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English-German Dictionary

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trigonometrical station [Am.] trigonometrischer Punkt {m} <TP>
trigonometrically trigonometrisch
trigonometry Trigonometrie {f}
trigonometryDreiecksmessung {f}
trigonometry Dreieckslehre {f}
trigonotarbids [Trigonotarbida] [extinct] Trigonotarbiden {pl}
trigramTrigramm {n}
trigram Trigram {n}
trigraphTrigraph {m} {n}
trigraphic trigraphisch
trihalomethane <THM> Trihalogenmethan {n} <THM>
trihedral prismTripelprisma {n}
trihedral reflectorTripelspiegel {m}
trihedron Trieder {n}
trihexyphenidyl [C20H31NO]Trihexyphenidyl {n}
triiodide Triiodid {n}
tri-iodinated triiodiert
triiodomethane <TBM>Triiodmethan {n} <TIM>
triiodoneodymium [NdI3]Neodymtriiodid {n}
triiodorhenium [ReI3]Rheniumtriiodid {n}
triiodothyronine Triiodothyronin {n}
triiodothyronine <T3>Trijodthyronin {n} <T3>
triiodothyronine <T3> Triiodthyronin {n} <T3> [fachspr.]
triiodothyronine level Trijodthyroninspiegel {m}
triisocyanate Triisocyanat {n}
trijunction Dreiländereck {n}
Trika [Shaiva sect] Trika {n}
trikalsilite [(K,Na)AlSiO4] Trikalsilit {m}
trike [coll.]Dreirad {n}
trilateral dreiseitig
Trilateral Commission <TC>Trilaterale Kommission {f} <TK>
trilateral meeting Dreiertreffen {n}
trilateral summitDreiergipfel {m}
trilaterationTrilateration {f}
trilbyFilzhut {m}
trilemmaTrilemma {n} [Situation mit drei unerwünschten Optionen]
tri-level structureDreischichtstruktur {f}
trilinear coordinatestrilineare Koordinaten {pl}
tri-lingual dreisprachig
trilingual trilingual [fachspr.] [dreisprachig]
trilingual dictionarydreisprachiges Wörterbuch {n}
trilingual secretary [female]dreisprachige Sekretärin {f}
tri-lingual secretary [female]dreisprachige Sekretärin {f}
trilingual versiondreisprachige Fassung {f}
triliteral triliteral
triliteral [consisting of three letters]aus drei Buchstaben bestehend [attr.]
triliteral [consisting of three letters]dreibuchstabig
triliteral signs [e.g. in Egyptian hieroglyphs]Dreikonsonantenzeichen {pl} [z. B. bei ägyptischen Hieroglyphen]
trilithionite [KLi1.5Al1.5 [F2|Al3SiO10]] Trilithionit {m}
trilithonTrilith {m}
trillTriller {m}
trillVibrant {m}
trill key [wind instruments] Trillerklappe {f} [Holzblasinstrumente]
trilled R / rgerolltes Zungenspitzen-R {n}
trilling trillernd
trilling Geträller {n} [ugs.]
trilling cisticola [Cisticola woosnami] Miombocistensänger {m}
trilling R / r gerolltes Zungenspitzen-R {n}
trilling shrike-babbler [Pteruthius aenobarbus] Rotstirn-Würgertimalie {f}
trillion [Br.] [dated] [long scale: 10^18] Trillion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^18]
trillion <tn> [short scale: 10^12]Billion {f} [lange Leiter: 10^12]
trillions [Br.] [dated]Trillionen {pl}
trillions [multiple tens to the 12th]Billionen {pl}
trillions of ... [coll.] [an indeterminately large number]zigtausend ... [ugs.] [eine gigantische Menge / Anzahl]
trillionthBilliontel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
trillionthBillionstel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
trillium [genus Trillium]Dreizipfellilie {f}
trillium [genus Trillium]Dreiblätterlilie {f}
trillium [genus Trillium] Waldlilie {f}
trillium family {sg} [family Trilliaceae] Einbeerengewächse {pl}
trillium family {sg} [family Trilliaceae] Trilliaceen {pl}
trillium family {sg} [family Trilliaceae] Dreiblattgewächse {pl}
trilliums [family Trilliaceae] Einbeerengewächse {pl}
trilliums [family Trilliaceae]Trilliaceen {pl}
trilliums [family Trilliaceae] Dreiblattgewächse {pl}
trills Triller {pl}
trilobate ceratosoma [Ceratosoma trilobatum, syn.: C. berghi, C. caledonisum, C. corallinum, C. cornigerum, C. gibbosum, C. lixi, Doris trifida, D. trilobata, Polycera cornigera]Langschwanz-Prachtsternschnecke {f}
trilobate ceratosoma [Ceratosoma trilobatum, syn.: C. berghi, C. caledonisum, C. corallinum, C. cornigerum, C. gibbosum, C. lixi, Doris trifida, D. trilobata, Polycera cornigera] Große Hammerschnecke {f}
trilobite [class Trilobita] [extinct] Trilobit {m}
trilobite collectionTrilobitensammlung {f}
trilobite community Trilobitengemeinschaft {f} [auch: Trilobiten-Gemeinschaft]
trilobite family Trilobitenfamilie {f}
trilobite faunaTrilobitenfauna {f} [auch: Trilobiten-Fauna]
trilobite genus Trilobitengattung {f}
trilobite order Trilobitenordnung {f}
trilobite researcher Trilobitenforscher {m}
trilobite species Trilobitenart {f} [auch: Trilobiten-Art]
trilobite zoneTrilobitenzone {f}
trilobite-bearing trilobitenführend
trilogarithmTrilogarithmus {m}
trilogyTrilogie {f}
« trictrictrietriftrigtrigtriltrimTrintriptrip »
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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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