Treviri Treverer {pl}
trevisoroter Radicchio {m}
trevorite [NiFe2O4] Trevorit {m} [ein Spinell]
trews {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.] [fashion tartan trousers for men and women] Trews {f} [modische Hose im Tartan-Muster und eng geschnitten; für Damen und Herren]
trews {pl} [one pair] [esp. Br.] [trousers, esp. if close fitting and tartan]Hose {f} [Trews-Hose im Tartan-Muster und eng geschnitten; für Damen und Herren]
trews {pl} [Scot.] [eng anliegende Hose im Schottenmuster]
treyDrei {f} [Würfel, Spielkarten]
trey [Am.] [three-point field goal] [basketball] Drei-Punkte-Wurf {m} [Rsv.] <3-Punkte-Wurf> [Dreipunktewurf] [Basketball]
Trey PeaksTrey Peaks {pl}
triable belangbar
triable [prosecutable] strafrechtlich verfolgbar
triaboloTriabolo {n}
triac Zweirichtungsthyristor {m}
triac [portmanteau of TRIode Alternating Current switch]Triac {m}
triacanthids [family Triacanthidae]Dreistachler {pl}
triacanthids [family Triacanthidae] Triacanthiden {pl} [Dreistachler]
triacetate Triacetat {n}
triacetin [C9H14O6] [E-1518] Triacetin {n}
triacontagonDreißigeck {n}
triacontane [C30H62] Triacontan {n}
triacontane [C30H62] Triakontan {n}
triacontanoic acid [C30H60O2] Triacontansäure {f}
triacylglycerol Triacylglycerol {n}
triad Dreiklang {m}
triadDreibiteinheit {f}
triad Triade {f}
triad Trias {f}
triad dreiwertiges Element {n}
triadDreiergruppe {f}
triad Dreizahl {f}
triad dreiwertige Atomgruppe {f}
triad Dreischritt {m}
triad [a group or set of three people or things] Dreiklang {m} [fig.]
triad axes dreizählige Drehachsen {pl}
triad markets [the three developed markets of Japan, North America and Europe]Triademärkte {pl} [Europa, USA, Japan]
triad of godsGöttertriade {f}
triad of sociopathy [Macdonald triad] Macdonald-Triade {f} <MDT>
triad of Virchow Virchow-Trias {f}
triadic triadisch
triadic relation dreistellige Relation {f}
triadically triadisch
triadization Triadisierung {f}
triage Bestimmen {n} der Handlungsreihenfolge während einer Notlage
triageSichtung {f}
triage Selektierung {f}
triageTriage {f}
triage Ersteinschätzung {f} [in Notaufnahme]
triage category <T> Sichtungskategorie {f} <SK, T> [Triagekategorie]
triage in the emergency departmentTriage {f} in der Notaufnahme
triage instrument Triage-Instrument {n}
triage room Triage-Raum {m}
triage room Triageraum {m}
triage stationAufnahmestation {f} [i. S. v. Triagestation]
triage station Triage-Station {f} [auch: Triagestation]
triage tarp [for coffee beans]Ausschussplane {f} [für Kaffeebohnen]
triage ward Triageabteilung {f}
triage ward [in a hospital] Triage-Station {f} [auch: Triagestation] [im Krankenhaus]
triager Sichter {m}
triakis icosahedron Triakisikosaeder {n}
trial Probeversuch {m}
trial Prozess {m}
trial Prüfung {f}
trial Untersuchung {f}
trial Verhandlung {f}
« treftremtremtrenTrentrestriatriatriatriaTrib »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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