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English-German Dictionary

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tribunalStrafgericht {n}
tribunalGerichtshof {m}
tribunalGericht {n} [Gerichtshof]
tribunal of arbitration Schiedsgericht {n}
Tribunal of the Rota RomanaRömische Rota {f}
tribunals Strafgerichte {pl}
tribunate Tribunat {n}
tribune Galerie {f}
tribuneBischofsthron {m} [in der Kirche]
tribune Rednerbühne {f}
tribuneTribun {m}
tribune [dais, rostrum]Tribüne {f} [Rednertribüne]
tribune (of the people) [also fig.]Volkstribun {m} [auch fig.]
tribune of the plebsVolkstribun {m}
tributaries Nebenflüsse {pl}
tributaries of the neck veins Zuflüsse {pl} der Halsvenen
tributariness Tributpflichtigkeit {f}
tributary abhängig
tributaryNebenfluss {m}
tributary Zufluss {m} [eines Flusses, Sees]
tributary untertan
tributaryZubringer {m}
tributary tributpflichtig
tributaryzufließende Vene {f}
tributary Nebenfluß {m} [alt]
tributary glacier Tributärgletscher {m}
tributary glacierSeitengletscher {m}
tributary river zufließender Fluß {m} [alt]
tributary river zufließender Fluss {m}
tributary river Nebenfluss {m}
tributary statetributpflichtiger Staat {m}
tributary stream Nebenfluss {m}
tributary (to sb.) (jdm.) tributpflichtig
tributary to the Baltic Sea Ostseezufluss {m}
tributary to the Danube Donauzufluss {m}
tributary valleySeitental {n}
tribute Abgabe {f}
tributeAnerkennung {f} [Ehrung, Würdigung]
tributeTribut {m}
tributeEhrung {f}
tribute albumGedächtnisalbum {n}
tribute album Gedächtnis-Album {n}
tribute bandTribute-Band {f}
tribute bearer Tributbringer {m}
tribute concert Benefizkonzert {n}
tribute payments (to) Tributzahlungen {pl} (an)
tribute system Tributsystem {n}
tribute (to sb./sth.) Hommage {f} (an jdn./etw.)
tributesAbgaben {pl}
tricadmium diarsenide [Cd3As2] Tricadmiumdiarsenid {n}
tricalciumphosphate <TCP> Tricalciumphosphat {n} <TCP>
tricalciumphosphate <TCP>Trikalziumphosphat {n} <TCP>
tricameral Dreikammer-
tricanaled [tooth] mit drei Wurzelkanälen [Zahn]
tricardreirädriges Auto {n}
tricarboxylic acid Tricarbonsäure {f}
tricarboxylic acid cycle <TCA cycle>Tricarbonsäurezyklus {m} [Citratzyklus]
tricarpellate dreikarpellig
triceNu {m} {n}
triceAugenblick {m}
trice [obs.] [instant, moment] Moment {m}
tricentennial dreihundertjährig
tricephalic dreiköpfig
triceps Trizeps {m}
triceps (muscle) [Musculus triceps brachii]Armstrecker {m} [Trizeps]
triceps (muscle) [Musculus triceps brachii]dreiköpfiger Oberarmmuskel {m} [Trizeps]
triceps muscles Trizepsmuskeln {pl}
triceps surae (muscle) [Musculus triceps surae] dreiköpfiger Wadenmuskel {m}
triceps trainingTrizepstraining {n}
triceratops Triceratops {m}
trich [coll.] Trichomoniasis {f}
trichalcite [Cu3 [AsO4]2·4H2O] Trichalcit {m}
Trichia caelata [syn.: Trochulus caelatus] [terresrial snail in the family Hygromiidae] Flache Haarschnecke {f} [Landschneckenart]
Trichia striolata danubialis [syn.: Trochulus striolata danubialis] [terrestrial snail in the family Milacidae] Donau-Kahnschnecke {f}
Trichia villosa [syn.: T. (Trichia) villosa, Trochulus villosulus] [terrestrial snail in the family Hygromiidae] Zottige Haarschnecke {f}
trichilemmal cyst Trichilemmalzyste {f}
trichilemmal cyst Tricholemmalzyste {f} [seltener] [Trichilemmalzyste]
trichina Trichine {f}
trichina worms [genus Trichinella] Trichinellen {pl}
trichinae Trichinen {pl}
trichinae [genus Trichinella] Trichinellen {pl}
trichinellosis Trichinellose {f}
trichinellosis Trichinose {f}
trichiniasisTrichinose {f}
trichiniasisTrichinellose {f}
trichinophobia Trichinophobie {f}
trichinophobic trichinophob
trichinosisTrichinenkrankheit {f}
trichinosis Trichinose {f}
trichloramine Trichloramin {n}
trichloroacetic acidTrichlorethansäure {f}
trichloroacetic acid <TCA> Trichloressigsäure {f} <TCA>
trichlorobenzene <TCB> Trichlorbenzol {n} <TCB>
trichloroethanoic acid Trichlorethansäure {f}
trichloroethanoic acid <TCA, TCAA> [C2HCl3O2] Trichloressigsäure {f} <TCA>
trichloroethyleneTrichlorethylen {n}
trichloroethyleneTrichloräthylen {n} [veraltet]
trichloroethylene poisoning Trichlorethylenvergiftung {f}
« triatriatriatriatribtribtrictrictrictricTrid »
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others. More information
Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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