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English-German Dictionary

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trial periodProbezeit {f}
trial periodVersuchsperiode {f}
trial periodVersuchszeitraum {m}
trial periodSchnupperfrist {f} [ugs.]
trial phaseVersuchsphase {f}
trial plot [plot of land for testing]Versuchsfläche {f}
trial price Kennenlernpreis {m}
trial procedures Prozessnormen {pl}
trial product Versuchsprodukt {n} <VP>
trial product sample Produktmuster {n}
trial records Prozeßakten {pl} [alt]
trial records Prozessakten {pl}
trial runProbelauf {m}
trial runVersuchslauf {m}
Trial Run [Dick Francis] Galopp / [früher] Im Galopp in die Falle
trial run [e.g. in a new car]Probefahrt {f} [z. B. in einem neuen Auto]
trial runs Versuchsfahrten {pl}
trial scuba dive Probetauchgang {m}
trial sessionSchnupperstunde {f}
trial sessionProbetraining {n}
trial shipmentProbelieferung {f}
trial site Versuchsstandort {m}
trial site [clinical investigation]Prüfzentrum {n} [klinische Prüfung]
trial subscriptionProbeabonnement {n}
trial subscription Schnupperabonnement {n}
trial subscription Schnupperabo {n} [ugs. Kurzform für Schnupperabonnement]
trial subscriptionProbeabo {n} [ugs.]
trial test Erprobungslauf {m} [Feldversuch]
trial track Versuchsstrecke {f}
trial trench Suchschnitt {m}
trial trip Probefahrt {f}
trial version Testversion {f}
trial version Probeversion {f}
trial week [sample period] Schnupperwoche {f}
trial weekendProbewochenende {f}
trial without pleadings mündliche Verhandlung {f} ohne (weitere) vorbereitende Schriftsätze
trial work Probearbeit {f}
trial work placementEinfühlungsverhältnis {n}
trialabilityErprobbarkeit {f}
trial-and-error methodVersuchs-und-Irrtums-Methode {f}
trial-and-error method Versuch-und-Irrtums-Methode {f}
trial-and-error method Trial-and-Error-Methode {f}
trial-and-error principle Trial-and-Error-Prinzip {n}
trial-and-error techniqueVersuch-und-Irrtum-Methode {f}
trialed [Am.] getestet
trialist Testspieler {m}
triality Dreiheit {f}
trialled [Br.]getestet
trialling [Br.] Testen {n}
trialog [Am.] Trilog {m}
trialogue Trilog {m}
trialorder Probeauftrag {m}
trials {pl} Gerichtsverhandlung {f} [Strafverhandlung]
trials [tests]Versuche {pl}
trials and tribulations Irrungen und Wirrungen
trials of Christians Christenprozesse {pl}
trials on apesAffenversuche {pl}
triamcinoloneTriamcinolon {n}
triamine Triamin {n}
triamines Triamine {pl}
triammonium citrate [E-380] Triammoniumcitrat {n}
triangle Dreieck {n}
triangle Triangel {m} {f} [österr.: {n}]
triangle Trigon {n}
triangle [Am.] Geometrie-Dreieck {n}
triangle [Am.] [triangle ruler]Geodreieck ® {n} [Geometrie-Dreieck]
triangle [fig.]Dreiecksbeziehung {f}
triangle [Heterogenea asella] [moth]Kleine Schildmotte {f} [Nachtfalterspezies]
triangle [Heterogenea asella] [moth] Kleiner Schneckenspinner {m} [Nachtfalterspezies]
triangle [pool, billiards] Dreieck {n}
triangle apexDreiecksspitze {f}
triangle body shape [pear shape] Dreiecksform {f} [Figurtyp: Birnenform]
triangle braTriangel-BH {m}
triangle butterfly [Chaetodon triangulum] Indischer Baronesse-Falterfisch {m}
triangle butterfly [Chaetodon triangulum] Triangel-Falterfisch {m}
triangle butterflyfish [Chaetodon triangulum] Indik-Baroness-Falterfisch {m}
triangle function tri-Funktion {f} [Dreieckfunktion]
triangle function Triangle-Funktion / triangle-Funktion {f} [Dreieckfunktion]
triangle function Dreiecksfunktion / Dreieckfunktion {f}
triangle geometryDreiecksgeometrie {f}
triangle grapefern / grape-fern [Botrychium lanceolatum]Lanzett-Rautenfarn {m}
triangle grapefern / grape-fern [Botrychium lanceolatum]Lanzettliche Mondraute {f}
triangle grapefern / grape-fern [Botrychium lanceolatum]Lanzettlicher Rautenfarn {m}
triangle grapefern / grape-fern [Botrychium lanceolatum] Lanzettlicher Traubenfarn {m}
triangle inequalityDreiecksungleichung {f}
triangle keelback [Xenochrophis trianguligerus]Dreiecks-Fischnatter {f}
triangle many-tooth snake [Sibonyphis triangularis] Dreiecks-Vielzahnnatter {f}
triangle moonwort [Botrychium lanceolatum]Lanzett-Rautenfarn {m}
triangle moonwort [Botrychium lanceolatum]Lanzettliche Mondraute {f}
triangle moonwort [Botrychium lanceolatum] Lanzettlicher Rautenfarn {m}
triangle of auscultation [Trigonum auscultationis]Auskultationsdreieck {n}
triangle of errorFehlerdreieck {n}
triangle of Koch [Trigonum nodi atrioventricularis] Koch-Dreieck {n}
triangle of meaningsemiotisches Dreieck {n}
Triangle of PowerRaute {f} der Macht
triangle of reference semiotisches Dreieck {n}
triangle orache [Atriplex prostrata]Spieß-Melde {f}
triangle orache [Atriplex prostrata] Spießblättrige Melde {f}
triangle piercing [female genital piercing] Triangle-Piercing {n} [Intimpiercing bei Frauen]
triangle player [female]Triangelspielerin {f}
« tremtrenTrentrestriatriatriatriaTribtribtric »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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